Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions: collection of Old Persian cuneiform texts from the sixth, fifth, and fourth centuries BCE, left by the Achaemenid kings on their official monuments.
DSm, inscription on glazed bricks from Susa
Incomplete inscription in Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian, written on glazed bricks that belonged to a relief.
- adam \ Dârayavauš \ XŠ \ vazraka \ XŠ \ XŠyânam \
- XŠ \ DHnâm \ Vištâspahyâ \ puça \ Haxâmanisiya \
- thâtiy \ Dârayavauš \ XŠ \ AMmaiy \ xšaçam \ frâbara \
- tya \ vazrakam \ tya \ umartiyam \ mâm \ xšâyathiyam \
- ahyâyâ \ bûmiyâ \ akunauš \ vašnâ \ AMhâ \ imâ \ dah
- yâva \ tyaišâm \ adam \ xšâyathiya \ abavam \ Pârsa \
- Uja \ Bâbiruš \ Athurâ \ Arabâya \ Mudrâya \ Sparda \
- Yauna \ Mâda \ Armina \ Katpatuka \ Parthava \ Zraka \
- Haraiva \ Uvârazmiš \ Bâxtriš \ Suguda \ Gadâra \
- Thataguš \ Harauvatiš \ Hiduš \ Skudra \ Yaunâ \ taka
- barâ \ ...
Relief with inscription DSm I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, king of all nations, the son of Hystaspes, the Achaemenid.
King Darius says: Ahuramazda gave me this great kingdom, so full of men; he made me king in this earth.
By the grace of Ahuramazda these are the countries of which I became king: Persia, Elam, Babylonia, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Lydia, Greece, Media, Armenia, Cappadocia, Parthia, Drangiana, Aria, Chorasmia, Bactria, Sogdia, Gandara, Sattagydia, Arachosia, Sind, Thrace, Macedonia [remainder lost]
- Pierre Lecoq, Les inscriptions de la Perse achéménide (1997 Paris)