One of the largest museums in the world, with collections of Greek, Roman, British, Egyptian, Iranian, and Mesopotamian archaeology.
This museum was visited in 2005.
 BCHP 17 Judicial Chronicle (BM 47737), Upper Edge 34-35
 Coin of Seleucus Nicator.
 Coin of Agrippa
 BCHP 13 Politai Chronicle (BM 46120), Obverse
 Ephesus, temple of Artemis, Capital
 Antiochus Cylinder (Drawing by Pinches)
 BCHP 03 Diadochi Chronicle (BM 36313+34660), Obverse
 Nimrud, Temple of Ninurta, Aššurnasirpal II
 BCHP 18A Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35229), Top
 BCHP 12 Seleucus III Chronicle (BM 35421), Obverse
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Symposium scene
 Germanicus returns with the recovered legionary standard (coin by his son Caligula)
 Mask of a German
 Ptolemy III Euergetes
 Ephesus, Tomb of Marcus Calpurnius Rufus, Roman fasces
 Rhodes, Relief of a soldier (archaizing)
 BCHP 18A Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35229), Complete
 Lincoln, Tombstone of Gaius Saufeius
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Lachish Room: Senacherib
 Harran, Relief of Nabonidus
 Samaria ivories
 Ptolemy IV Philopator
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Ptolemy II Philadelphus wearing an elephant's scalp
 BCHP 05: Antiochus and Sin Chronicle (RM 757), Obverse
 Coin of Mazaeus with bull and lion
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 BCHP 18B Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189), Central part
 Babylon, The East India House Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar II
 Veii, Head of Aplu
 A lion and an anchor on a Babylonian coin of Seleucus
 Nineveh, Funerary mask, Parthian age
 Chester, Antefix with the badge of XX Valeria Victrix, a boar
 Diploma from Malpas (reverse)
 Antiochus Cylinder
 Antiochus Cylinder
 Ur, Royal Tombs, Standard
 BCHP 06 Ruin Esagila (BM32248), Obverse
 Lucius Clodius Macer
 BCHP 1: Alexander Chronicle, obverse
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Relief of a satrap receiving visitors
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Lachish relief (drawing)
 Halicarnassus, Mosaic of the city goddess
 Antiochus Cylinder
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy: Achilles kills Penthesileia
 Alexandria, Inscription of II Traiana Fortis
 Bactrian imitation of an Athenian drachm
 Tablet with limmu-names
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids
 BCHP 20 Euphrates Chronicle (BM 35031), Obverse
 Portrait of Marcellus on a coin minted by one of his descendants
 ABC 7 Nabonidus Chronicle, Obverse
 BCHP 04 Alexander Arses (BM 36613)
 Xanthus, Agora, Harpy tomb, Relief of the harpies and a warrior
 Drawing of the seal of king Darius the Great
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Rome, Via Latina, Villa of Murena, Portrait of Aratus of Sicyon
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 Palmyra, Šadrafa
 Actium, Prow from a ship, found near Actium
 Alexander the Great
 Babylonian King List of the Hellenistic Period (BM35603), reverse
 Babylon, Brick of Nebuchadnezzar II
 The seal of king Darius the Great
 Coin of Caesar, showing a Gallic captive
 BCHP 16 Document on land and tithes (BM 33020+330208), Reverse
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias, Inscription mentioning Julia, daughter of the emperor Titus
 A mounted archer
 Nimrud, Black obelisk of Šalmaneser III: tribute of king Jehu of Israel
 Antiochus Cylinder
 BCHP 18B Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189), Top left
 BCHP 14 Greek Community (BM 33870), Obverse
 Ptolemy II Philadelphus and Arsinoe II
 Coin of King Herod the Great
 The Flood Tablet
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, portrait of a man believed to be Maussolus
 Tablet with a list of eclipses between 518 and 465, mentioning the death of king Xerxes
 Halicarnassus, Mosaic of Phobos
 Astronomical Diary mentioning the battle of Gaugamela
 BCHP 09 End of Seleucus Chronicle (BM 32957), Reverse
 BCHP 18B Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189), Lower edge
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Toilet seat
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Relief of soldiers
 Artabanus II
 Ram sphinx of Taharqo
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, East Pediment, Horse of Selene
 Coin of Tigranes II the Great of Armenia.
