This tag is used on the following pages:
- Abydus
- Acragas (Agrigento)
- Adana
- Aegina
- Afrosiab, seen from Samarkand's observatory
- Agrigento: sights
- Ai Khanum
- Ai Khanum, city
- Ai Khanum, Map
- Ailana (Akaba)
- Alexander's City Foundations
- Alexandria
- Alexandria Eschate
- Alexandria in Arachosia (Kandahar)
- Alexandria in Aria (Herat)
- Alexandria in Margiana
- Alexandria in the Caucasus (Begram)
- Alexandria in Troas
- Alexandria near Issus
- Alexandria on the Acesines
- Alexandrupolis
- Amasia
- Amathus
- Amida
- Amida and the Tigris, seen from the south
- Ammon (Siwa)
- Amphipolis (Ennea Hodoi)
- Amphipolis, Panorama
- Ancyra (Ankara)
- Anemurium (Anamur)
- Anemurium, General view
- Anšan (Tell Malyan)
- Antandrus (Altınoluk)
- Antandrus, coast
- Antandrus, seen from Assos
- Antioch (Antakya)
- Antioch on the Peutinger Map
- Antioch, view with Mount Sipylus
- Apamea
- Aphrodisias
- Apollonia
- Apollonia - photos
- Apollonia, Map
- Aquileia
- Aquincum
- Arausio (Orange)
- Arbela (Erbil)
- Arelate (Arles)
- Argentoratum (Strasbourg)
- Argos
- Artaxata
- Artaxata, Store rooms (2)
- Arykanda
- Aspendus
- Assos and Lesbos
- Aššur
- Athens
- Athens - Photos
- Atuatuca (Tongeren)
- Augusta Emerita
- Augusta Emerita (photos)
- Augusta Merita, Model of the ancient city
- Augusta Traiana (Stara Zagora)
- Augusta Treverorum (Trier)
- Augusta Vindelicum (Augsburg)
- Babylon
- Bagacum (Bavay)
- Berytus (2)
- Berytus (Beirut)
- Bhir Mound with trees
- Bhir Mound, excavation (1)
- Bhir Mound, excavation (2)
- Bhir Mound, general view (1)
- Bhir Mound, water conduit
- Bishapur
- Bishapur, Aerial view
- Bishapur, city
- Bishapur, Unexcavated living quarters
- Bulla Regia
- Buthrotum (Butrint)
- Buthrotum (Butrint) (2)
- Buthrotum, Acropolis, site of the original Greek settlement
- Byblos
- Byblos - Photos
- Byzantine Capital
- Byzantium, Acropolis
- Caere (Cerveteri)
- Caesarea Maritima
- Caesarea-Mazaca (Kayseri)
- Capua
- Carmo (Carmona)
- Carnuntum (Petronell)
- Carnuntum, Civil City, Model
- Carthage
- Carthage - Photos
- Carthago Nova (Cartagena)
- Cassel
- Castellum Menapiorum (Cassel)
- Charax
- Charax
- Charsadda (2)
- Charsadda (3)
- Charsadda (4)
- Churchill's Picket
- Cirta
- Clupea
- Clusium (Chiusi)
- Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (Köln)
- Constantinople (İstanbul)
- Constantinople - photos
- Corduba (Córdoba)
- Corinth
- Ctesiphon
- Cumae
- Cyrene
- Cyrrhus
- Cyzicus
- Damascus
- Dascylium (Ergili)
- Dascylium, Acropolis
- De Bruijn, Alexandria
- De Bruijn, Constantinople
- De Bruijn, Palmyra
- De Bruijn, Smyrna
- Decapolis
- Dur-Šarrukin (Khorsabad)
- Dura Europos
- Durocortorum (Reims)
- Durostorum (Silistra)
- Ecbatana (2)
- Ecbatana (Hamadan)
- Edessa (Şanlı Urfa)
- Emporiae (Ampurias)
- Emporiae (photos)
- Emporiae, Neapolis (1)
- Emporiae, Neapolis (2)
- Ephesus
- Ephesus, Model
- Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Personification of Harran
- Erebuni
- Eretria
- Firuzabad, City, General view
- Forum Hadriani (Voorburg)
- Gabae (Isfahan)
- Gabae, Hill (1)
- Gabae, Hill (2)
- Gadara (Umm Qays)
- Gerasa (Jerash)
- Gerasa, Mosaic of Alexandria
- Gla
- Gordium
- Hadrumetum
- Haft Tepe
- Haft Tepe, General view
- Halicarnassus (Bodrum)
- Halos
- Halos, General view of the Hellenistic city
- Hamadan, Parthian quarter
- Harran
- Harran on the Arch of Septimius Severus
- Hatra
- Hatra, seen from the air
- Hattusa (Boğazkale)
- Hecatompylos (Šahr-e Qumis)
- Hecatompylos, Hill 1 (1)
- Hecatompylos, Hill 1 (2)
- Hecatompylos, Hill 2
- Hecatompylos, Hill 3
- Hecatompylos, Square building
- Hippo Regius
- Hippo Regius, Seaward Villas, Mosaic of the Northern Harbor of Hippo
- Hippodamian Plan
- Icosium (Algiers)
- Insula
- Iol Caesarea
- Issus (Kinet Höyük)
- Istahkr, General view
- Isturgi (Andújar)
- Italica
- Italica, archaeological zone
- Italica, museum pieces
- Iwan-e Karkheh
- Iwan-e Karkheh, General view of the city, looking to the southwestern wall
- Jericho
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem in c. 70 CE (Model)
- Kalhu (Nimrud)
- Kandahar
- Kaneš (Kültepe)
- Karchemish
- Kaunos
- Kition
- Kourion
- Late Roman Capital
- Lepcis Magna
- Lepcis Magna 4
- Lepcis Magna: Photos
- Lepcis Magna: Texts
- Lingones
- Lugdunum (Lyon)
- Lutetia (Paris)
- Lutetia, Model of the Roman city, seen from the south
- Mactaris
- Madauros, Panorama
- Magnesia on the Meander
- Map of Amphipolis and Eïon
- Map of Babylon
- Map of Babylon in the Hellenistic Age
- Map of Buthrotum and Lake Palodes
- Map of Carthage
- Map of Firuzabad
- Map of Gordium
- Map of Halicarnassus
- Map of Halos
- Map of Lilybaeum
- Map of Miletus and its neighbors
- Map of Mogontiacum
- Map of Motya
- Map of Myra
- Map of Nijmegen in the first century
- Map of Nijmegen in the second century
- Map of Nijmegen in the third century
- Map of Susa
- Map of Syracuse
- Map of Taxila
- Map of the settlements of Emporion
- Map of the siege of Thebes
- Map of Vindobona (Vienna)
- Map of Xanten
- Maracanda
- Masjid-e Solaiman
- Massaga (Chakdara)
- Mediolanum (Milan)
- Mediolanum, Model
- Megara
- Megiddo
- Memphis
- Miletus
- Miletus (2)
- Model of Archaic Rome
- Mogontiacum (Mainz)
- Mogontiacum (Mainz) (photos)
- Multan
- Myra (Demre)
- Narbo (Narbonne) - photos
- Narbo Martius (Narbonne)
- Narbonne - museum pieces
- Nautaca
- Nemausus (Nîmes)
- Nemausus, Model of the city
- New Paphos
- Nicaea (İznik)
- Nicomedia (İzmit)
- Nijmegen, Noviomagus
- Nijmegen, photos
- Nijmegen, Settlements
- Nineveh (Mosul)
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Relief of Arbela
- Nippur
- Nisibis (Nusaybin)
- Noviomagus (Nijmegen)
- Noviomagus (Nijmegen) - Maps
- Nysa
- Olba-Diocaesarea
- Olynthus
- Olynthus, General view
