Alabanda, theater
 Julia Mamaea
 Aspendus, Basilica
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Portrait of a Roman man
 Bosra, Theater
 Qasr Bshir, Court
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, reliefs
 Nysa, Tunnel
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Execution of Garamantes in the Amphitheater of Lepcis
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Tyre, Milestone of Philippus Arabs
 Baalbek, Statue of a naked figure
 Magnus Maximus
 Sallustia Orbiana
 Baalbek, Theater, Model
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad
 Sétif, Dedication to Saturn with Castor and Pollux
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, third mosaic, fishing boats
 Corinth, Temple E, Portrait of Octavia as Tyche
 Zeugma, Wall painting of Penelope and mosaic of Aphrodite
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Erotes with drapery
 Beek, Milestone
 Pompeii, Cast of one of the victims
 Narbo, Horrea, Head of Atlas
 Coin of the surrender of XV Primigenia
 Sirmium, Inscription of Samminus, carrier of the imperial images of VIII Augusta
 Alabanda, theater
 Carnuntum, Civil City, Model
 Qasr el-Azraq, South tower
 Rome, Via Appia, Columbarium
 Trier, Baths of Barbara, model
 Rhodes, Relief of a Funeral Meal
 Thuburbo Maius, House of Neptune, Pool with a mosaic of Oceanus
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Large temple, decoration, relief
 Rome, Temple of Elagabal, Eastern terrace wall
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Northern basin
 Beirut, Tyche
 Tarraco, Aqueduct
 Lepcis Magna, Cardo, dedication to Lucius Verus
 Sfiré, Temple D, Relief of two columns
 Apamea, Tombstone of Veranius Secundus, soldier of II Parthica
 Byzantine reliquary with Daniel in the lion's den
 Rome, Bridge of Aelius from the northeast
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Relief with soldiers
 Toulouse, Mosaic of Ino (?)
 Piraeus, Julian the Apostate
 Clupea, Southern harbor
 Alexandria near Issus, Roman tombstone
 Augusta Emerita, Los Milagros Aqueduct
 Patara, Theater
 Burnum, Tombstone of Imerix the Batavian
 Late Roman Cuijk
 Aalen, Hypocaust
 Plovdiv, Forum-Odeon area
 Ephesus, Monument of Pollio, Polyphemus
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, southwest part of the pedestal
 Cherchell, Portrait of Livia
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus
 Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias, Inscription mentioning Julia, daughter of the emperor Titus
 Vienne, Garden of Cybele
 Tyre, City, Baths from the northeast
 Andesina, Grand Jardin, Graffito
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Funerary portrait of a Roman lady
 Lepcis, Theater, Tunnel
 Nisibis, Church, central nave
 Palermo, Statuette of Bes
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, Start boxes
 Roman statuette of a dromedary
 Glanum, Mausoleum, north reliëf
 Mainz, Inscription of XXII Primigenia
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Rhodes, Statue of young man
 Piazza Armerina, Vestibule, Polyphemus
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Octagon
 Corinth, Dionysiac Mosaic, Dionysus
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Carmona, Tomb of Servilia, court
 Apollonia, Palace, Court
 Abukir, Medaillon of Alexander with diadem
 Rabat, Figurine of a gladiator
 Ravenna, Orthodox Baptistery, Exterior
 Map of the Raetian limes
 Syracuse, Amphitheater, Arena from the north
 Köln-Alteburg, Tomb of the steersman Horus
 Constantinople, Milion
 Zeugma, Tombstone of a man
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus, Inscription (upper part)
 Sperlonga, Cave. The basin in front used to be covered too, but collapsed in 26.
 Aquincum, Tombstone of a soldier of II Adiutrix
 Alcántara bridge, view from the west
 Ephesus, Commercial Agora
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers
 Nemausus, Model of the city
 Zenobia, praetorium
 Tarentum, Tombstone of Hilarius
 Coin of Vitellius: Victoria
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza, Northern part of the Nymphaeum
 Palmyra, Portrait of Odaenathus?
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tombstone of G. Velius Rufus
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Reconstructing the wall (2008 Roman Festival)
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Inner altar
 Rome, Circus Maximus, Arch of Titus, Relief of a soldier
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Northeastern gate, outside, Relief of Victories
 Ring of a soldier of XXII Primigenia
 Ostia, Genizah, Menorah
 Beirut, Torso of a colossus
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Adoption of Marcus Aurelius
 Rome, Porta Maggiore, Conduits
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Tombstone of an aquilifer of II Adiutrix
 Tongeren, Inscription mentioning the Mun[icipium] Tung[rorum]
 Thugga, Capitol
 Uthina, Capitol
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Achilles on Skyros
 Feldberg, Horreum
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, winged lioness
 Vindolanda, The boar of XX Valeria Victrix
 Tipasa, Villa aux fresques
 Italica, A meandering floor mosaic
 Oenoanda, Esplanade, unidentified Roman structure
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, South Portico, Apse
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Caracalla without Geta
 Piazza Armerina, Peristyle
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Baths, Map
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief: Roma, Selene, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Androclus and his dog, Heracles, Dionysus, the emperor Theodosius, Hecate, Aphrodite, Ares?, Athena
 Salona, Governor's Palace, Mosaic of Apollo
 Aphrodisias, Theater
 Lejjun, Northwest tower
 Lutetia, Amphitheater
 View across Wadi Buzra to Bz 906-907
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, entrance of the chariots
 Segovia, Aqueduct
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, columbarium
 Piazza Armerina, Vestibule, Odysseus
 Bonn, Dedication to Hercules Magusanus
 Orange, Arch, model
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, stage
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Architrave
 Xanthus, Roman theater
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tunnel, Entrance
 Dura Europos, Temple of Adonis
 Valkenburg, Scabbard with POW
 Rome, Pantheon, The perfectly preserved eastern capitals
 Ain Akrine, Temple 2
 Julia Maesa
 Rock tombs in Amioun
 Cendere Bridge, seen from the north
 Feldberg, Northeast gate
 Abukir, Medaillon of Alexander with the zodiac on his shield
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Arch
 Gerasa, South Gate
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Masks
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Surrounding portico on the southeastern side, Corinthian capital
 Bosra, Cathedral
 Toulouse-Purpan, Amphitheater
 Tongeren, Northern temple, Model
 Piazza Armerina, Triclinium, Amazon
 Nysa, Theater, Seats
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, shepherd
 Piazza Armerina, Peristyle, Corinthian capital
 Bosra, Hippodrome
 Nijmegen, Batavian horsemen
 Stara Zagora, Bathhouse/Amphitheater
 Tyre, Sarcophagus with a Fighting Scene
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Northwestern entrance
 Colijnsplaat, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, southwest part of the pedestal, upper relief
 Diana from Italica
 Tongeren, Baths, Model
 Neuss, Tile with inscription "classis"
 Hippo Regius, Forum, Lucius Caesar
 Haltern, Model of the barracks
 Wadi Miyah, Palmyrene triad: Aglibol (Moon), Ba'al Šamem (Lord of Heaven), and Malekbel (Sun)
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, General view
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Abstract mosaic
 Aelia Eudocia II
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tombstone of G. Pacideius
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 3, b
 Sétif, Head of Aesculapius
 Chernovo, Statuette of Hercules
 Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, seats
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, northeast part of the pedestal, upper relief
 Msletten, Southern tomb
 Ephesus, Tomb of Marcus Calpurnius Rufus, Roman fasces
 Woerden, Sherd of Samian ware with a flutist
 Lejjun, North gate
 Cherchell, Relief of a priestess of Isis
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Ain el-Youdi, Room
 Petra, Elephant capital
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief west right, model: Capture of Ctesiphon, Detail
 Mainz, Tombstone of Q. Marcius of XXI Rapax and his son
 Niha, Large temple, Corinthian capital
 Side, Relief of two gladiators
 Stratonicea, Statue of a Roman official
 Hegra, Figurine of a goat
 Vaison, Street
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic
 Sepphoris, House of the Dionysus Mosaic, Dionysiac scene
 Bulla Regia, Apollo
 Bu Njem, East Temple
 Thelsae, Sanctuary from the south
 Temple of Jupiter, shrine, southern terrace wall
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, East clubhouse (the Blues)
 Mainz, honorific column, One of the Dioscuri
 Alphen aan den Rijn, Roman inscription
 Andesina, so-called Basilica, Mosaic, edge
 Miletus, Theater, Statue of an emperor
 Side, Late Roman sarcophagus
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Abstract mosaic
 Apamea, Roman Bathhouse
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Altar
 Arelate, Aqueduct
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Colijnsplaat, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Coin of Aurelian
 Neuss, Tile of XVI Gallica
 Adamclisi, Trajan's Trophee, Reconstruction, Metope with the death of Decebalus
 Baalbek, Pediment of a small sanctuary
 Housesteads, Dedication to Jupiter by II Augusta ()
 Italica, Anubis and a phoenix
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, land animals and birds
 Mainz, Tombstone of M. and G. Cassius of XIIII Gemina
 Rome, Quirinal, Obelisk
 Nin, Capitol temple
 Aquileia, Sacrifice Relief
 Nisibis, Roman mosaic with aquatic animals
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, View from the west
 Piazza Armerina, Triclinium, Giants
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tombstone of G. Velius Rufus, top
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, lion
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian, pedestal, west
 Plovdiv, Theater
 Reconstruction of the port of Apollonia
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Edessa, Mosaic of a lady
 Reconstruction of the Mainz 3 warship: catapult
 Gerasa, Damascus Gate
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Model
 Porta Argentea, Split
 Madauros, Forum, Inscription
 Philadelphia, Odeon
 Cirta, Mosaic with the return of a hunter and his dog
 Lepcis Magna, Temple of Dolichenus
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Exterior
 Salona, Trajan
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis and rocks
 Constantine the Great
 Msletten, Southwest needle from the southeast
 Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius, Small Arch, Galeria Valeria as Thessalonica
 Lepcis, Amphitheater
 Ephesus, Commercial Agora, Model
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, Hunting scene
 Emporiae, Roman town, wall, gate
 Lambaesis, Rules for the trumpetters of III Augusta
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Propylaea
 Tiddis, Forum, Arch
 Italica, Amphitheater, Entrance
 Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, back
 Salamis, Gymnasium, Palaestra, Mosaic
 Domitian on an Egyptian relief
 Nero Antico Marble from Anatolia (Rome, Palatine)
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Façade
 Baalbek, Hajar al-Hibla
 Tipasa, Christian mosaic
 Madauros, House with oil press A, Presses and basins
 Baalbek, Statue of a togatus
 Caesarea, Replica of a dedication by Pontius Pilate, who dedicated a temple to Tiberius
 Apollonia, Bathhouse
 Puteoli, Soldier of the praetorian guard
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, decoration: lion
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Interior
 Valle Guidino, Dedication to Jupiter for the victory of Verginius Rufus
 Narbo, Statue of Silenus
 Messene, Asklepeion, Statue of Podaleirios
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, POWs
 Myra, Theater, Capital
 Bigio Morato Marble from Anatolia (Rome, Palatine)
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Lepcis, Amphitheater, arena
 Lepcis Magna, Nymphaeum
 Strasbourg, Face urn
 Nijmegen, Agraphe with christogram
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, inscription of Annobal Tapapius Rufus
 Lambaesis, Amphitheater
 Carmona, Puerta de Seville
