In the gallery on the first floor, you will find all kinds of statuettes, weapons, and idols from Byblos; lots of jewelry; coins; a very fine Dionysus from Tyre; Byzantine carvings and some finds from the Islamic age. The last display contains some objects that were damaged during the Civil War. After all, the museum is built on what was once known as the Green Line: the frontier that divided Beirut. A badly damaged house, just northwest of the museum, is a reminder of the horrors.
It is quite a distance from the center of Beirut, so you need a taxi to go there. You need several hours to see all, and there is a nice bookshop. Across the street is a small restaurant, where we had some pizza and ayran.
This museum was visited in 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Sidon, Figurine of Aphrodite
Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Box with the name of pharaoh Amunemhet I
Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of Psyche
Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Pectoral
Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: the Corpse of Hector.
Beirut, Figurine of the Dioscuri
Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Statue of a baby
Byblos, Royal Tomb V (Ahirom), Relief of king Ahirom on his throne
Byblos, mosaic with the abduction of Europa
Beirut, Inscription mentioning Queen Berenice and King Agrippa II
Kamed el-Loz, Incense burner
Byblos, Royal Tomb I (Abi Chemou), Pot
Sidon, Statue of a man
Byblos, Temple with the obelisks, Axe
Sidon, Base of a Persian column
Coin from Byblos: Heracles-Melqart with the features of Alexander the Great
Byblos, Royal Tomb V, Sarcophagus of Ahirom
Beirut, Envy Mosaic
Beirut, Relief of an eagle and a wreath
Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, front
Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Throne of Astarte
Tyre, Portrait of Septimius Severus
Tyre, Sarcophagus with a Fighting Scene
Byblos, Chalcolithic burial
Tyre, Phoenician statue
Sidon, Capital of a Persian column
Beirut, Mercury or Hermes
Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Pectoral (1)
Beirut, Tyche
Byblos, Temple with the obelisks, Obelisk of Abi Chemou
Beirut, Theater mask
Sidon-Dakerman, Middle Bronze jar
Tyre, Head of Dionysus
Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Temple of Eshmun, foundation inscription
A big lump, containing some inhomogenuous pieces of ancient glass
Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: killing of a Trojan Captive
Beirut, Medal of St. Catharine
Tyre, Wall painting of a carrier
Byblos, Royal Tombs, Pectoral
Byblos, Relief with a hieroglyphic text
Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Pectoral
Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: Washing the Body of Patroclus
Suweydie, Mosaic of the Seven Sages
Sidon, Roman doll
Byblos, Inlay with Egyptian lotus flowers
Byblos, mosaic with Silenus
Baalbek, Gold mask
Tyre, Hellenistic throne of Astarte
Byblos, Statuette of a hippopotamus
Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, back
Beirut, Roman colonnade (originally near the Place d'Etoile)
Beirut, Hellenistic wall painting (First Pompeian Style)
Byblos, Bull's head
Byblos, Temple with the obelisks, Sword, grip
A murex shell
Suweydie, Mosaic of the Seven Sages, Summer and Mother Earth
Baalbek, Theater, Model
Byblos, Phoenician funerary inscription
Beirut, Statue of a Roman lady
Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Tribune, Relief with Muses
Sidon, Coin with a triere
Baalbek, Funerary wreath
Byblos, Temple with the obelisks, Statuette of a deity
Byblos, Temple with the obelisks, Gold disk
Byblos, Chalcolithic amulets
Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of a boat
Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Relief of a horseman
Niha, Roman altar, dedicated to a female deity (Fortuna), with two lions
Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: lions
Tyre, Statue of a female deity
Coin from Byblos: Phoenician ship
Byblos, Hellenistic colossus
Niha, Large temple, Builders' model
Byblos, Royal Tomb V (Ahirom), Relief of a bull and griffin
Tyre, Stele of Ramesses II and Ra-Horakhty
Byblos, Statue of pharaoh Osorkon II
Sidon, Phoenician statue
Beirut, Torso of a colossus
Sidon, Bronze Age bottle
Byblos, Statuettes of baboons
Byblos, Temple with the obelisks, Sword
Byblos, Statuette of Bes
Byblos, Royal Tomb I (Abi Chemou), Scimitar
Byblos, Statuette of Hathor
Byblos, Roman Nymphaeum, Statue of Hygeia