Qasr el-Azraq, Dedication of a building (age of Constantine)
Description | Qasr el-Azraq, Dedication of a building (age of Constantine) |
Details |
[Salvo] Constantino maxi-
[mo victo]re ac triumfatore se-
[mp(er) Aug(usto) e]t Constantino et
[Consta]ntio nn(o)bb(ilissimus) Caess(aribus)
[... in]curia vetustate
[castel]um ruina conlapsam
[... i]ussit Fl. Severinus. |
For the health of Constantine the Gre-
at, victor and triumphator, al-
ways emperor, and Constantine and
Constantius, the noble caesares.
The reconstruction of this
fort, collapsed by old age,
was ordered by Flavius Severinus.
Date | 324 CE–333 CE |
Inscriptionnr | EDCS-09401223 |
Creator | Jona Lendering |
Licence | CC0 1.0 Universal |
Linked | Basienis (Qasr el-Azraq) |
Categories | Roman Empire |
Tags | Inscription |
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