Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater
Interesting exhibition of objects, found when the sanctuary of Isis and Magna Mater was excavated.
This museum was visited in 2005, 2008.
11 pictures related to this museum
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater
Mainz, Stamp of XIIII Gemina
Mainz, Stamp of I Adiutrix
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Pygmee
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Figurine of a soldier
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Figurine of two lovers
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Dedication for the health of the emperors
Mainz, Stamp of IIII Macedonica
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Harpocrates
Stamp of XXII Primigenia
Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Anubis