Small museum with interesting finds from Roman Novaesium (Neuss).
This museum was visited in 2009.
14 pictures related to this museum
Neuss, Terra nigra with a fir tree
Neuss, Tombstone of Tib. Julius Pancuius
Neuss, Tombstone of Oclatius Carvus from Tongeren
Neuss, Moneybox
Neuss, Amphora handle
Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Vase with two lovers
Neuss, Tile of XVI Gallica
Neuss, Merovingian fibula
Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Hypocaust tile decorated with a horse
Neuss, Tile of VI Victrix
Neuss-Grimlinghausen, Ring
Neuss, Tile from a hypocaust with paws of a badger
Neuss, Samian ware from Arezzo
Neuss, Tile with inscription "classis"