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius from the south
 Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, entrance
 Lambaesis, City, Temple of Asclepius
 Madauros, House with oil press A, Square basins
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, builders' marks on the stairs leading to the sanctuary
 Nijmegen, Inscription of Bisius of X Gemina
 Sarcophagus with the body of Hector
 Diocaesarea, Byzantine gate
 Msletten, Northern tomb, middle section
 Aspendus, Sewer
 Baalbek, Dedication to Sabina
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Funerary portrait of a Roman lady
 Pompeii, House of the Vettii, Peristyle
 Alexandria near Issus, Roman tombstone
 Cumae, Priest of Isis
 Pompeii, Statuette of a war elephant
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration on the south side
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, from northeast
 Serdica, Poster invitation for a venatio; Venus and Cybele
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, obelisk of Theodosius
 Sardes, Synagogue, Table, Eagle
 Haltern, Model of the central part of the fortress
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Lion
 Bavay, the basilica on the forum
 Palmyra, Agora
 The Hague, Milestone of Antoninus Pius
 Rome, Capitol, Statue of Constantine II
 Andesina, Victoria
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Alexander, soldier of II Parthica
 Myra, Theater, Decoration, relief of the Sun god
 Family tree of the ancestors of Septimius Severus
 Sétif, Dedication to Saturn
 Toulouse, Hercules
 Piazza Armerina, Music Room, Phoenix
 Trier, Basilica
 Cherchell, Sphinx
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C
 View from the south
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Sacrifice
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Western entrance
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Mythological scene
 Machnaqa, Reliefs 2 and 3
 Netherby, Emblem of II Augusta (Pegasus)
 Tarraco, Tower and wall
 Eleusis, Temple F, Cecrops and Herse
 Ostia, Decumanus
 Gold piece of Tetricus, found in Leuna (Saxony)
 New Paphos, House of Theseus, Theseus Mosaic
 Carthage, Saturn with the attributes of Baal-Hammon
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, model of a tholos
 Woerden, Samian ware, inscription "Lucani"
 Alexandria, Tombstone of Aurelius Firmius of II Traiana Fortis
 Faqra, Small altar, Illegible inscription
 Nijmegen, Dedication to the Mopatian Mothers by Liberius
 Qsarnaba, Cella
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Sarcophagus
 Timgad, Theater, General view
 Rainau-Buch, Cauldron
 Burgundian Rock (Grand)
 Nijmegen, Glass vase
 Cyrene, Downtown, Inscription mentioning the Jewish Revolt
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 2, b
 Augusta Emerita, Bridge
 Coin of Macrinus
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, mosaic
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, Greek inscription
 Side, Relief of Ixion
 Tongeren, Wall painting of a peacock
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Main corridor
 Schwabsberg, Tower (old reconstruction)
 Xanten CUT, Inn
 Taucheira, Gymnasium, inscription for a victorious athlete
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Panorama of the Hexagonal Court
 Kontich-Steenakker, imported Germanic pottery
 Cordoba, Milestone
 Tyre, Head of Dionysus
 Nijmegen, Valkhof, Remains of a Roman or Medieval structure
 Dormagen, Relief of Mithras and the bull
 Vechten, Tombstone of Valens
 Viminacium, Sarcophagus
 Lepcis Magna, Decumanus and Arch of Septimius Severus
 Baalbek, Statue of Cybele
 Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, front
 Seleucia in Pieria, Rock tombs
 Cendere Bridge, seen from the southwest
 Zeugma, Funerary stela
 Rome, S. Pietro, Sarcophagus with Christ as Lawgiver
 Cologne, Tombstone of T. Julius Tuttius of XXII Primigenia
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Front: the two deceased, flanking Apollo
 Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: killing of a Trojan Captive
 Vienna, Part of the Porta Principalis Dextra
 Coin with the statue of Artemis of Ephesus; legend in Latin
 Rome, Aurelian Wall, Gate of St Paul
 Bakarac, Milestone of Florian
 Strasbourg, Theater mask
 Leiden-Matilo, Curse tablet
 Gerasa, Cardo (Colonnaded road)
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Naucratis, Figurine of Bes as Roman officer
 Italica, Milestone from Hadrian
 Nijmegen, Reconstruction of a Roman inn
 Ancyra, Balgat Tomb, wreath
 Madauros, Great Baths
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Winter
 Mainz, Theater, Central part
 Portait of a Roman lady, third quarter of the first century BCE
 Milan, St Ambrogio, Mosaic of Saint Ambrose
 Arelate, Amphitheater
 Krefeld, Pram, Model
 Kelheim, Rooftile of III Italica
 Andautonia, Roman road
 Vaison, Bridge
 Elst, Temple, Suovetaurilia
 Bosra, Theater, Stage, Corridor
 Vechten, Dedication by G. Julius Bio (cast)
 Oenoanda, Esplanade, unidentified structure
 Lambaesis, Fortress, Groma, Standard
 Augusta Emerita, Bridge
 Abydus, Roman tombstone
 Nicomedia, Sea god
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Seleucia in Pieria, Sarcophagus with the Dioscuri
 Trier, Bridge, Pile
 Augusta Emerita, Forum colonnade, decoration, shield
 Orange, Theater, outside
 Nicomedia, Portrait of Diocletian
 Waldgirmes, Fibula
 Carnuntum, Marcus Aurelius
 Timgad, Oil lamp with Europa
 Cornelia Superia
 Euromos, Temple of Zeus
 Piazza Armerina, Great Hall, General view
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1
 Kourion, House of the Gladiators, mosaic with gladiators
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Northern basin
 Madauros, Great Baths
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Figurine of a soldier
 Rome, Site of the Septizodium
 Persepolis, Apadana, Northern Stairs, Central Relief, Guard, "Apple"
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Plotidius Vitalis of XV Apollinaris
 Nahr al-Kalb, Dedication to Caracalla by III Gallica
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Southwest gate, Inside
 The Herodian fort at Machaerus
 Bürgel, Cemetery, plate
 Ostia, Altar with Romulus and Remus
 Haltern, Ditch, restored
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South C, Cattle traders
 Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Roman inn
 Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmees and a crocodile
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Seen from the Capitol
 Burnum, Tile of XI Claudia
 Edessa?, Tombstone with an eagle
 Map of Qasr Bshir
 Maastricht, Map of the Roman town
 Aardenburg, Ancient stones, reused in the Medieval church
 Tiddis, Christian chapel
 Amida, Harput Gate and towers
 Sepphoris, Waterworks
 Hippodrome, Sphendone
 Amphipolis, Basilica A, Mosaic, Detail (lion, fish, octopus)
 Rome, Via Appia, Sarcophagus of Dionysus and Ariadne (found near the Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella)
 Beirut, Excavation of a Roman city gate (Riad al-Solh Square)
 Gadara, Baths
 Baalbek, Temple of the Muses
 Udruh, West gate
 Palmyra, Temple of Allat
 Thessaloniki, Statue of Augustus
 Burnum, Beam balance
 Tipasa, Villa on the shore
 Piazza Armerina, Guest Room, Four Seasons Mosaic, detail: Fish
 Philippi, Weight with the portrait of Empress Eudoxia I
 Lower Mausoleum
 Capernaum, Synagogue, Game
 Salamis, Theater, Dedication to Constantius II
 Vechten, Fibula
 Petra, Medusa
 Arelate, City wall
 Assos, Theater
 Miletus, North Agora, seen from Theater Hill
 Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Mosaic of St Lawrence
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Cyrene, Uptown, House of Jason Magnus, Portrait of Faustina I
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Northern wall of the cella
 The Farnese Hercules
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus, Inscription (lower part)
 Baalbek, Gold mask
 Nijmegen, Monument to Tiberius: Diana
 Coin commemorating Drusus' German victories, minted by his son Claudius
 Anemurium, Odeon
 Tyre, City, Boxer inscription
 Carnuntum, Civil Amphitheater
 Rome, Baths of Agrippa
 Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmees and a crane
 Mušov, Bronze bucket
 Chalcedon, Tombstone of Severius Acceptus of VIII Augusta
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Western toilets (note the sculptor's error)
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Small Mithraic Relief, Dedication of a Repainting
 Augusta Merita, Treaty in which it is agreed that there will be mutual hospitality
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, from the northwest
 Berg en dal, Silver pan
 Rome, Horologium Augusti, modern reconstruction (on the door of a pub)
 Jerusalem, Burned House, Interior
 Faqra, Small altar
 Gheriat al-Garbia, Signal tower
 Voorburg, Samian ware
 La Turbie, Tropaeum Augusti, Model
 Udruh, West wall
 Maastricht, St.Servaas, Christian tombstone
 Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al, Christian wall painting
 Ancyra, Baths of Caracalla, Swimming Pool
 Sarcophagus of the Niobids
 Constantius II
 Qasr Bshir, General view
 Faustina II
 Hildesheim Silver Treasure, Cybele
 Andesina, Puits, Shoe
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic, detail: birds
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Glass Urn
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Tombstone of Aurelius Suro of I Adiutrix
 Baalbek, Statue of a hero
 Lepcis, Theater, Temple
 Trier, Porta Nigra, from the south
 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Trajan and Theater
 Qasr Bshir, Rubbish at the court
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Dancing erotes
 Granito del foro or (Grey Granite) from the Mons Claudianus in Egypt (Rome, Palatine)
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of Europa
 Augsburg, Oil lamp with Ammon
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Large altar
 Sétif, Mosaic of the Triumph of Bacchus
 De Bijland, Inscription of Chalcidicus (cast)
 Baden-Baden, Tombstone of Lucius Aemilius
 Sétif, Milestone by Septimius Severus and Caracalla
 Piraeus, Trajan
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Tepidarium, inscription
 Bust of Macrinus
 Lepcis Magna, Schola, Head of Athena
 Rome, Site of the Septizodium
 Salamis, Gymnasium, Palaestra
 Siscia, Statuette of Jupiter
 Hadrumetum, Tombstone of Caelius Saturninus
 Qasr el-Azraq, Dedication to the Invincible Sun by Diocletian and Maximian
 Šempeter, Cremation tomb
 Rome, Horologium Augusti, Pinacle
 Tipasa, Tombstone of Adiutor, a Cananefatic horseman
 Bziza, Roman temple
 Viminacium, Crossbow fibula
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, from the northeast
 Wadi Rum village, Nabataean temple, Cistern
 Nepete, Aqueduct
 Augsburg, Late Roman helmet
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Lucilius of XV Apollinaris
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Byblos, Colonnaded Street
 Lepcis Magna, Port, eastern pier, quay
 Belgrade, Dedication by optio Aemilius Dolens
 Bürgel, Caltrop
 Tongeren's aqueduct: a dike (from left to right)
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Interior
 Dura Europos, Synagogue, Wall painting
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Aquillius Medal
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of a servant
 Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces from the north
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Civil settlement, Unfinished bronze statuette of Luna
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South G: two predators
 Beirut, marble fragment with the Aqedah (the sacrifice of Abraham)
 Villa Selene, Terrace
 Christian tombstone from Carthage (EDCS-17701003)
 Glanum, Roman mausoleum
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of the Diadumenus
 Sagalassus, Antonine Nymphaeum, statue of Coronis
 Zenobia, View from the praetorium
 Cologne, Roman wall painting
 Zenobia, West Basilica
 Ephesus, theater, Seats
 Köln-Deutz, East gate
 Constantinople, Aqueduct of Valens
 Volubilis, Arch of Caracalla
 Valkenburg, Ostracon, "turma iulii"
 Apamea, Greek tombstone
 Cherchell, Harvest mosaic
 Palmyra, Tombstone of a man
 Hegra, Inscription mentioning Caracalla
 Belkis, Remains of a Roman villa
 Glanum, House with the antae
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, General view
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Philosopher with a scroll
 Apollonia, Palace, Gate
 Nesactium, Capitol
 Parthian Monument, Personification of Harran
 Emporiae, Roman town, vine grower's shed
 Italica, Amphitheater, Seats
 Seleucia in Pieria, Weight (bull)
 Limyra, Theater
 Sirmium, Basilica, Capital
 Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting of birds and cages