 BCHP 11 Ptolemy III Chronicle (BM 34428), Obverse
 Leiden-Matilo, Inscription by a unit of scouts, with a damnatio memoriae
 Arsinoe II
 BCHP 11 Ptolemy III Chronicle (BM 34428), Reverse
 Priene, Portrait of Julius Caesar
 Bust of Ulpia Marciana
 Gaius Caesar
 Idalion, Melqart
 Cyrene, Temple of Aphrodite, Relief of the nymph killing a lion
 Lepidus as triumvir
 Nimrud, Relief of Tiglath-Pileser III
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Frieze, Peplos
 ABC 4: The Late Nabopolassar Chronicle
 Hermopolis, Obelisk of Nectanebo II
 Alexandria, Relief of the Apotheosis of Homer, Middle tier, Muses
 Arsaces I
 Astronomical text mentioning the comet of Halley
 Satala, Head of the goddess Anahita, shown as Aphrodite
 BCHP 08 Juniper Garden Chronicle (BM 32266), Reverse
 Cameo of Julia Domna as Luna
 BCHP 05: Antiochus and Sin Chronicle (RM 757), Reverse
 BCHP 01 Alexander Chronicle, reverse
 Nimrud, Relief of the god Aššur
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Lachish Room: Siege of Lachish
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Statues of a woman and believed to be Artemisia and Maussolus
 BCHP 18C Astronomical Diary concerning Bagayasha (BM 48888)
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, West Pediment, Illisos
 Susa, Inscription DSe
 Kurkh, Stela of Šalmaneser III
 BCHP 09 End of Seleucus Chronicle (BM 32235), Reverse
 Coin of Philip
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Lachish Room: Surrender
 Hamadan, Achaemenid inscription A2Ha
 Babylonian King List of the Hellenistic Period (BM35603), upper edge
 Coin of Pontius Pilate
 Crossing a river on a raft made of animal skins. Assyrian relief from Nineveh.
 Ephesus, Coin with the Temple of Artemis
 Macedonian cavalry attacking an Indian elephant
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias, "King Alexander dedicated this temple to Athena Polias"
 BCHP 07 Antiochus, Bactria, and India Chronicle (BM 32398), Obverse
 Alexandria, Relief of the Apotheosis of Homer
 A Magian, worshipping at a fire altar (seal impression)
 Constantius captures Londinium
 BCHP 17 Judicial Chronicle (BM 47737), Reverse 19-33
 Moresby, Dedication to Hadrian by XX Valeria Victrix
 Eshmun/Asclepius on a coin of Lepcis
 BCHP 15 Gold Theft (BM 32510), Obverse
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Lion
 Vologases II
 Ammisaduqa's Venus tablet
 Ur, Royal Tombs, Ram in a Thicket
 Sippar, Temple of Šamaš, Tablet of the Sun god
 Lincoln, Tombstone of Valerius of II Adiutrix
 Ipswich, Gold torques
 Coin of Victorinus
 BCHP 06 Ruin Esagila (BM32248), Reverse, fragment
 Diploma from Malpas (obverse)
 Dynastic Prophecy, Columns I and II
 Arsinoe II
 Sphinx of Taharqo
 Roman helmet from the age of the Punic Wars
 Babylonian King List of the Hellenistic Period (BM35603), obverse
 Ptolemy IV Philopator
 Julia Mamaea
 BCHP 10 Seleucid Accessions (BM 32171), Reverse
 Gyges Tablet
 Alexandria, Relief of the Apotheosis of Homer, Lower tier
 BCHP 19 Arsacid King (BM 34124), Obverse
 Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar
 BCHP 16 Document on land and tithes (BM 33020+330208), Obverse
 Corinth, Monument for Octavian's victory at Actium
 BCHP 06 Ruin Esagila (BM32248), Reverse
 BCHP 18B Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189), Complete
 BCHP 07 Antiochus, Bactria, and India Chronicle (BM 32310), Reverse
 BCHP 15 Gold Theft (BM 32510), Reverse
 Babylon, Figurine of Europa on a bull
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Frieze, Reclining Gods
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Phoenician ship
 Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Column drum
 Smyrna, Portrait of Cleopatra I Syra
 Coin of Bar Kochba (with temple and Messianic star)
 BCHP 09 End of Seleucus Chronicle (BM 32235), Obverse
 BCHP 08 Juniper Garden Chronicle (BM 32266), Obverse
 A Magian (Oxus Treasure)
 Nimrud, Relief of a Mesopotamian chariot
 Nimrud, Lion-shaped weight of three mina
 Antiochus Cylinder
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 BCHP 05: Antiochus and Sin Chronicle (RM 757), Top, left
