Augustus: first emperor of the Roman world (27 BCE - 14 CE).
23 September 63 BCE: Gaius OctaviusPortrait of Augustus as pontifex maximus - 8 May 44: Gaius Julius Caesar
- November 40: Imperator Caesar Divi filius
- 2 September 31 BCE: sole ruler
- 16 January 27: Imperator Caesar Divi filius Augustus
- 19 August 14 CE: natural death
Historians sometimes call him Octavian, a title he never used.
- father: Gaius Octavius
- mother: Atia
- married to:
- Clodia (stepdaughter of Mark Antony)
- Scribonia
- Daughter: Julia
- Livia
63 Born in RomePosthumous coin of Augustus - 60 Octavius' father Gaius Octavius becomes praetor
- 59 Death of Octavius Senior; Octavius Junior is educated by his stepfather Lucius Marcius Philippus
- 49 His uncle Julius Caesar launches the Second Civil War
- 48 Elected as pontifex
- 47 Prefect of the Latin Games
- 46 In Africa
- 45 To Spain; return; to Illyricum (Apollonia)
- 44 adopted by Julius Caesar
The road to power
- 43 Battle of Mutina
- 43 Consul suffectus (with Quintus Pedius)
- 43 Second Triumvirate; marriage to Clodia
- 42 Philippi (battle)
- 41: End of marriage to Clodia
- 41/40 Siege of Perugia
- 40 Treaty of Brundisium
- 40 Mark Antony marries Octavia; Herod the Great king
- 40/39: Octavian marries Scribonia
- 39 Treaty of Misenum
- 39 birth of Julia; end of marriage to Scribonia
- 38 Octavian marries Livia (two stepsons: Drusus, Tiberius)
- 36 Defeat of Sextus Pompeius
- 35/34 Dalmatian War
- 33 Consul II (with Lucius Volcacius Tullus)
- 32 Mark Antony divorces Octavia
- 31 Consul III; naval battle of Actium (with Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus)
- 30 Consul IV (with Marcus Licinius Crassus); suicide of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII Philopator; annexation of Egypt
Sole ruler
29 Consul V (with Sextus Appuleius); triumph; Gates of Janus closedGeneral view of the Mausoleum of Augustus - 28 Consul VI (with Marcus Agrippa II); purge of the Senate
- 27 Consul VII (with Marcus Agrippa III); restores the republic; accepts the title of Augustus (more...)
- 26 Consul VIII (with Titus Statilius Taurus): war in Spain
- 25 Consul IX (with Marcus Junius Silanus): war in Spain; annexation of Galatia; expedition to Arabia Felix; Ethiopian war; Gates of Janus closed
- 24 Consul X (with Gaius Norbanus Flaccus)
- 23 Consul XI (with Aulus Terentius Varro Murena); tribunicia potestas; Agrippa receives proconsular powers
- 23 Death of Marcellus; Nubians attack Egypt
- 22 Voyage to the east; punitive raid against Nubia
- 21 idem; Agrippa marries Julia
- 20 Negotiations between Tiberius and the Parthian king Phraates IV; the Parthians surrender Roman military standards
- 19 Return from the east; proconsular powers renewed
- 18 Second purge of the Senate; proconsular powers of Agrippa renewed
- 17 Secular games; Gaius Caesar and Lucius Caesar adopted; Lollius defeated
- 16 Voyage to Gaul; annexation of Noricum
- 15 Annexation of Raetia (commemorated, ten years later, by the monument of La Turbie)
- 13 proconsular powers of Agrippa renewed
- 12 Augustus becomes pontifex maximus; death of Agrippa; Drusus in Germania Inferior; Tiberius in Pannonia
- 11 Third purge of the Senate; Tiberius marries Julia; death of Augustus' sister Octavia
- 9 Death of Drusus
- 8 Death of Maecenas; census; Tiberius in Germania Inferior
- 6 Tiberius received tribunicia potestas; in voluntary exile
- 5 Consul XII (with Lucius Cornelius Sulla); Gaius Caesar princeps iuventutis
- 4 Death of king Herod; Quinctilius Varus in Judaea
- 2 Consul XIII (with Marcus Plautius Silvanus); pater patriae; Julia exiled
1 BCE Gaius Caesar to the EastHaltern, gold coin of Augustus - 1 CE Gaius Caesar consul
- 2 Death of Lucius Caesar; return of Tiberius
- 4 Death of Gaius Caesar; Tiberius adopted; fourth purge of the Senate; Lex Aelia Sentia
- 5 Tiberius in Germania
- 6 Herod Archelaus dethroned; annexation of Judaea by Quirinius
- 6-9 Pannonian revolt
- 9 Disaster in the Teutoburg Forest
- 13 Senate restrics the Vigintisexviri to equestrian order; Tiberius triumphant
- 14 Death of Augustus; publication of the Res Gestae
New legions
V Macedonica; VI Victrix; X Fretensis; XV Apollinaris; XVI Gallica; XVII; XVIII; XIX; XX Valeria Victrix; XXI Rapax; XXII Deiotariana.
Buildings (in Rome)
Forum Augusti with temple of Mars Ultor, many buildings on the Forum Romanum (temple of Caesar, arch of Augustus, Curia Julia, Basilica Julia, Basilica Aemilia), Porticus of Livia, Macellum Liviae, Porticus of Octavia, Theater of Marcellus, Theater and Crypta of Balbus, Mausoleum of Augustus, Aqua Marcia, Aqua Virgo, Aqua Julia, Aqua Alsietina, Baths of Agrippa, Horologium Augusti, Ara Pacis, Basilica of Neptune
Buildings (outside Rome)
Temple of Augustus (Ankara); Trophee at La Turbie
Contemporary events
- 40 Virgil's Fourth Eclogue
- 37 Varro's De re rustica
- 34 Death of the historian Sallust
- 33 Death of Bochus II of Mauretania
- 31 King Herod completes the building of Masada
- 27 Death of Varro
- 25 Augustus makes Juba king of Mauretania
- 24 First publication of Strabo' Geography
- 23 Horace's Odes; Vitruvius' De Architectura
- 20 King Herod's starts to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem
- 19 Death of Virgil; death of Tibullus
- 15 Death of Lucius Munatius Plancus
- 13 Dedication of the Theater of Marcellus; Drusus founds Mainz
- 12 Death of Propertius
- 10 Herod builds Caesarea
- 9 Ara Pacis inaugurated
- 8 Death of Horace; death of Maecenas
- 4 BCE Death of king Herod; birth of Jesus of Nazareth (?)
- 5 CE Death of Gaius Asinius Pollio
- 8 Ovid exiled; death of Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus
- 11 Death of Marcus Antistius Labeo
Succeeded by: Tiberius