Vechten, Amphora from Baetica
Vechten, Amphora from Rhodes
Vechten, Bodkin
Vechten, Wine barrel from Caligula's private estate
Vechten, Combs
Vechten, Dagger and scabbard
Vechten, Dagger
Vechten, Dedication by Antistius Adventus
Vechten, Dedication by Antistius Adventus (with text)
Vechten, Dedication by G. Julius Bio (cast)
Vechten, Dedication to Minerva
Vechten, Dice
Vechten, Face mask of a helmet
Vechten, Fibula
Vechten, Fledimella inscription
Vechten, Fragment of an inscription
Fectio, General view
Vechten, Head of Serapis
Vechten, Helmet decorated with a bird of prey
Vechten, Helmet decorated with a bird of prey (detail)
Vechten, Helmet decorated with a snake
Vechten, Inscription of I Minervia and XXX Ulpia
Vechten, Figurine of two lovers
Vechten, Perfume bottles
Fectio, Reconstruction of the southern gate
Vechten, Reconstruction of a Roman watchtower
Vechten, Samian ware
Vechten, Samian ware with erotic scene
Vechten, Samian ware with graffito of a ship (PUG collection)
Vechten, Ancient fountain pen (PUG collection)
Vechten, Tombstone of Valens