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Northeastern slope
 Cyrene, Downtown, Fountain of Apollo
 Dying Amazon on Horseback (Roman copy of a Hellenistic original)
 Aphrodisias, Theodosius I or II
 Sutrium, Amphitheater
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Lepcis, Theater
 Baalbek, Temple of Venus
 Oea, Temple front
 Trier, Amphitheater, Arena
 Remagen, Tombstone of Dasmenus
 Tile of VIII Augusta
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Statue
 Carpacotna, Inscription of VI Ferrata
 Colijnsplaat, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Ephesus, Dedication to M. Calpurnius Rufus
 Beirut, Inscription of VIII Gallica
 Map of Nijmegen in the second century
 Wadi el-Amud, Inscription
 Rijswijk - De Bult today
 Niederzier, Portrait of Gordian III
 Theodosius I
 Castlesteads, Emblems of II Augusta: Capricorn and Pegasus
 Ancyra, Roman housetomb with two lions (and a Russian inscription)
 Sirmium, Wall painting of Dionysus
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 1, Orpheus
 Rome, Aurelian Wall, Outside
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief east right, drawing: Surrender of Edessa
 Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius Viator, soldier of II Parthica
 Present to a merchant by soldiers of I Adiutrix
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Propylaea
 Mainz, Tombstone of L. Valerius Fronto of I Adiutrix
 Athens, Agora, Figurine of Glykon the Snake God
 Augusta Merita, Model of the ancient city
 Tlos, Stadium and acropolis
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, southeast part of the pedestal
 Aelia Flacilla
 Gordian II
 Sétif, Christian tombstone of Constantius
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief east left, model: Fight for Nisibis
 Madauros, House with oil press A, Round basin
 Miletus, North Agora, Baths of Capito
 Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al, Cupid with a parasol
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Lacus Curtius, Relief of Curtius' self-sacrifice (copy)
 Alcántara bridge, arch
 Bodegraven, Curse tablet
 Map of the macellum in Lepcis Magna
 Cendere Bridge, seen from the southwest
 Miletus, Theater, Decoration: griffins and Apollo's tripod
 Ptolemais, Cistern
 Salona, Portrait of Plautilla
 Tarraco, Tower of the Scipiones
 Aquileia, Mithraic Relief
 Salamis, Theater
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign EXGERINF
 Lepcis, Theater, statue of Apollo
 Thugga, Capitol
 Narbo, Le Clos de la Lombarde, Well
 Myra, Theater, Seats and face of Hermes
 Piazza Armerina, Guest Room, Dancer
 Haltern, River port, model
 Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, arena
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Apollo-Helios
 Rome, Aurelian Wall (near the Porta S Sebastiano)
 Cologne, Tombstone of Quintus Pompeius of XV Primigenia
 Rome, Temple of Elagabal, seen from the Colosseum
 Piazza Armerina, Aqueduct
 Tarsus, Mosaic of Tryphe and Bios (luxury and life)
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Rooftiles
 Sparta, Statue of Julia Aquilia Severa, damaged after her death
 Corinth, Temple E
 Velitrae, Tomb of Varius Marcellus, Greek inscription
 Rome, Pyramid of Cestius from the west
 Udruh, West wall
 Apamea, Tombstone of Tryphon, soldier of II Parthica
 Haltern, Glass dish
 Rome, Palatine, Temple of Cybele
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South A, deceased
 Como, Pliny's inscription (copy)
 Sétif, Statue of a dreamy child
 Augustus as pontifex maximus
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius, Inscription near the door
 Cologne, Funerary monument of Clodius Poblicius of V Alaudae
 Mainz, Stamp of XIIII Gemina
 Sétif, Basilica A, Mosaic of Cresconia
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Akratos
 Zenobia, praetorium
 Moresby, Dedication to Hadrian by XX Valeria Victrix
 Capernaum, Synagogue, Capitals
 Utica, Oil lamp with a lion and a panther
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Vaults
 Haltern, Helmet
 Claudius II
 Machnaqa, Propylaea
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes
 Baalbek, Funerary wreath
 Portrait of a Roman man (80-100 CE)
 Wadi Rum village, Nabataean temple, Altar
 Sepphoris, House of Orpheus, Mosaic with a banquet scene
 Formiae, Statue of Cybele
 Nemausus, Gate of Augustus
 Augsburg, Dedication to Elagabal
 Caracalla as Alexander
 Rome, Relief of a Dionysiac Procession
 Italica, Domitian
 Apollodorus of Damascus
 Edessa?, Tombstone of a lady
 Valkenburg, Oillamp
 Nisibis, Church, right nave, decoration
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Exterior, Capitals
 Velsen I (design Graham Sumner)
 Carthage, Woman with a Cornucopia
 Agrippa Postumus
 Msletten, Northern tomb, lower section
 Utica, Eastern cardo
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Relief of Atlas
 Marktbreit from the northeast, across the river Main
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, interior
 Strasbourg, Equestrian statue of Jupiter
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Propylaea, inscription
 Andesina, Bell
 Ostia, Theater, Mask
 Lutetia, Pillier des nautes, Inscription
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza, Market building
 Strasbourg, Wall painting
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Site of the nymphaeum
 Petra, Royal Tombs, Corinthian Tomb
 Ghirza, Northern necropolis, mausolea C, B, and A
 Arch of Hadrian, from the east
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Central dome
 Smyrna, Tombstone of a retiarius named Apollonius
 Myra, Theater, General view
 Beth Shean, Hill
 Vechten, Dedication by Antistius Adventus
 Karchemish, Roman portrait
 Bias of Priene
 Lepcis, Theater, Seats
 Cendere Bridge, Pavement
 Sagalassus, Traffic Regulations
 Pula, Head of Minerva
 Utica, Ornamental border
 Heracles and Cerberus
 Ancyra, Roman housetomb
 Emporiae, Sta Margarida, Christian funerary mosaic
 Alexandria in Troas, Basilica
 Emporiae, Roman town, mosaic
 Palmyra, Colonnaded street, Tetrapylon
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aelianus, soldier of II Parthica
 Rossum, La Tène torques
 Fourth mosaic, Pegasus
 Segovia, Aqueduct
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Rock tomb
 Udruh, West wall and tower
 Timgad, Library of Rogatianus
 Mainz-Weisenau, Tombstone of a carpenter with a relief of a warship
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Intervention by a referee
 Antioch on the Peutinger Map
 Smyrna, Agora, Cryptoporticus
 Valkenburg, Pair of compasses
 Cordoba, Milestone
 Anisa, Roman kantharos
 Vindobona, projected on a map of modern Vienna
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, Cella
 Ephesus, Temple of Domitian, Terrace
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic, detail: birds
 Woerden, Pottery
 Halicarnassus, Theater mask
 Vechten, Wine barrel from Caligula's private estate
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Arena
 Philippi, Theater, General view
 Feldberg, Northwest gate
 Smyrna, Tombstone of a gladiator from the team of Satornilos
 Side,Temple of Apollo
 Constantinople's Theodosian Walls: Anthemius' wall, Cyrus' wall, battlements, and moat.
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Halicarnassus, Mosaic of Phobos
 Zwammerdam 2 = Mainz 3, model
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Victoria
 Ostia, Piazzale delle corporazioni
 Villa Selene, Baths, exterior
 Wadi Ghirza with dams
 Amphipolis, Basilica C, Goat-shaped capital
 Baalbek, Temple of Mercury
 Lepcis Magna, Port, eastern pier
 Piazza Armerina, Polygonal Court, Wall painting of military standards
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Relief of Nike
 Augsburg, Tomb of T. Flavius Clemens
 Ephesus, Priest of the imperial cult
 Philadelphia, Nymphaeum
 Gadara, Cardo, Shops
 Tyre, City, Square structure, Seats
 Plovdiv, Theater, seats
 Pergamon, Asclepium, Tunnel
 Rainau-Buch, Panorama
 Roman, first quarter of the first century CE
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, decoration: plowing
 Lauterbourg, Relief of Apollo, Minerva, and Mercury
 Thuburbo Maius, Capitol
 Split, Heracles
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Ingenuus, tesserarius of II Parthica
 Buthrotum, Gymnasium with nymphaeum
 Ostia, Via della fontana
 Ancyra, Milestone of Heliogabalus
 Cyrene, Trajanic Baths, Alexander the Great
 Section of the tell of Troy
 Bürgel, Tile with inscription "Rukiaci"
 The First Council of Constantinople (381)
 Tilurium, Tombstone of Marcius of VII Claudia
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, pedestal with inscription
 Beirut, Roman baths
 Maastricht: grey tiles indicating the walls of the ancient baths
 Glanum, Arch and Mausoleum
 Amphipolis, Basilica D
 Apollonia,Central basilica, Apse
 Sirmium, Dedication by a soldier of II Adiutrix
 Roman man, last quarter first century BCE
 Lambaesis, Statue of a Child with a Bird
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, View from the north
 Piazza Armerina, Palaestra, Chariot
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Victoria (east, right) and summer
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Dionysus
 Sarcophagus found near the Scamander
 Narbo, Via Domitia
 Alexandria, Lighthouse: a fort is all that remains
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, northwest, griffins left
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, track
 Cologne, Tombstone of Gaius Deccius of XX Valeria Victrix
 Scythopolis, Theater
 Leiden-Matilo, Shield cover
 Vienna, Burial inscription of an officer of the Tenth Legion Gemina, later used in a mill.
 Perinthus, Tombstone of Paulus of III Italica
 Cyrene, Uptown, House of Jason Magnus
 Msletten, Farm
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Dancing erotes
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tombstone of G. Velius Rufus, bottom
 Lepcis, Theater, inscription
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Cella
 Ezinge, Figurine of Jupiter
 Palestinian purple glass
 Timgad, Arch of Trajan, from the southeast
 Nijmegen, Bridge, pile-shoe
 Map of the villa of Dar Buc Ammera
 Nijmegen, Late Roman pottery
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Comitium, Inscription "Urbs Aeterna"
 Corinth, North Market, Portrait of a young Caracalla
 Rome, Via Appia
 Gladiator helmet
 Alexandria in the Troad, Dedication to Quintilia
 Ankara, temple of Augustus
 Rainau-Buch, Pan
 Mainz, Tile of VII Gemina
 Porphyry from the Vosges (Grand)
 Trier, Figurine of Amor and Psyche
 Marmor Lunensis (Carrara Marble) from northwestern Italy
 Aardenburg, Votive offering?
 Italica, Cardo
 Timgad, Street
 Bu Njem, General view
 Lechenich, Head of Jupiter Ammon
 Seagulls above Apollonia's central basilica
 Cyrrhus, South gate
 Mactaris, Baths, Mosaic of a labyrinth
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Dionysus, top
 Lepcis Magna, Palaestra, statue
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Swimming pool
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, false door
 Kaestrich, Gate
 A Hellenistic or Roman disk with the face of Bes
 Baalbek, Theater, Stones
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius
 Mainz, Tent peg
 Sufetula, Arch of Diocletian
 Mainz, Tombstone of G. Julius Niger
 Böbingen, Limes fort, Wall and gate
 Leiden-Matilo, Figurine of a goddess
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Rome, Pantheon, Façade, Inscription
 Livia (Hamburg)
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Mythological scene
 Lepcis, Theater, Herms of Hercules and Dionysus
 Syracuse, Amphitheater, Arena from the southeast
 Reims, Statuette of a black person
 Famagusta, Roman sarcophagus
 Lepcis, Theater, dedication to Julia Domna
 Bonn, Statuette of Victoria
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, frieze
 Philippi, Head of Tyche
 Nijmegen, Tomb of a girl of about ten years old
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inner decoration NW, upper register
 Purple porphyry from Hurghada in Egypt (Rome, Palatine)
 Cumae, Relief of a group of soldiers
 Baalbek, Hajar al-Hibla
 Side, Hermes
 Cologne, African oil lamp with fishermen in front of a city
 Qsarnaba, Tombs
 Strasbourg, Relief of Rosmerta and Mercury
 Thysdrus, Amphitheater, Corridor
 Carnuntum, Dedication by a soldier of XIIII Gemina to Nemesis
 Tiddis, Small baths
 Dura Europos, Church
 Al-Bass, Arch of Hadrian, seen from the west
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Ephesus, Arcadian Road
 Aquincum, Great dwelling, Sundial (with a modern gnomon)
 Amathus, Fountain
 Suweydie, Mosaic of the Seven Sages
 Ptolemais, Villa of the Four Seasons
 Emona, Statuette of a gladiator
 Nijmegen, Maasstraat: site of a Roman temple.
