This tag is used on the following pages:
- Andesina, Amphitheater
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Arena
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Cages
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Exit (1)
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Exit (2)
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Exit (3)
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Outside, Arches
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Outside, Wall
- Andesina, Amphitheater, West Entrance
- Aquincum, Military amphitheater
- Arelate, Amphitheater
- Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater
- Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, arena (1)
- Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, arena (2)
- Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, entrance
- Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, seats
- Burnum, Amphitheater (1)
- Burnum, Amphitheater (2)
- Carmo (Carmona) Amphitheater
- Carmona, Amphitheater
- Carnuntum, Civil Amphitheater (1)
- Carnuntum, Military Amphitheater (1)
- Emporiae, Roman town, amphitheater
- Italica, Amphitheater
- Italica, Amphitheater, Arena (1)
- Italica, Amphitheater, Arena (2)
- Italica, Amphitheater, Entrance (1)
- Italica, Amphitheater, Entrance (2)
- Italica, Amphitheater, Seats
- Lambaesis, Amphitheater
- Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater
- Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, arena
- Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, entrance
- Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, model
- Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, seats
- Lutetia, Amphitheater
- Mactaris, Amphitheater
- Nemausus, Amphitheater
- Nemausus, Amphitheater, Arch
- Nemausus, Amphitheater, Entrance
- Nijmegen amphitheater
- Pompeii, Amphitheater (1)
- Rome, Amphitheatrum Flavium
- Rome, Amphitheatrum Flavium ("Colosseum") at night
- Rome, Forma Urbis, Ludus Maximus
- Rome, Ludus Magnus
- Rome, Ludus Maximus, Arena
- Rome, Ludus Maximus, Cells
- Rome, Ludus Maximus, Model
- Salona, Amphitheater
- Stara Zagora, Nymphaeum
- Sutrium, Amphitheater
- Syracuse, Amphitheater
- Syracuse, Amphitheater (1)
- Syracuse, Amphitheater (2)
- Syracuse, Amphitheater (3)
- Syracuse, Amphitheater (4)
- Syracuse, Amphitheater (5)
- Syracuse, Amphitheater (6)
- Thysdrus, Amphitheater, Arena
- Thysdrus, Amphitheater, Corridor
- Thysdrus, Amphitheater, Underground corridor
- Thysdrus, Amphitheater, View from the outside
- Tipasa, Amphitheater
- Toulouse-Purpan, Amphitheater
- Toulouse-Purpan, Amphitheater
- Trier, Amphitheater
- Trier, Amphitheater, Arena
- Trier, Amphitheater, Model
- Trier, Amphitheater, Southern entrance
- Trier, Amphitheater, Western entrance
- Uthina, Amphitheater