 BCHP 18C Astronomical Diary concerning Bagayasha (BM 48888), Edge
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Chaldaeans
 Alexandria, Relief of the Apotheosis of Homer, Middle Tier, Polyhymnia
 Nimrud, Temple of Nabu, Šamši-Adad V
 BCHP 06 Ruin Esagila (BM32248), Reverse, fragment
 Masjid-e Solaiman, Relief of Hermes
 Coin of Gondophares
 Persepolis, Palace of Artaxerxes, Relief of a sphinx
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Relief of hoplites doing battle
 Sippar, Babylonian world map
 Choga Zanbil, Ziggurat, Doorknob (London)
 A Babylonian almanac, mentioning future positions of the planets (British Museum)
 The Sack of Tyre, as shown on the Balawat Gates (cast)
 Theseus kills Skiron
 ABC 9: Artaxerxes III Chronicle
 Ptolemy I Soter
 Syracuse, Etruscan helmet, dedicated by Hiero to the gods after the battle of Cumae
 Myrina, Figurine of two chatting ladies (Demeter and Kore)
 BCHP 06 Ruin Esagila (BM32248), Reverse, fragment
 Coin of Antiochus III the Great
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Achaemenid vase with an inscription of king Xerxes
 Marcus Aurelius
 Hadrian's Wall, Relief with the emblems of II Augusta (Capricorn and Pegasus)
 BCHP 2: Alexander and Arabia Chronicle (BM 41080), Obverse
 BCHP 03 Diadochi Chronicle (BM 36313+34660), Reverse
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Capital
 BCHP 19 Arsacid King (BM 34124), Reverse
 Alexandria, Relief of the Apotheosis of Homer, Upper tier
 Corinthian helmet
 Berenice II
 BCHP 10 Seleucid Accessions (BM 32171), Obverse
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 Xanthus, Payava's tomb
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Achaemenid vase, Egyptian inscription
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Ephesus, Dedication to M. Calpurnius Rufus
 BCHP 18BA Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189 and BM35229)
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, portrait of a man believed to be Maussolus.
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 ABC 7 Nabonidus Chronicle, Reverse
 Ephesus, Bouleuterion, Letter from Antoninus Pius
 Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Lamassu
 Antiochus Cylinder
 BCHP 17 Judicial Chronicle (BM 47737), Obverse 1-15
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 Ephesus, Bouleuterion, Letter from Hadrian
 Koptos, Dedication to Domitian, mentioning III Cyrenaica
 Coin of Lucius Antonius
 Carthage, Ivory sphinx, made in Phoenicia
 Xanten, Pliny's bridle
 Astronomical diary, referring to financial measures during the First Syrian War
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Horse of the quadriga (by Pythis)
 Halicarnassus, Mosaic of a hunt
 BCHP 18B Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189), Bottom
 Nineveh, Palace of Senacherib, Lachish Room: Assyrian Camp
 Saqqara, Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II
 Nimrud, Black obelisk of Šalmaneser III: camels
 The Synchronic Chronicle
 Babylonian King List of the Hellenistic Period (BM35603), left edge
 BCHP 17 Judicial Chronicle (BM 47737), Lower Edge 16-18
 BCHP 13 Politai Chronicle (BM 46120), Upper edge
 The Cyrus Cylinder
 Phoenician ivory of Astarte
 Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Vulture
 Xanthus, Payava's tomb, Relief
 Alexandria, Relief of the Apotheosis of Homer, Lower tier, Homer crowned by Ptolemy IV Philopator and Arsinoe III
 BCHP 18B Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35189), Top
 Dynastic Prophecy, Columns VI and V
 ABC 5: Chronicle Concerning the Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar II ("Jerusalem Chronicle")
 BCHP 12 Seleucus III Chronicle (BM 35421), Reverse
 Nineveh, Cup
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 BCHP 20 Euphrates Chronicle (BM 35031), Reverse
 Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt
 Antiochus Cylinder
 Lepcis Magna, Coin with the Temple of Shadrapa
 BCHP 18A Chronographic Document concerning Bagayasha (BM 35229), Bottom
 II Adiutrix' pegasus on a coin of Gallienus