 Nemausus, Milestone of Antoninus Pius
 Cuijk, Bridge, Pile inscription "Eternalis"
 Palmyra, Diocletianic Camp, Inscription
 Utrecht De Meern, Crown of Cybele and two lions
 Cyrrhus, Theater
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Lion-shaped gargoyle
 Euromos, Temple of Zeus, Inscription
 Damascus, Temple of Jupiter, south wall, details
 Perge, Agora, West hall, Portrait of a priest
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Small altar
 Baalbek, Ras al-Ain
 Olympia, Two Roman statues
 Maastricht, Natural stone in the basilica of Our Lady
 Argentomagus, Square fountain
 Taucheira, Gymnasium
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Surrounding portico on the southeastern side
 Köln-Deutz, Tombstone of Viatorinus
 Machnaqa, Enclosure with many flowers
 Apollonia, Relief to commemorate the battle of Actium
 Rome, Herm with portraits of Seneca and Socrates
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, North portico
 Tipasa, Achilles Mosaic (detail)
 Constantinople, Sea Wall, Spolia
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Mucianus, centurio of II Parthica, fragment
 Puteoli, Inscription mentioning Faustina I
 Smyrna, Tombstone of a slave, whose master had been a centurio of IIII Scythica
 Stara Zagora, Roman helmet
 Andautonia, Wall painting
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Cendere Bridge, Southeastern column, dedication to Septimius Severus
 Vechten, Samian ware with graffito of a ship (PUG collection)
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, Hunting scene
 Sperlonga, Giant statue of Odysseus and his friends blinding the cyclops Polyphemus
 Piazza Armerina, Aula Regia
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Entrance
 Nemausus, Amphitheater, Arch
 Ostia, Mithraeum
 Bu Njem, Southwestern wall
 Anemurium, Necropolis
 Green goblet with a circus scene
 Hadrumetum, Tombstone of Iorticius
 Italica, House of the Planetarium Mosaic, Detail
 Zeugma, Family tomb
 Cologne, Relief of the river god Rhenus
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Officers' mansion, Wall painting of a deer and a peacock
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Parthenope and Metiochos
 Rome, Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella, Tombstone of the lictor Chrestus
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Erotes with a glass bowl
 Madauros, Odeon, Seats
 Waldgirmes, Statue of a horseman, rein
 Rome, Horologium Augusti, Obelisk of Psammetichus II
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN
 Syracuse, Amphitheater, Western part
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Propylaea
 Salamis, Water Reservoir
 Jerusalem, Temple Complex, Temple, Model
 Rooftile of XXI Rapax from Strasbourg
 Sétif, Castellum
 Hadrumetum, Figurine of a Drunk Woman
 Mainz, Tombstone of G. Faltonius Secundus of XXII Primigenia
 Timgad, Market of Sergius, reconstruction (model)
 Šempeter, Eastern cemetery and road
 Feldberg, Northwestern wall and ditch
 Apamea, Tombstone of Valerius Macednus, soldier of IIII Flavia Felix
 Madauros, Street with sewer
 Carnuntum, Griffin
 Adamclisi, Trajan's Trophee, Metope of a cataphract (cast)
 Strasbourg, Relief of Epona on horseback
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Portico surrounding the court
 Upper Mausoleum
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Roman wall
 Rome, Via Flaminia, Aufidius Altar, Jupiter Ammon
 Cartouches of Nero
 Antoninus Pius
 Singara, Milestone
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Lacus Curtius, Octagonal basin
 Rooftile of XII Victrix from Strasbourg
 Hippo Regius, Northern Baths
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Vechten, Ancient fountain pen (PUG collection)
 Sardes, Synagogue, Table
 Venice, San Marco, Sculpture of the four Tetrarchs
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Towers 3, 2, and 1: impossible to approach
 Nicomedia, Sarcophagus
 Hippodrome, Serpent Column
 Augusta Emerita, Bridge
 Smyrna, Agora, Cryptoporticus
 Nisibis, Church, left nave (demolished)
 Vienne, "la Pyramide"
 Strasbourg, Oil lamp in the shape of a foot
 Reconstruction of the Dalkingen gate
 Tyre, City, Cisterns
 Tiddis, Castellum
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Quintus Fortesius of XV Apollinaris
 Tyre. Tombstone of Autronius Bassus of the Cohors Italica
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Northern basin, Fountainhouse
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Façade
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Valerius, trumpeter of XV Apollinaris
 Burnum, Tile of XI Claudia
 Serdica, Poster invitation for a venatio
 Mainz, Tombstone of Gn. Coelius of IIII Macedonica
 Coin of Marcus Aurelius
 Reims, Relief of a carpenter
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Southern column
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Platform for the chairs of the consuls and the emperor
 Aquileia, Founding inscription (cast)
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, General view
 Emporiae, Cistern in the macellum
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, people
 Bürgel, Model of the fourth-century fort
 Gadara, Decumanus
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Pulpit
 Baalbek, Mosaic of the Birth of Paris
 Southeast view of the temple of Majdel Anjar
 Alexandria, Catacombs, Tomb relief
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius
 Utrecht De Meern, Head of a Nubian
 Nesactium, House
 Volubilis, Stela of Marcus Valerius Severus ()
 Map of Rome's possessions across the Rhine
 Coin of Varus
 Viminacium, Tombstone
 Capernaum, Relief of a Star of David
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Ingenuus, tesserarius of II Parthica
 New Paphos, House of Aion, Mosaic
 Domburg, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Rome, Head of a Dacian
 Euromos, Temple of Zeus
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Floor mosaic
 East Gate, southern tower
 Rome, Pyramid of Cestius, Inscription
 Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting of birds and cages
 Sepphoris, Decumanus, Pavement
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius from the southwest
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument
 Thuburbo Maius, House of Theseus, Mosaic of Theseus and the Minotaur
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Northeastern gate, Inside
 Foligno, Relief of the Circus Maximus, Detail: the Arch of Titus? (cast)
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Exit
 Ancyra, Roman housetomb
 Heerlen, tombstone of Marcus Julius, soldier of V Alaudae
 Adana, Portrait of Hadrian
 Andesina, so-called Basilica
 Tyre, Wall painting of a carrier
 Carnuntum, Rooftile of XIIII Gemina
 Antioch, Mosaic of an Amazonomachy
 Stratonicea, Theater
 Trier, Dom, Roman basilica (model)
 Valentinian I and Valens
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court
 Chytroi, Statue of Septimius Severus
 Athens, Arch of Hadrian
 Taq-e Bostan, Investiture relief of Shapur II
 Emporiae, Roman town: mosaic with fish
 Welschbillig, Portrait of a German
 Constantinople, Golden Gate at the beginning of the twentieth century, seen from the outside.
 Leo II
 Sidon, Sarcophagus with the punishment of Marsyas
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, second mosaic
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Short side: the two deceased, pooring a libation
 Vechten, Dedication by Antistius Adventus (with text)
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, View from above
 Arch of Severus, seen from the temple of Faustina
 Sétif, Bathhouse, Mosaic of the Birth of Venus
 Hippo Regius, Forum, Germanicus
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Sphinx
 Aquincum, Basis of a statue for Herennius Decius
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Temple of Apollo
 Rome, Septizodium, River god
 Ghanafes, Tomb of Annosay ben Masana
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Abstract mosaic
 Rhodiapolis, Theater and reconstructed tomb of Opramoas
 Neuss, Moneybox
 Oxyrhynchus, Relief of four men and a crocodile
 Faustina I (Hamburg)
 Nisibis, Church, Tomb of Mar Yacob
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian
 Kalkriese, Face mask of a cavalry helmet
 Remagen, Tombstone of Meteriola
 Kaunos, Basilica
 Sardes, Synagogue, Peristyle
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Arete
 Bosra, Theater
 Mainz, Tombstone of Togius Statutus, Scout in a military unit named after Divitia
 The Asclepium of Balagrae
 Priene, Pan
 Cumae, Relief with an Amazon
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Faustina II
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Apotheosis of Lucius Verus
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aelius Victor
 Rome, Capitol, Marcus Aurelius on horseback
 Ostia, Forum, Capitol
 Carnuntum, Egyptianizing portrait of Caracalla
 Ephesus, Bouleuterion, Letter from Antoninus Pius
 Brittenburg (?), Dish
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Victoria (east, left) and spring
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Trier, Bridge from the southeast
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, family tomb with arch
 Beirut, Theater mask
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Statues of Hercules
 Salona, Tombstone of Trebonius of VII Claudia
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater
 Baalbek, Bustan al-Khan
 Rindern, Jar, detail
 Msletten, Northwest needle from the southwest
 Carnuntum, Civil Town, Shops
 Burnum, Tombstone of ..azicus
 Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmee and a crane
 Cherchell, Christian tombstone of Vitula
 Burnum, Tile of IIII Flavia Felix
 Augusta Emerita, Wall painting of a genius
 Villa Selene, Baths, Room 22
 Petra, Head of a Woman
 Reims, Model of urban houses
 Italica, House of the Neptune Mosaic, general view
 Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene, Peacocks.
 Caesarea, Hippodrome
 Germa, Terra sigillata
 Sirmium, Inscription of a centurion named Silvanus of I Minervia
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Tombstone of Seranus of II Augusta (EDCS-73400466)
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis and citadel
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief
 Rome, Forum Transitorium, Relief of Minerva and Arachne
 Cologne, Bronze Oceanus
 The temple of Empel
 Reconstruction of the sanctuary at Cuijk with the Maastricht propylaea
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, entrance, column base
 Remains of the Mainz-5
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Dedication to Antoninus Pius
 Anemurium, Aqueduct
 Bürgel, Model of a corner tower
 Lutetia, Pillier des nautes, Esus
 Perge, South Baths, Statue of Athena
 Aardenburg, Samian ware
 Rome, Rome, Arch of Gallienus from the east
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, family tomb with arch
 The Saalburg
 Olympia, Statue of Hadrian
 Petra, Royal Tombs, Tomb with the Urn
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Advancing soldiers
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Orpheus
 Buthrotum, Basilica
 Utrecht, The "treasure of the Domplein" (or what remains of it, since most coins were stolen)
 Madauros, Tombstone of Tiberius Claudius Quietus
 Lepics Magna, Colonnaded Street, Honorific inscription for Arisuth
 Apollonia,Central basilica, Columns
 Timgad, Funerary stela of a couple
 Tarentum, Theater, Portrait of Germanicus
 The Herwen Mole Inscription
 Romulus Augustulus
 Otacilia Severa
 Beirut, Mercury or Hermes
 Šempeter, Column
 Salona, Cyclops
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration: Dionysiac scene
 Windisch, Figurine of a military eagle
 Pergamon, Asclepium, Road to the citadel
 Petra, High Place of Worship
 Velsen, Man in the well
 Cologne, Statuette of Nehalennia
 Thysdrus, Maison d'Afrique, Garden
 Voorburg, Reconstruction of a kiln
 Myra, Theater, Decoration, face of Hermes
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Hexagonal Court
 Ortelius' drawing of the Brittenburg
 Stratonicea, Bouleuterion, inscription
 Bosra, Nabataean Arch
 Viminacium, Tombstone
 Xanthus, Colonnaded Street, Church, Mosaic
 Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Figidarium, Bacchus
 Arlon, Relief of Minerva
 Troy IX, Julio-Claudian lady
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Tile "CORPRFT"
 Sagalassus, Antonine Nymphaeum, statue of Nemesis
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Stairs
 Woerden, Knife in the shape of an asparagus
 Nijmegen, Aqueduct, Canal in the Marienbosch Park
 Palmyra, Tombstone of a lady ("the beauty of Palmyra")
 Tombstone of Lutatia
 Trier, Figurine of two lovers
 Lepcis, Theater, Dedication to Julia Domna
 Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa, Peacock
 Cyrrhus, Roman bridge
 Taucheira, Dedication to Ammon
 Piazza Armerina, Baths, Ovens
 Rome, Horologium Augusti, model
 Constantinople, Column of Arcadius, drawing of the pedestal
 Villa Selene, mosaic of the Four Seasons, Helios
 Bavay, Roman bronzes
 Bonn, Helmet of a soldier of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Qasr el-Azraq, Praetorium
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, inscription at the entrance (erased)
 Perge, Severan nymphaeum, Julia Domna
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South G
 Pompeii, House of the Faun, Alexander Mosaic, detail: Alexander himself
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, General view
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Satyr
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South C, Cattle traders (2)
 Kourion, temple of Apollo Hylates
 Heerlen, Pottery
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Germania capta
 Andesina, Baths of the amphitheater, Water conduit
 Augsburg, Family tomb of Aurelius Marcus
 Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius, Capital with one of the Dioscuri
 Qsarnaba, Capital
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Pronaos, Capitals
 Cologne, Figurine of Cybele on a lion
 Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Hercules
 Msletten, Remains of the third tomb
 Ostia, Via Severiana, Relief of a physician
 Nijmegen, Tombstone of Scanius of X Gemina
 Byllis, Tombstone of Quintus Allius Maximus
 Amiens, Ingot mentioning II Augusta
 Lepcis, Theater, entrance inscription
 Salona, Amphitheater
 Drusus Jr
 Lepcis Magna, Port, eastern pier
 Madauros, Forum, Curia
 Ghirza town
 Sagalassus, Roman Baths
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Surrounding portico on the southeastern side
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Cella, Right parapet
 Clarus, General view
 Cendere Bridge, Northeastern column
 Heerlen, baths (court)
 Komarom, Bronze inscription of I Adiutrix
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Statutus of XV Apollinaris
 Constantinople, Cistern of Aetius
 The Easter Scheldt, where the sanctuary of Nehalennia once stood
 Qasr el-Azraq, South tower, Door
 Rome, Porta Maggiore, Inscription
 Haltern, Coin of IIII Macedonica
 Damascus, "Street which is called Straight", Arch
 Aquincum, Dedication of II Adiutrix to Antoninus Pius
 Patara, Basilica
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Farnese Hercules
 Carnuntum, Civil Town, Baths
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, stairs
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief: hunters
 Patara, Sarcophagus of the champion Theronides
 Valkenburg, Sandal
 Honorius (coin)
 Berg en Dal, Pottery factory, Tile with shoe print
 Wadi al-Binya, Relief of a dromedary plowing the land
 Baths of Caracalla
 Mainz, Tombstone of Gn. Musius, standard bearer of XIIII Gemina
 Narbo, Le Clos de la Lombarde, Baths
 Seleucia in Pieria, Weight (prow)
 Peutinger Map, Judaea
 Funerary column
 Corinth, Portrait of Herodes Atticus
 Ghirza town
 Thuburbo Maius, Temple of Mercury
 Rome, Porta Maggiore, Model
 Lepcis Magna, milestone
 Nysa, Theater, Entrance
 Seleucia in Pieria, Hole in the roof of the tunnel
 Sirmium, Germanic pottery
 Bavay, Votive offering of a foot
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Oil lamp with fish
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Exit
 Lepcis, Theater, entrance inscription
 Side, Temple of Apollo, Decoration
 Piraeus, Claudius
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South F, fish
 Agrippina Maior
 Narbo, House of the Genius, Painting of a genius
 Phrygia, Tombstone of Trophimus and his family
 Nesactium, North Basilica
 Side, Inner Gate
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Damaged relief west right: Capture of Ctesiphon
 Strasbourg-Château, Wall painting of Aesculapius (?)
