I think that one of the problems with modern museums is that they try to evoke some kind of mysterious atmosphere: in poorly-lit rooms, you can see only a couple of objects lying there, beautifully spotlighted, just looking mysterious. The illumination allows you to look at it from one point of view, but not from other angles. Photography is almost impossible. In other words, you cannot study the objects.
I get the impression that museums are now leaving this cul-de-sac, and return to decent displays. The Archaeological Museum of Tehran has never succumbed to ill-directed aestheticism, and this makes it, easily, one of the better museums dedicated to ancient culture.
This does not mean that there are no beautiful objects. The first part, dedicated to the Neolithicum and Bronze Ages, culminates in the pottery from Susa, which is just splendid. Recently, this part has been redesigned; several objects from the important excavations at Jiroft have been inserted, to name but one change.
The museum has a treasury that contains precious objects, made of silver and gold, but it is often closed. Asking for permission to get there is futile. In this aspect, the Tehran Museum suffers from the same error as western museums: it creates obstacles for students. I think this is inexcusable. There is simply no reason why a museum should hide its entire collection from people who have made an effort to get there.
This being said, the Tehran museum is really something special. Next to it is the museum of Islamic Art, which has not been open for quite some time; I remember that I liked it very much. Around the corner you will find the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, situated in a building that is inspired by the Persepolis Apadana; and around another corner, you will find a charming museum dedicated to fine art made of glass. If you have only one day in Tehran, spend it in this part of the city.
This museum was visited in 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
 Head of a bronze statue of a Parthian prince, found at Shami, Khuzestan
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Darius' flower
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject slng (OP. Zranka = Drangiana)
 Tepe Hisar, Late Bronze Age phial
 Hamadan, Achaemenid cup with relief of a winged lion
 Hamadan, Achaemenid rhyton
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, Base with sema-tawy (front)
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, Belt with akinakes
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject hlhdy (OP. Gandâra = Gandara)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject t3 tjmhw (OE. Tjemehu = Cyrenaica)
 Hamadan, Achaemenid statuette of a bull
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject 3Sw3l (Assyria)
 Bahram IV
 Persepolis, Tripylon, Staircase
 Susa, Inscription A2Sd
 Hamadan, Sasanian dish
 Susa, Inscription DSy
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject sk3tl3 (OP. Skudra = Thrace)
 Susa, Stone fish
 Persepolis, Inscription XPh ("Daiva inscription")
 Susa, Relief of Artabanus IV
 Choga Zanbil, Inner Court, Statue of a cow
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief (Proskynesis scene)
 Persepolis, Treasury, Weight DWc
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject m'dy (OP. Mâda = Media)
 Tepe sialk, Jar from the fourth millennium BCE, decorated with ibexes
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Weapon carrier
 Persepolis, Portrait of an Achaemenid woman or beardless prince
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Darius' stool
 Persepolis, Palace of Darius, Doorknob with inscription DPi
 Susa, Hellenistic portrait of a Muse
 Yazdgard II
 Susa, Inscription A2Sd
 Tepe Sialk, Cup from the fourth millennium decorated with a human figure
 Bahram V
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Great Magian
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Weapon carrier, Akinakes
 Susa, Sassanian portrait
 Tepe Hesar, Figurine
 Ardashir II (Hormizd I), coin
 Choga Zanbil, Ziggurat, Doorknob (Tehran)
 Choga Zanbil, Ziggurat, Inner gate, Lock with Inscription
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject skdy (OP. Sugda = Sogdia)
 Susa, Inscription A2Sb
 Hamadan, Achaemenid torque
 Tepe Sialk, Cup from the first millennium
 Persepolis, Apadana, Dog's head
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject ch3rs3m' (OP. Uvârazmîy = Chorasmia)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject b3b3l (Babylonia)
 hndw3y (OP. Hinduš = India)
 Yazdgard I
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Darius' name as cartouche: drjwS
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject '3ylm "Chiefs of Irem" (Elam)
 Bishapur, Palace, Mosaic of a lady with flowers
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Incense burners
 Iranian Azerbaijan, Disk with a deity with two wild animals
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject pls (OP. Parsa = Persis)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject t3 nhsy (Kush)
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, Base with sema-tawy (rear)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject kmt (OE. Kemet = Egypt)
 Persepolis, Palace of Darius, Relief of a sphinx
 Hellenistic portrait of a queen
 Peroz I
 Susa, Handle of a Parthian coffin
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, left-hand side of the base
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject pltiiw3 (OP. Parthava = Parthia)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject m'g (Maka)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject 3lm'yn3 (OP. Armina = Armenia)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject s3htjl (OP. Bâkhtriš = Bactria)
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Guards
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject sg?shkš (OP Sâka = Scythians)
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Darius
 Achaemenid nobleman
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Darius on his throne
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject spltj3 (OP. Sparda = Lydia)
 Grey ware from Khurvin
 Persepolis, Queen's Quarters, Inscription XPf, Babylonian text
 Sari, Sasanian plate
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject hlw3 (OP. Haraiva = Aria)
 Royal Warrior
 Persepolis, Hall of 32 Columns, Plaque
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Pharnaces
 Amulet of Bes from Iran
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject gdpdk3y (OP. Katpatuka = Cappadocia)
 Persepolis, Treasury, Statue of Penelope
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject sdgw3? (OP. Thataguš = Sattagydia)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, once erected in Egypt, but later brought to Susa.
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Guard, Weight
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Guard, "Apple"
 Tepe Sialk, Early first millennium beak pot (2)
 Damghan, Sasanian relief
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Prince
 Persepolis, Tripylon, Lamassu capital
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject Hgr (Hegra, i.e., Arabia)
 Iranian Azerbaijan, Stone weight
 Persepolis, Queen's Quarters, Inscription XPf, Persian text (Tehran copy)
 Susa, Inscription A2Sb
 Persepolis, Apadana, Inscription XPg