Furnos Minus, Christian funerary mosaic
 Christian tombstone from Carthage (EDCS-17701003)
 Carthage, Woman with a Cornucopia
 Carthage, Dedication to Tanit
 Carthage, Funerary stele with elephant
 Carthage, Incense burner
 Carthage, Head of a bearded man
 Carthage, Mosaic of a dancer
 Carthage, Mosaic of three musicians (copy)
 Carthage, Nilotic Mosaic
 Carthage. Punic-Libyan bilingue
 Carthage, Punic stele
 Carthage. Punic stele
 Carthage, Punic stele
 Carthage, A Roman sacrificer preparing to kill an animal
 Carthage, Saturn with the attributes of Baal-Hammon
 Carthage, Slingstone from the siege of 146 BCE
 Carthage, Ivory sphinx, made in Phoenicia
 Carthage, Tombstone
 Carthage, Tombstone of Batba'al
 Carthaginian coin from the First Punic War: the Carthaginian goddess Tanit and the Greek mythological creature Pegasus
 Carthagie, Woman's mask (Demeter or Medusa)