 Mainz, honorific column, Helius
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of Aphrodite
 Vienna, Head of a man with inscription X Gemina
 Aphrodisias, Stadium
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A
 Clarus, Sanctuary
 Köln-Alteburg, Naval monument (front)
 Xanten CUT, Treasure
 Klakar, Roman helmet
 Suq al-Awty, Farm Bz 907
 Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius, soldier of II Parthica
 Trier, Porta Nigra, repairs: red stones in a black gate
 Corinth, Inscription mentioning IIII Scythica
 Carmona, Tomb of Servilia, paintings
 Aphrodisias, Temple of Aphrodite, Propylaea
 Diyarbakir, Tigris bridge
 Dedication to Zeus (top, center), Artemis (bottom, center), and the Twelve Lycian Gods, who are standing on twelve dogs
 Qasr Bshir, Sanctuary
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief
 Wadi Antar, Portraits of a man and woman
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, seen from the northeast
 Baalbek, Temple of Venus, Relief of a mourning woman
 Villa Selene, Atrium
 Reims, Glass Urn
 Faustina I (Berlin)
 Side, Temple of Athena
 Aphrodisias, Sebasteion, Nero subdues Armenia
 Vechten, Amphora from Rhodes
 Utica, Maximian
 Concentration of Roman finds at Kalkriese
 Haltern, Ditch, profile
 Timgad, Market of Sergius
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, warriors
 Hoby, Roman silver cup with the Ransom of Hector
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Short side: the deceased woman and her sons?
 Bürgel, Lion
 Trier, Viehmarkt excavations
 Dura Europos, Temple of Aphlad, Relief of Aphlad
 Nemausus, Amphitheater, Entrance
 Mainz, Honorific column, Inscription
 Bu Njem, Baths, Heating
 Cologne, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Ephesus, Temple of Domitian, Statue of Titus
 Bronze object mentioning LEG HISP IX, from Ewijk
 Novae, Dedication for the health of the imperial family by an officer of I Italica
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, cemetery road
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, inscription mentioning Agrippa
 Welschbillig, Portrait of Philip II
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, southwest part of the pedestal, lower relief
 Sagalassus, Main Road
 Julia Mamaea
 Coin of Julia Mamaea
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of Antinous
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Panorama
 Villa Selene, Baths, Room 22, painting of two wrestlers
 Villa Selene, Mosaic of the acrobats
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus: Lion hunt
 Rome, Honorific Arch of Titus, Menorah
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Platform for seats
 Tongeren, Roman wall, Legioenenlaan
 Patara, Roman sarcophagus
 Icosium, Bab el-Oued cemetery, Tomb stela of a Numidian horseman
 Augusta Merita, Tombstone of a barmaid
 Glanum, Sacred Spring
 Smyrna, Tombstone of a retiarius named Euchrus
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of a bird hunter
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of birds
 Emporiae, Roman town, amphitheater
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza, Nymphaeum, Statue of a lady
 Lepcis, Severan basilica, northern apse
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, So-called Library
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Summer
 Tipasa, Theater
 Bonn, Tombstone of Petilius of XV Primigenia
 Augusta Emerita, House of the Amphitheater, Harvest mosaic
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis, Game
 Janzur, Tomb painting, Proserpina and Pluto, attended by two slaves, receiving the dead
 Textile fragments from Zenobia
 Sepphoris, House of the Dionysus Mosaic, Mosaic
 Lepcis, Theater, Statue of Venus
 Cilician Gate, Roman milestone
 Zwammerdam, Fort, South gate
 Troy IX, Silvanus
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inside, Twelve Olympian gods, upper register
 New Paphos, House of Theseus, Achilles Mosaic
 Magnesia on the Meander, Portrait of Agrippa
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, mosaic
 Nijmegen, Floor heating found at the site of the modern casino
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Tombstone of Julius of II Augusta
 Alexandria, Inscription of II Traiana Fortis
 Marcus Aurelius
 Hadrian's Wall, Capricorn of II Augusta
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Triumphal exit
 Bir Tarsin, Neo-Punic funeral monument
 Byblos, mosaic with Silenus
 Family tree of the ancestors of Septimius Severus
 Mušov, Terra Sigilata
 Qasr el-Azraq, South tower, Room
 Pompeii, Amphitheater
 Lyon, Dedication of an altar
 Pont du Gard from the southeast
 Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting of birds and cages
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Decoration
 Timgad, Market of Sergius, ruin (model)
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Ain el-Youdi, Pool
 Carthage, Antonine Baths, View
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths and Palaestra, model
 Sidon, Roman ossuary
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian
 Rome, Via Appia, Triopion of Herodes Atticus, Column
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, East facade
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Substructure
 Aquincum, House of the Painter (reconstruction)
 Sirmium, Tombstone of the Christians Peter and Victorinianus
 Trier, Porta Nigra, model
 Thessaloniki, Roman Forum, Odeon
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, One of the arches
 Heerlen, Remains of the Roman baths
 Rome, San Clemente, Mithraeum
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Ain el-Youdi, Tombstone
 Marcus Aurelius and Faustina II
 Gortyn, Temple of the Egyptian deities, Isis-Persephone and Serapis-Hades
 Rome, Pantheon, Brickwork
 Carthage, Roman Theater, General view
 Diocaesarea, Roman theater
 Dura Europos, Palace of the Dux Ripae
 Pompeii, Casa del centenario, Africa
 Rome, Bridge of Fabricius, Inscription mentioning Lepidus and Lollius
 Segovia, Aqueduct
 Corinth, Theater, Relief of an Amazonomachy
 Msletten, Northwest needle from the northeast
 Sparta, Mosaic of Alcibiades
 Nisibis, Church, left nave, interior
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Funerary Monument of the Babulei
 Cinyps, Amphoras
 The Farnese Bull
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Artemis-Selene, Hesperos, Nyx, and Thalassa
 Tyre, Statue of a female deity
 Sepphoris, House of the Nile Mosaic, Nilometer
 Machaerus, Roman camps D, E, F, G, H
 Machaerus, Roman camp D
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Propylaea
 Battle in the Teutoburg Forest: from Minden to the west
 Tyana, Aqueduct
 Eleusis, Roman Square, Portrait of Marcus Aurelius
 Feldberg, Baths, model
 Lepcis, "Porticus post scaenam"
 Madauros, Poetic inscription
 Lepcis, theater, inscription
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Dura Europos, Synagogue, Wall painting
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, South portico
 Hexagonal Court; Lebanon Mountains in the distance
 Thugga, Brothel
 Carnuntum, Civil Town, Villa Urbana
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Access to the crypt
 Xanthus, Roman theater
 Corinth, Basilica Julia, Statue of Lucius
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of Calliope
 Serdica, Baths and Rotunda
 Cyrene, Downtown, General view
 Coin of Vespasian, showing a personification of Judaea mourning the loss of her independence. Legend: JUDAEA CAPTA, "Judaea conquered".
 Baalbek, Bustan al-Khan
 Toulouse, Athlete
 Jerusalem, Tiles of X Fretensis
 Apamea, Tombstone of Magnus Matto, soldier of II Parthica
 Janzur, Tomb painting, Priest pooring a libation
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tunnel, Moon
 Philadelphia, Forum
 Anemurium, Baths
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Laconica, decoration
 Alcántara bridge, shrine
 Aezani, Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices
 Damascus, Milestone, inscription mentioning Apollodorus
 Philadelphia, Theater
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, farmer
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, eastern part
 Antioch, Aristotelian philosophical institute
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Panorama of the Hexagonal Court
 Contra Aquincum, Roman helmet
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Dedication to Jupiter (EDCS-17700142)
 Africano (or Lucullan) Marble from Asia Minor
 Nemausus, Milestone of Augustus
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, frieze
 Tiddis, Forum, Office
 Reims, Three-headed deity
 Coin of Gratian, Victoria
 Sardes, Synagogue
 Amathus, Agora, Shrine for the imperial cult
 East Gate
 Alexandria, Alexander the Great (part of a group with Hephaestion)
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Attius of XV Apollinaris
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, Façade, Semicircular pediment
 Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene, Hunter chased by lion
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic
 Marktbreit, Panorama
 Petra, Inner City, Market
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Sepphoris, Decumanus
 Ancyra, Baths of Caracalla
 Arch ofLepcis Magna, Arch of Tiberius
 Knossos, Relief of Demeter
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Right-hand side, Griffin
 Philippi, Episcopal Palace
 Cologne, Tombstone of an officer of III Augusta, born in Carthage and buried in Cologne
 Sillyum, Fountain
 Smyrna, Portrait of a sophist
 Aardenburg, Skeleton of a raider
 Bu Njem, Sanctuary, Head of a war goddess
 Thessaloniki, Portrait of a Boy
 Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces from the south, relief
 Ezinge, Statuette of a charioteer
 Trier, Imperial baths from the north
 First surviving sheet of the Peutinger Map
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Dedication to Nemesis
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Eagle
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Cella
 Bavay, Tomb of a baby
 Bavay, Wall remains from Late Antiquity
 Fojnica, Head of Medusa
 Hierapytna, Hadrian (cast)
 So-called Sulla
 Sepphoris, Cardo
 Augusta Emerita, House of the Amphitheater, Spiral mosaic
 Tongeren, Roman wall, Caesarlaan
 Tiddis, Statuette of a young man
 Harran on the Arch of Septimius Severus
 Lepcis Magna, Port, eastern pier, colored
 Bodegraven, Armwreath
 Vienna, Tombstone Gaius Atius of XV Apollinaris (cast)
 Augusta Emerita, Amphitheater, arena
 Glanum, Roman arch
 Coin of the Bosphorus
 Portait of a Roman man, third quarter of the second century CE
 Toulouse, Relief with a woman and child
 Viminacium,Military baths
 Tarsus, Mosaic of Orpheus
 Reims, Capital with the Four Seasons
 Pompeii, Wall painting of the Three Graces
 Byblos, Cardo
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Loot
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, third mosaic, fishermen
 Eleusis, Portrait of hierophant
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Veined Marble from Skyros (Grand)
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Euphrates (river god)
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Lady with two flutes
 Salona, Tombstone of Vatinius of VII Claudia
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Portrait of a priest of Cybele
 Nijmegen, Tambourine of a girl of about ten years old
 The Hague, Reconstructed milestones
 Cyrrhus, Tombstone of a soldier of X Fretensis
 Machaerus, Roman camp K
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Aiianius of XV Apollinaris
 Sardes, temple of Artemis, Columns
 Rome, Via Appia, Tonbstone of three Jewish freedmen
 Map of Roman Judaea
 Capernaum, Relief of the Ark
 Fectio, Reconstruction of the southern gate
 Smyrna, Agora, Cryptoporticus
 Chesters, Rooftile of VI Victrix
 Ephesus, Commercial Agora
 Corinth, Relief of Three Menorahs
 Plovdiv, East Gate, decoration
 Sétif, Basilica B, Mosaic of Adeodatus
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Second-century Mithraic relief
 Athens, Stadium of Herodes Atticus
 Colijnsplaat, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Tongeren, Votive offering of a foot
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Tiberius
 Map of the building phases of Rijswijk - De Bult
 Philippi, Stoa, Dedication by an officer of XXI Rapax
 Isthmia, Roman Baths, Hypocaust
 Nijmegen, Oil lamp, Jupiter and his eagle
 Antioch, Mosaic of the hippodrome
 Tipasa, Martyrium
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building from the northwest
 Lepcis Magna, Palaestra (nymphaeum in the background)
 Emporiae, Roman town, baths
 Model of the Roman villa at Jülich-Hambach
 Pergamon, Squeeze of an honorific inscription for Quintilius Varus
 Qasr Bshir, Southern tower
 Waldgirmes, Model
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Northeastern gate, outside
 Sillyum from the west
 Rome, Circus Maximus, Model, Arch of Titus
 Novara, "Vasa diatreta" known as the "Trivulzio cup"
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, General view
 Woerden, Map of the ancient Rhine and shipwrecks
 Viminacium, Tombstone 2, Romulus and Remus
 Bavay, Roman figurine of a panther
 Alabanda, theater
 Alexandria in Troas, Detail of a sarcophagus
 Uthina, House of the Laberii, Mosaic of hunters
 Baalbek, Quarry, Tombs
 Adamclisi, Trajan's Trophee, Reconstruction, Metope of a legionary and two Dacians
 Al-Bass, Arch of Hadrian, detail
 Thelsae, Southwest tower
 Piazza Armerina, Great Hall, Landlord?