- One of the hills of Artaxata
- Opis
- Ostia
- Palmyra
- Palmyra (2)
- Palmyra (3)
- Palmyra (4)
- Palmyra (5)
- Paphos
- Paphos - Photos
- Patara
- Pella
- Pella (photos)
- Pergamon
- Pergamon (2)
- Pergamon (3)
- Pergamon, Model of the citadel (Roman age)
- Perge
- Perinthus (Marmara Ereğlisi)
- Persepolis
- Persepolis photos
- Petra
- Petra, Inner City, General View
- Peucelaotis (Charsadda)
- Pharsalus
- Philadelphia (Amman)
- Philippi
- Philippopolis (Plovdiv)
- Phocaea
- Piraeus
- Polis
- Pompeii
- Pompeii, Model
- Priene
- Priene - Photos
- Priene, view from the west
- Ptolemais (Tolmeitha)
- Pydna
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.01.c (Theodorias)
- Ravenna
- Reims, Model
- Rhagae
- Rhion and Antirhion
- Rhodes
- Rhodiapolis
- Roman Byzantium
- Roman Carthage
- Roman Corinth
- Rome - photos
- Sabratha
- Saguntum, Citadel
- Sais
- Salamis (Cyprus)
- Sam'al (Zincirli)
- Samaria
- Samaria hill
- Samos
- Sardes
- Sardes - Photos
- Sarmizegetusa
- Sarmizegetusa Regia, General view
- Scythopolis (Beth Shean)
- Segesta
- Segovia
- Seleucia in Pieria
- Seleucia in Pieria - Photos
- Seleucia on the Euphrates
- Seleucia on the Tigris
- Sentinum
- Sepphoris
- Serdica (Sofia)
- Shushtar
- Sicyon
- Side
- Sidon
- Sidon (2)
- Sidon (3)
- Sillyum
- Sillyum (Nebiler)
- Singidunum (Belgrade)
- Sippar
- Sirkap, general view
- Sirkap, levels
- Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica)
- Sitifis
- Smyrna (İzmir)
- Sources
- Spalatum (Split)
- Sparta
- Stratonicea
- Sufetula
- Susa
- Susa photos
- Susia (Tus)
- Sutrium (Sutri)
- Syracuse
- Syracuse (06)
- Tarentum
- Tarraco (Tarragona)
- Tarsus
- Taucheira - Photos
- Taucheira/Arsinoe (Tocra)
- Taxila
- Taxila - Photos
- Taxila, Bhir
- Taxila, Sirkap
- Taxila, Sirkap's sanctuaries
- Taxila, Sirsukh
- Tell Malyan, Dig
- Tell Malyan, Surface
- Tell Malyan, View from the east
- Tell Malyan, View from the west
- Telmessus (Fethiye)
- Tepe Hesar
- Tepe Hesar, View
- Thamugadi (Timgad)
- The hills of Artaxata
- The steep slopes of Artaxata
- Thebes (Egypt)
- Thebes (Greece)
- Thera
- Thessaloniki
- Thuburbo Maius
- Thubursicum Numidarum
- Thugga
- Thysdrus
- Tiberias
- Tipasa
- Tolosa (Toulouse)
- Tolosa photos
- Topraq Qala
- Trapezus
- Trier (photos)
- Troy
- Troy (2)
- Troy (3)
- Troy (4)
- Troy II and VI, Model
- Troy, from the north ("steep")
- Troy, section
- Tunes
- Turnacum (Tournai)
- Tušpa (Van)
- Tyana (Kemerhisar)
- Tyre
- Tyre (3)
- Tyre, City, Baedeker map
- Ugarit (Ras Shamra)
- Ur
- Uruk
- Uthina
- Utica
- Vasio (Vaison-la-Romaine)
- Veii
- Vienna (Vienne)
- Vindobona (Vienna)
- Volubilis
- Voorburg, Model of a street
- Waldgirmes
- Xanten: CUT
- Xanthus (Kınık)
- Xanthus - Photos
- Xantus, River and acropolis
- Yazd
- Yazılıkaya (Midas City)
- Zancle (Messina)
- Zela
- Zeugma (Belkis)
- Zinchecra
- Zone
- Zosimus, New History 2.35