 Seleucia in Pieria, Mosaic of Eros and Psyche
 Vaison, Quarry
 Cherchell, Sun dial
 Bijaci, Tombstone of Vegnonius of VII Claudia
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Maximus, soldier of II Parthica
 Viminacium, Tombstone
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, East clubhouse (the Blues), inscription
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, Cella
 Portrait of a Roman, c.190-210 CE
 Xanten, Pliny's bridle
 Oenoanda, Esplanade
 Sirmium, Relief of an aquatic animal
 Utrecht De Meern, De Meern-1 at the NISA (Lelystad, Netherlands)
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, shaft
 Nablus, Tombstone of G. Valerius of IIII Flavia Felix
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Exterior, Column
 Ghirza town, Building 34
 Herennia Etruscilla
 Ephesus, Portrait of the emperor Balbinus
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Inscription
 Syracuse, Amphitheater, Arena from the southwest
 Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Frigidarium, Venus
 Nijmegen, Oil lamp with gladiators saluting the organizer of the games
 Ancyra, Roman tomb
 Niha, Large temple, Builders' model
 Viminacium, Tombstone
 Aspendus, Theater, View
 Caesarea-Mazaca, Roman tombstone
 Berg en dal, Silver pan, handle with portrait of Tyche or Cybele
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Tile of V Alaudae
 Reconstruction of the Mainz 3 warship
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Façade
 Vienne, Temple of Augustus and Livia
 Viminacium, Woman's head
 Troesmis, Municipal law
 Rome, Via Appia near the Villa of the Quintilii
 Sirmium, Relief of Neptune
 Bonn, Jupiter Column, Jupiter
 Thysdrus, Sollertian House, Mosaic with dice players
 Tyre, City, Mosaic Road, cipollino
 Toulouse, Sarcophagus with a horseman and vines
 Didia Clara
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Aphrodite
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Today
 Serpentine from Burgundy (Grand)
 Augusta Emerita, Mosaic of a hunter on horseback
 Ostia, Piazzale delle corporazioni: the traders between Ostia and Narbo
 Aelius Caesar
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief, Portraits
 Günzburg, Grave gifts from a Germanic mercenary in the Roman army: a Germanic fibula, some Germanic pottery, and some Roman terra sigilata
 Narbo, Statue of a man (Hercules?)
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Vault
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Xanten, Tombstone of Crescens
 Bonn, Tombstone of L. Magius Dubius of I Minervia
 Isthmia, Late stadium, Statue of an emperor
 Arykanda, Statue of a woman
 Aquilia Severa
 Bonn, Inscription mentioning I Minervia. The surname "Maximiniana" has been erased
 Bu Njem, Graffito
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Church, general view
 Sepphoris, Synagogue, Mosaic with the story of Bileam
 Apollonia, Port facilities
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, capital
 Nicosia, Roman Oil Lamp with Bird
 Side,Temple of Apollo, Corniche
 Thessaloniki, Roman Forum, Alexander Group, Alexander
 Viminacium, Dedication by an officer of IIII Flavia
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Catapult stones
 Trier, Amphitheater, Southern entrance
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Fighting soldier
 Philippi, Horologium
 Waldgirmes, Forum, model
 Tlos, Portico
 Philadelphia, Tyche
 Bosra, Central Baths
 Bu Njem, dedication to Septimius Severus and sons (some names erased)
 Alcántara bridge, arch, inscription ()
 Heracles and the Mares of Diomedes
 Vienna, Tile of X Gemina Severiana
 Valkenburg, Seal
 Temple of Artemis, column
 Palmyra, Ankle cuff
 Oenoanda, Theater
 Thessaloniki, Tombstone of a Fisherman
 Poreč, Tombstone of Moranus of VIIII Hispana
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Ain el-Youdi, Retaining wall
 Oescus, Tombstone of P. Scribonus of V Macedonica
 Sabratha, Church mosaic of a peacock
 Oenoanda, Esplanade, inscription of Diogenes
 Tiddis, Cave of Mithras
 Qasr Bshir, Gate inscription
 Strasbourg, Oil lamp in the shape of a cow's head
 Athens, Pnyx, Lenormant Athena
 Sirmium, Wall painting of Harpocrates
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, northwest, trophee
 Proconnesian Marble from Marmora (Rome, Palatine)
 Bonn, Ritual crown from the cult of Isis
 Machaerus, Roman siege dam
 Khirbet al-Kithâra, Milestone mentioning Trajan
 Remains of the Zwammerdam 3
 Waldgirmes, Statue of a horseman, horse's leg
 Reims, Sarcophagus of general Jovinus
 Bavay, Roman knives
 Petra, Inner City, General View
 Beirut, Roman colonnade (originally near the Place d'Etoile)
 Nijmegen, IJsselstraat: Site of a Roman temple.
 Thessaloniki, Arch of Galerius, East façade
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Small altar
 Msletten, Southwest needle from the northwest
 Coin with Trajan's bridge across the Danube
 Issa, Inscription of Drusus the Younger
 Nahr al-Kalb, Inscription by Proculus
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Façade
 Buthrotum, Atrium House
 Cologne's Sewer
 Figurine of Helios
 Strasbourg, Tombstone of Lepontius (cast)
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, palms
 Gerasa, Oval Forum
 Xanthus, Colonnaded Street, Shops
 Tyre, City, Mosaic Road, capital
 Flavius Josephus?
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Tile of XV Primigenia
 Vienna, Inscription of XIII Gemina
 Viminacium, Money box
 Colijnsplaat, Reconstruction of a votive stela to Nehalennia
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Inscription of the sons of Constantine the Great
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Decoration of the stairs to the cella
 Tipasa, Nymphaeum
 Valkenburg, Germanic shield boss
 Roman official, first quarter of the second century
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, from northwest
 Mainz, Stamp of IIII Macedonica
 Salona, Tombstone of Fuficius of XX Valeria Victrix
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Victoria (west, left) and autumn
 Machnaqa, Altar
 Postumus' triumph
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief: Amazons and a Dionysiac procession
 Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, Artemis of Ephesus
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Corner
 Reims, Milestone of Maximianus
 Amphipolis, Tombstone of a gladiator
 Alabastro onice from the Valley of the Nile
 Vechten, Fragment of an inscription
 Tile of XXII Primigenia Pia Fidelis
 Anemurium, Baths
 Sardes, Synagogue, Water basin
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (copy)
 Leiden-Matilo, Hand of a bronze statue
 Nysa, Theater, General view
 Hippo Regius, Forum, Vespasian
 Pompeii, Detail of a wall painting
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Military standard with portraits of Septimius Severus and Caracalla
 Šempeter, Arcade with griffins
 Ancyra, Roman tombstone
 The "Peel Helmet", found in the moors near Deurne
 Labraunda, Dedication to Zeus
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, A wounded gladiator asks for release
 Messene, Statue of Constans
 Nijmegen, Ring of a shoemaker
 Sardes, temple of Artemis, Column base
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Relief of Psyche
 Sagalassus, Poseidon
 Vienna, Building Inscription of XIIII Gemina
 Alexandria, Hephaestion (part of a group with Alexander)
 Tarraco, Medusa mosaic
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Roman lady
 Serdica, Poster invitation for a venatio
 Lambaesis, Fortress, Tile of VII Gemina
 Faqra, Small altar
 Corinth, Basilica Julia, Statue of Gaius
 Maximinus Thrax
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Statues
 Anreppen, Model of the eastern part of the camp
 Byllis, Episcopal Palace
 Tyre, City, Square structure, Arena
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, entrance
 Andesina, Relief of Abundance
 Ain Akrine, Temple 2, Tympanon
 Italica, House of the Neptune Mosaic, Crocodile
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, second mosaic
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, couple
 Thessaloniki, Roman Forum, General view with Odeon
 Buthrotum, Basilica
 Sepphoris, House of the Dionysus Mosaic, the "Mona Lisa of Galilee"
 Reims, Medaillon of Sol
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Hero
 Nijmegen, the "Lead Lady"
 Rome, Pyramid of Cestius from the south
 Reims, Antoninus Pius
 Ajdovščina, Roman tower
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C
 Cendere Bridge, Southeastern inscription
 Bziza, Roman temple
 Coin from Myra, showing the temple of Artemis
 Kaufenheim, Milestone mentioning the emperor Hostilian
 Rome, Pantheon, Entrance
 Coin of Julia Soeamias
 Sagalassus, Macellum, general view
 Amathus, Agora, General view
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Rostra, Columna rostrata, reconstruction
 Burnum, Principia
 Lepcis, Amphitheater, temple
 Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces, model
 Hoi pleistoi anthropoi kakoi
 Julia Domna, Septimius Severus, Geta (erased), and Caracalla
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Laconica, bathttub
 Arykanda, Necropolis, Sarcophagus
 Theater decoration: erotes fighting animals
 Constantinople, Column of the Goths, capital
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief west right, drawing: Capture of Ctesiphon
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, northwest part of the pedestal
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Small Mithraic Relief
 Tiddis, Cave of Mithras, Relief of a phallus (fascinum)
 Lepcis Magna, Palaestra
 Rome, Severan baths and Septizodium (model)
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Nilotic scene
 A red-colored dish
 Heracles and the Cretan Bull
 Sardes, synagogue, Torah ark
 Bavay, Roman pottery
 Trier, Large floor mosaic with animals
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Severus, Julia Domna, and an erased Plautianus
 Qsarnaba, Nonianus
 Rooftile of XXII Primigenia
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, frieze
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SE, frieze: POWs sold as slaves
 Corinth, Theater, Portait of Galba
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Map of the centenarium
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Façade
 The Chaussée Brunehaut south of Herderen
 Carnuntum, Statuette of Cybele
 Jerusalem, Milestone mentioning X Fretensis
 Qasr Bshir, Curtain wall
 Msletten, Northern tomb, Corinthian capital
 Elst, Remains of Temple II
 Haltern, Bird-shaped oil lamp
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration on the west side
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Freimühle, Remains of a Roman fort
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, tower tomb
 Leiden-Matilo, Samian ware of slaves being led away
 Nazareth, "Cave of the Annunciation"
 Krangeweer, Domitia Longina as Juno
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Dionysus, center
 Rome, Via Appia, Villa of the Quintilii
 Remains of the Mainz-6
 Mask of a German
 Cendere Bridge, Northwestern inscription
 Emporiae, Mosaic showing an actor's mask
 Al-Bass Cemetery, general view
 Brimont, Milestone of Victorinus
 Sufetula, Church of Vitalis, Baptistery
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, frieze: citizens
 Cyrrhus, Hexagonal mausoleum, ceiling
 Ain al-Jouj, Relief of Jupiter Heliopolitanus
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes with tourists
 Amphipolis, Basilica A, Mosaic, Detail
 Reims, Altar of Cernunnos (with Apollo and Mercurius)
 Thuburbo Maius, Temple of Juno Caelestis, Arch
 Sirmium, Milestone mentioning Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus
 Niha, Large temple, Decoration: relief
 Este, Tombstone of a veteran of the Eleventh Legion, mentioning the battle of Actium
 Capernaum, Synagogue
 Seleucia in Pieria, Weight of half a mina (horse)
 Sirmium, Inscription of a legionary of II Adiutrix
 Apamea, Tombstone of Felsonius Verus, aquilifer of II Parthica, detail
 Plovdiv, Stadium
 Narbo, Horrea
 Niha, Large temple, Relief of Narkisos, Hadanares and Atargatis
 Viminacium, Medicine box
 Arykanda, Necropolis, Large tomb
 Arelate, Theater, Entrance
 Ailana, Roman church
 Bosra, Theater
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Frigidarium, inscription IRT 396
 Trier, Dom, Roman column
 Cendere Bridge, seen from the southeast
 Reconstruction of a synagogue
 Amphipolis, Basilica A, Nave
 Augsburg, Relief of a dog on a wine barrel
 Wadi Rum village, Bathhouse, Venus Anadyomene (Allat?)
 Augsburg, Portrait of Paternus Clementianus
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Cattle merchant
 Nijmegen, Amber carving of Amor
 Lutetia, Thermes de Cluny
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, northwest part of the pedestal, upper relief
 Trapezus, Dedication by I Pontica to Diocletian and his fellow emperors
 Seleucia in Pieria, Roman bridge
 Apollonia, Bathhouses, Swimming pool
 Philadelphia, Citadel, Temple of Heracles
 Stuttgart-Zazenhausen, Three female deities
 Valentinian III
 Augusta Emerita, Temple of Diana
 Mosaic from Piazza Armerina, believed to represent Eutropia
 Vienna, Ancient remains at the Michaelerplatz (in front of the Hofburg)
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Inscription
 Hildesheim Silver Treasure, Minerva
 Lintel of the church entrance
 Pompeii, House of the Faun, Alexander Mosaic, detail: Darius III
 Megara, Portrait of a man
 Livia (Copenhagen)
 Nijmegen, Valkhof, Oil lamp with Victoria
 Gerasa, Thucydides
 Byblos, Roman Nymphaeum
 Bani Walid, Relief of a man climbing a palm tree
 Haltern, Portrait made of ivory
 Madauros, Odeon, Inscription
 Antioch, Portrait of a priestess
 Constantinople, Obelisk of Thutmose III, from the northeast
 Bonn, Relief of people sacrificing to the Aufanian Mothers
 Bosra, Tombstone of centurio Aelius Vitalinius Valentinus of III Cyrenaica
 Apamea, Temple of Tyche
 Apamea, Tombstone of an unknown soldier of II Parthica
 Ostia, Synagogue, Mosaic of Solomon's knot
 Nijmegen, Crystal dice
 Krefeld, Roman helmet, adapted to Germanic taste
 Timgad, Great South Baths
 Rome, Theater of Pompey, Hercules
 Satala, Remains of an aqueduct
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Ceiling
 Julia Mamaea
 Mactaris, Mosaic of Venus
 Carnuntum, Tomb of Titus Calidius of XV Apollinaris
 Ostia, Theater, Inscription
 Corbulo's canal today
 Rome, S. Giovanni in Laterano, Trebonianus Gallus
 Burnum, Greaves
 Corinth, Basilica Julia, Portrait of Nero
 Rome, Pantheon, Columns
 Worms, Tombstone of Aurelius Dizza of II Parthica
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, northern apse, griffin
 Trier, Figurine of a cloaked man
 Lucius Clodius Macer
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis and citadel
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian, pedestal, east
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, Inscriptions
 Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Vase with two lovers
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Cistern
 Pergamon, Temple of Trajan
 Ephesus, Theater, seen from the Arcadian Road
 Bziza, Roman temple, Capital
 Constantinople, Augusteôn Square today
 Baalbek, General view of the quarry
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Northern terrace wall
 Leiden-Matilo, Roman helmet
 A "Sidonian bottle", colored white
 Livia (Paris)
 Porta Nigra, catapult room
 Petra, Inner City, Qasr al-Bint
 Augusta Emerita, The theater of Mérida
 Ephesus, Arcadian Road
 Vechten, Reconstruction of a Roman watchtower
 Nijmegen, Noviomagus, Double temple, Mercury
 Bosra, Central Gate
 Bosra, Baths
 Byzantine horse-shaped lamp
 Map of Nijmegen in the fourth century
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic
 Qasr el-Azraq, Dedication of a building (age of Constantine)
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Oberaden, Wooden sword, used for the training of soldiers
 Timgad, Library (model)
 Cendere Bridge, Southwestern column, dedication to Caracalla
 Baalbek, Stairs towards the temple of Bacchus
 Rome, Aurelian Wall, Inside
 Novae, Principia
 Bad Cannstadt, Statue of Herecura
 Carnuntum, Statue of a Roman commander with a picture of Jupiter Heliopolitanus on his armor
 Amphipolis, Basilica A, Mosaic
 Aspendus, Theater, Stage, Decoration
 Lutetia, Model of the Roman city, seen from the south
 Rome, Arch of Drusus from the north
 Magnesia on the Meander, Theater
 Thessaloniki, Church of the Acheiropoietos, Mosaic
 Reims, Treasure of Coins (CE 260)
 Maastricht, Site of a Roman tower
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Temple of Faustina
 Sardes, Synagogue, Mosaic
 Ostia, Public Toilet
 Lepcis Magna, Monument of Gavius Macer, Inscription
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Dionysus, bottom
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Fish
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Northern basin, decoration
 Amathus, Agora, East colonade
 La Turbie, Old photo of the Tropaeum Augusti
 Sirmium, Relief of a dolphin
 Roman mosaic
 Msletten, Northwest needle from the southeast
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Looting soldier
 Cavalry mask, found in the river Waal
 Theater, statue of an athlete or hero
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of a sea goddess
 Petra, Theater
 Sirmium, Minerva
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Bacchus
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Columns
 Köln-Deutz, Castle, Model
 East Gate
 Aalen, Building inscription (copy)
 Herodes Atticus
 Madauros, Tombstone of bishop Placentinus
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Arcadius
 Leiden-Matilo, Seal with Victoria
 Rome, Forum of Peace, Nile Group
 Amida and the Tigris, seen from the south
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, East facade
 Aalen, Northwest gate
 Utica, House of the Cascade
 Two figurines of the Matres
 Coptic Embroidery
 Capital in marine style
 Sabratha, Christian inscription
 Domburg, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, Artemis of Ephesus
 Cyrrhus, Hexagonal mausoleum
 Constantinople, Column of the Goths
 Ephesus, Terrace Houses, Marcus Aurelius
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Portico surrounding the court
 Mainz, Tombstone with a poem for a girl
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Cardo gate
 Byblos, Head of a young Roman
 Piraeus, Balbinus
 Thysdrus, Amphitheater, View from the outside
 Rome, Pantheon, Façade
 Worms, Pottery from a woman's tomb
 Italica, House of the Neptune Mosaic, Pygmee
 Tetricus II
 Lepcis, Amphitheater, entrance
 Valkenburg, Writing tablet
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian, pedestal, front
 Carthage, Mosaic of three musicians (copy)
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South A, spirit of the deceased
 Perge, Northern nymphaeum, Hadrian
 Mainz, Tombstone of Urvinus of XIII Gemina
 Valkenburg, Arrowheads
 Sardes, Synagogue
 Map of the limes system
 Aspendus, Theater, Outside
 Syracuse, Amphitheater, Main entrance
 Constantinople on the Peutinger Map
 Villa Selene, Peristyle and entrance to the summer triclinium
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan
 Aspendus, Stadium
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, bath tub on Piazza Farnese
 Velsen, Frisian pottery
 Woerden, Roof tile Coh(ortis) XV vol(untariorum)
 Lepcis, Theater, Statue of Minerva
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, Wall painting of a lion and an onager
 Augusta Emerita, Genius of the Senate
 Augusta Emerita, the so-called "Arch of Trajan"
 Piazza Armerina, Private Room, Two lovers
 Portrait of a Roman man, c. 400 CE
 Constantinople, Sea wall, Boukoleon Palace (façade)
 Novae, Principia, Water basin
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Machaerus, Roman camp H
 Remains of the Zwammerdam 3.
 Piazza Armerina, Great Hall, Ship
 Zwammerdam 6, model.
 Ephesus, Marble Street
 Carthage, Roman Theater, Relief of the Muses
 Lepcis Magna, Severan basilica, inscription
 Tolsum, writing tablet (front)
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of Ganymede
 Petra, Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, a Roman governor who continued to live in Petra
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Small monument
 Niha, Large temple, Decoration: wreath
 Baalbek, Bustan al-Khan
 Sagalassus, Temple of Antoninus Pius
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, The Rain Miracle
 Novae, House of a tribune
 Bodegraven, Roman helmet
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief: hunters
 Rome, Baths of Agrippa, Basilica of Neptune
 Burnum, Amphitheater
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of Isis
 Chesters, Rooftile of II Augusta
 Map of the Jewish catacombs in Rome
 Pseudo-Synnadian Stone (Grand)
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, fish
 Nijmegen, terra sigillata with the Thracian name "Mucatra"
 Portrait of a man, third quarter of the first century CE (the so-called "Vitellius")
 Sidon, Roman column
 Zeugma, Bronze statue of Ares
 Zmajevac, Fittings of a scabbard
 Nijmegen, Maasplein: site of the Roman villa
 Augusta Emerita, Mosaic with a pastoral scene
 Coin of Julian from Siscia
 Coin of Vitellius
 Mainz, Head of a Julio-Claudian prince (young Octavian?)
 Map of Roman Judaea and it neighbors
 Vienna, Tiefe Graben
 Philippi, Diploma of several soldiers, released after the Year of the Four Emperors
 Apollonia, Palace
 Andesina, Baths Rue de Liffol, Relief of a Triton
 Anemurium, Roman tombs
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis and Byzantine church
 Sardes, Gymnasium
 Beth Shean, Roman forum
 Alesia, Bronze figurine of a dying Gaul
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Theonoe
 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Septimius Severus, the lighthouse of Lepcis Magna
 Sepphoris, Theater
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NE, frieze
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Court
 Heracles and the Ceryneian Hind
 Alcántara bridge, shrine, interior
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, stage
 Philippi, Sewer in the Via Egnatia
 Vechten, Helmet decorated with a snake
 Strasbourg, Catapult stones
 Emporiae, Roman town, forum
 Niha, Large temple, eastern part of the U-shaped crypt
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Ceiling
 Italica, House of the Birds, mosaic, duck
 Wadi Rum village, Nabataean temple, Propylaea (?)
 Niha, Large temple, northern wall
 Sufetula, Great Baths
 Velsen, Frisian pottery
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, façade at night
 Ghirza, Southern necropolis, remains of two mausoleums
 Rome, Via Appia, Tombstone of Habib of Palmyra
 Maastricht, Map of the late Roman fort
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, southeast part of the pedestal, inscription
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, adyton, inscription
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, frieze (copy)
 Colonnaded Street, decoration
 Aquincum, Tombstone of M. Ulpius Victor
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South F
 Mactaris, Tax office
 Tyre, Al-Bass, road and aqueduct
 Rome, Baths of Agrippa, Basilica of Neptune, Central apse
 Vechten, Perfume bottles
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Rome, Ara Pacis, Agrippa
 Machnaqa, Stairs to the monuments
 Head of Bacchus from Tunis
 Remagen, Remains of the wall of the ancient fort
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, Interior, Eagle
 Mediolanum, Model
 Bürgel, Cemetery, cup
 The Danube near Carnuntum
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration: gods
 Ostia, Piazzale delle corporazioni, Arion
 Orange, Theater, general
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North F
 Bavay, Corinthian capital
 Domitia Longina
 Caesarea, Theater
 Capernaum, Synagogue
 Miletus, Harbor district, Roman naval monument
 Wadi Buzra, View to the southwest from Bz 901-905
 Constantinople, Hagia Sophia, remains of the Theodosian church
 Thelsae, Sanctuary from the southwest
 Qasr Bshir, Gate, seen from the inside
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, first mosaic
 Wadi Buzra, Farm Bz 906
 The Laocoon Group
 Philippi, Portrait of Antoninus Pius
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Erotes with drapery
 Madauros, Odeon, General view
 Rome, Via Appia, Pyramid
 Sidon, Figurine of Aphrodite
 Vechten, Dagger and scabbard
 Madauros, Christian tombstone
 Smyrna, Dedication to Hadrian
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Tepidarium, inscription IRT 599
 Debasement of Roman denarius/antoninianus
 Qsarnaba, Stairs
 Rome, Tombstone of Pomponius of the Eighteenth Legion
 Bust of Ulpia Marciana
 Corinth, South Stoa
 Vechten, Face mask of a helmet
 The Fortuna of Viminacium
 Neuss, Tombstone of Oclatius Carvus from Tongeren
 Athens, Odeon of Herodes Atticus
 Violet Brecchia from the Pyrenees (Grand)
 Tlos, Acropolis and tombs (with Ottoman fort)
 Thysdrus, Statue of Concordia
 Rome, Pantheon, Columns
 Gaius Caesar
 Phthiotic Thebes, Statue of Dionysus and a satyr
 Rome, Ludus Maximus, Model
 Niha, Small temple, Interior
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Erotes with a cornucopia
 Bürgel, Scissors
 Rome, Pantheon, Narthex, Roof
 Bulla Regia, House of the Hunt
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Cavalry mask
 Ostia, Piazzale delle corporazioni: the traders between Ostia and Sabratha
 Ancyra, Temple of Augustus, model
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Second-century Mithraic relief, Reconstruction
 Apamea, Synagogue, Mosaic, donated by Euthalis the Scholar
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Inscription of Celsus
 Plovdiv, Bouleuterion/Odeon
 New Paphos, House of Dionysus, Room 6, Hippolytus
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Hercules resting on his club
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Façade
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Glass globes
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Retiarius
 Radanovo, Gordian III
 Lambaesis, Head of Mars Ultor
 Gerasa, Mosaic of Clio
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SE, Victoria
 Ansesina, Les Roises, Tomb of a child
 Remains of the Mainz 2
 Trier, Amphitheater, Model
 Treasure of Roman coins (Decius, Carinus, Herennia, Heliogabalus, Probus, Gordian III)
 Narbo, Horrea
 Xanten CUT, Reconstructed Roman kitchen-garden
 Sirmium, Excavation near the basilica
 Neuss, Tile of VI Victrix
 Miletus, Harbor district, Roman naval monument, Relief
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, table with Punic and Roman measures
 Livia (Amsterdam)
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, View from the starting boxes
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Pedestal of an urn
 Cherchell, Statue of Isis
 Alexander the Great with an elephant's skin
 Timgad, House of Crementius
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Pygmee
 Zenobia, View from the southwest
 Apamea, Philosophers Mosaic, Socrates
 Tarraco, Wall
 Anemurium, Baths
 Mactaris, Amphitheater
 Tarraco, Wall painting with a hunting scene
 Italica, Amphitheater, Dedication to Juno Caelestis
 Rome, Fasti Capitolini (409-399 Varronian)
 Xanten, Tile of XXII Primigenia
 Roman statue of the Egyptian god Bes from Amathus
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Frigidarium, capital
 Tipasa, Basilica
 Alexander the Great
 Livia (Stuttgart)
 Niha, Roman altar, dedicated to a female deity (Fortuna), with two lions
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, palm
 Koninksem, Tumulus
 Edessa?, Tombstone of a couple
 Nijmegen, Fibula
 Breccia Corallina Marble from Phrygia (Isthmia)
 Viminacium, Tomb made of tiles
 Rome, Via Appia, Villa of the Quintilii, Statue of a lady
 Lepcis Magna, Decumanus
 Rome, Bridge of Aelius from the west
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius
 Ephesus, Bouleuterion
 Xanten, Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius
 Bziza, Roman temple, Apse
 Andesina, Wall and tower
 Remains of the Mainz-3 ship
 Map of Germania Inferior
 Glanum, Council House (Bouleuterion)
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Lacus Curtius, Relief of Curtius' self-sacrifice
 Reconstruction of the Heerlen baths (façade)
 Hippo Regius, Forum, Hadrian
 Coin of XXI Rapax
 Vechten, Dice
 Satala, Northern wall
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, gorgons' heads
 Madauros, House with oil press A, Square basin
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, frigidarium, floor
 Tyre, City, Mosaic Road, Roman mosaic pavement
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Execution
 Bürgel, Dedication to the Matres
 Emporiae, Roman town, cardo
 Bosra, Mosaic of a caravan
 Rome, Tombstone of Q. Granius Labeo ()
 Miletus, Harbor district, Model
 Cologne, Praetorium
 Icosium, Abstract mosaic
 Aricia, temple of Diana, Terrace
 Brohl, Altar, mentioning VI Victrix
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief, Upper register
 Cyrene, Downtown, Theater, restored in the Roman age
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Ancyra, Baths of Caracalla, Statue of an emperor
 Valkenburg, Writing tablet and pens
 Zwammerdam 3, model.
 Hadrumetum, Head of a Roman man
 Chariot of Cybele
 Tarsus, Street
 Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmees and ducks
 Niha, Small temple, Sewer
 Nicaea, Statue of Cybele (Roman copy of a Hellenistic original)
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Inscription
 Paris, Notre-Dame, St. Genevieve. Saint Geneviève
 Roman coin, commemorating the annexation of Arabia Nabataea
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, decoration: deceased
 Ephesus, Commercial Agora
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, façade
 Rome, Baths of Agrippa, Basilica of Neptune, Decoration
 Voorburg, Reconstruction of a house
 Egyptian dromedary
 Xanten CUT, City wall with tower
 Cordoba, Remains of a temple, probably dedicated to the emperor.
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, tombs
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Tower
 Leiden-Matilo, Roman cavalry mask, called "Gordon"
 Twin Mausolea
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Dedication to Vespasian and Titus
 Cavalry mask, found in the river Waal
 Hadrumetum, Catacomb of Severus, Funerary Mosaic of Bigulantius
 Gabbro from the Alps (Grand)
 Rome, Arch of Janus Quadrifrons, Minerva
 Gadara, North Theater, Copy of the Zeus of Phidias
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Griffin
 Burnum, Tombstone of Dacnas
 Kourion, Duck-shaped Roman lamp
 Chaeronea, Roman relief of a trophee with victories and POWs
 Philippi, Relief with a funerary meal
 Bosra, Theater, Stage, Game
 Bulla Regia, House of Amphitrite, Triumph of Venus
 Lepcis Magna, Oil lamp with Eros playing harp
 Bavay, Forum, Sculpted capital
 Msletten, Southwest needle from the southwest
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Dionysus
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, Obelisk of Thutmose III, from the southwest
 Qasr Bshir, View from the outside
 Obelisk of Thutmose III, tip
 Sufetula, Roman oil lamp (women playing backgammon)
 Ulpia Severina
 Phoenice, Shops
 Niha, Large temple, western part of the U-shaped crypt
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 The towers of Zalebiye, seen from Halebiye
 Coin with Phidias' statue of Jupiter in Olympia
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Tower 1 from the inside
 Cologne, Dedication to the Boudunnehic Matres
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Europa
 Philippi, Forum
 Illegible inscription
 Reconstruction of the Mainz 1 galley
 Al-Bass, Arch of Hadrian, seen from the east
 Stratonicea, Gymnasium
 Milan, St Ambrogio, Pliny's inscription (original)
 Peutinger map: Noviomagus, Arenacum, Ceuclum
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, Wall painting of a lion hunt
 Qasr Bshir, View from the outside
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Lion
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief east left, drawing: Fight for Nisibis
 Lepcis Magna, Severan basilica, inscription
 Smyrna, Agora, Stoa
 Augusta Emerita, Mosaic of the races: Marcianus
 Plovdiv, Theater, stage
 Thuburbo Maius, Macellum
 Athens, Varvakeion Athena
 Velsen, Man in the well, skull
 Carnuntum, Vase with a scene from the Mithraic mysteries
 Lepcis Magna, Decumanus, Fascinum
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, predators and bull's head
 Lepcis Magna, Port, ruins of the lighthouse
 Belgrade, Portrait of a man, possibly Marcus Aurelius
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Rotunda
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tunnel, Heracles with club
 Smyrna, Roman baths, Germanicus
 Cyrrhus, Roman bridge
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, tombstone of Tiberius
 Vienna, Tiefe Graben and Hohe Brücke
 Capernaum, Beth midrash
 Strasbourg-Eckbolsheim, Portrait of a Roman man (Pupienus?)
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Inside
 Hadrumetum, Head of a genius
 Julia Soeamias
 Wadi el-Amud, Tower tomb
 Mainz, Drususstein
 Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al Šamem
 Mainz, Tombstone of Maris, the Arabian horseman
 Berg, Church, built over a pagan sanctuary
 Constantine and Helius
 Athens, Roman Forum, Library of Hadrian
 Arykanda, Necropolis, Tomb, detail: a gorgo
 Olympia, Nymphaeum of Herodes Atticus
 Bavay, Forum
 Taucheira, Harbor
 Cherchell, Tombstone of a Dalmatian horseman
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Capital
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, entrance, column base
 Aphrodisias, Sebasteion, Nero and Agrippina Minor
 II Adiutrix' pegasus on a coin of Gallienus
 Dancing Bes
 Zeugma, The so-called "gypsy girl"
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, tetrapylon
 Orange, Arch from the east
 Nemausus, Roman mosaic
 Nijmegen, Monument to Tiberius: Ceres
 Corinth, Dedication to Trajan
 Sirmium, Basilica
 Cologne, Tombstone of Gaius Julius Maternus of I Minervia
 Tipasa, Forum, Curia, Mosaic of Captives
 Rome, Maria Maggiore, Obelisk
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Inscription IRT 361
 Tongeren, Basilica, Apse
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Church, entrance
 Schwabsberg, Tower, foundations
 Maastricht, The medieval bridge; the "balcony" to the left and the green buoy indicate the Roman bridge
 Pula, Figurine of Minerva
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii
 Palmyra, Diocletianic Camp, Sanctuary of the standards
 Volubilis, Mosaic
 Ephesus, Marble Street, inscription of Mithradates, freedman of Agrippa
 Mainz, Milestone
 Pessinus, Sanctuary, Stairs
 Odysseus offers Polyphemus wine
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Erotes
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian
 Hadrian's Wall at Walltown Crags
 Cendere Bridge, Northeastern column, dedication to Julia Domna
 Lambaesis, Fragment of the inscription
 Nisibis, Church, right nave (demolished) and remains of a school
 Hadrumetum, Plautilla
 Qsarnaba, Façade, Pediment
 Cherchell, Relief of the Triumph of Constantine
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Alexandria in Troas, Statue of a lion
 Germanicus returns with the recovered legionary standard (coin by his son Caligula)
 Copy of an inscription from Rome, mentioning Noviomagus
 Janzur, Tomb painting: the story of Alcestis and Heracles
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Lady with a pyxis
 Lambaesis, Legionary Base, View from the north
 Legionary (Late Antiquity)
 Heers, Treasure of Eburonian coins
 Timgad, Abstract mosaic
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Model
 Ephesus, Temple of Domitian, Altar
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Dedication to Jupiter
 Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces from the north, relief
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Mosaic of the athletes
 Glanum, Mausoleum, south reliëf
 Andesina, Portrait of a child (so-called "Geta")
 Palmyra, Tombstone of Tamma and Šabhei
 Palmyra, Tombstone of a family
 Wadi el-Amud, Tower tomb, Foundations
 Milan, Relief with a hunting scene
 Sidon, Roman doll
 Stratonicea, Gymnasium
 Timgad, Capitol
 Icosium, Bab el-Oued cemetery, Glass bowl with the death of a gladiator
 Carnuntum, XIIII Gemina's Capricorn
 Plovdiv, Postoffice Excavations
 Germa, Two olive oil amphora from Tripolitana
 Colonnaded Street, decoration
 Novae, Sanctuary
 Zadar, Mithras Relief
 Utica, Oil lamp with a lion and a crocodile
 Mactaris, Necklace
 Porfido Nero from the Mons Porphyrites in Egypt (Rome, Palatine)
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, entrance
 Pegeia, inscription of Decmius
 Nijmegen, Tomb of a girl of about ten years old
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 3, c
 Beirut, Statue of a Roman lady
 Lepcis, Theater, statue of Ceres Augusta with the features of Livia
 Philippi, Head of Athena
 Lepcis, Severan basilica, general view
 Lejjun, Northwest tower
 Thessaloniki, Head of Apollo
 Hosn Niha
 Narbo, Relief of a griffin
 Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius, Octagon
 Glanum, Imperial temple
 Machnaqa, Relief 2
 Damascus, Roman wall (near Bab Sharqi)
 Waldgirmes, Excavation
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SE, frieze: POWs to be sold as slaves
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 2, a
 Viminacium, Glass cup
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, table with names of two market masters
 Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Model
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Arrowheads
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, decoration: metope
 Oenoanda, Theater
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Bonn, Dedication to the Aufanian Mothers
 Piazza Armerina, Guest Room, Mosaic of a hunt
 Side, Sarcophagus with a relief of a cat
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic
 Thessaloniki, Rotunda
 Amathus, Roman bathhouse
 Qasr el-Azraq, Inner court
 A "Sidonian bottle" of amber-colored glass
 Ostia, The geese of the Capitol
 Plovdiv, Stadium
 Carthage, Antonine Baths, View
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief east right, model: Surrender of Edessa
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis, Commemorating a venatio
 Belgrade, Sarcophagus of a centurio named Marcus Aurelius Glyconianus
 Rome, Circus of Maximus, Copy of the portrait of Demosthenes from the Athenian Agora
 Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of a boat
 Lejjun, Principia
 Figurine of Glykon
 Diocaesarea, Roman temple of Tyche
 Smyrna, Agora, Capitaal
 Brühl, Inscription of Pertinax (reconstruction)
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, detail of the decoration of the temple
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Garden house
 Thessaloniki, Arch of Galerius, Galerius sacrificing to Jupiter
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Large altar with Temple of Bacchus
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, North portico
 Machnaqa, Altar
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Sufetula, Roman theater
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, frigidarium
 Arykanda, Necropolis, Large tomb, Entrance
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Hercules and Iolaus
 Trier, Pyxis with a mythological scene
 Faqra, Destroyed altar
 Coin by Domitian, announcing the conquest of Germania
 Woerden, Catapult stones
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Harmodius and Aristogeiton
 Cologne, Statuette of two wrestlers
 Bu Njem, Praetorium
 Niha, Large temple, seen from the mountain
 Ostia, Baths of the Porta Marina
 Andesina, Amphitheater, West Entrance
 Bu Njem, Praetorium
 Coin of Herennius Decius
 Dalkingen gate
 Rome, Temple of Hadrian, Relief
 Vechten, Fledimella inscription
 Lepcis Magna, Cardo, dedication to Augusta Salutaris
 Lepcis, Theater, statue of Venus
 Villa Selene, Baths, Corinthian capital
 Machnaqa, Relief 1: Aphrodite (?) and worshipper
 Woerden, Dedication to Elagabal
 Augusta Emerita, Relief with a victorious emperor
 Qasr Bshir, Rubbish at the court
 Sentinum, Mosaic of Aeon ("eternity"). The hoop is decorated with the signs of the Zodiac (in the wrong order). The woman is Fertility, together with her four children: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and winter.
 Lepcis Magna, Port, eastern pier, street
 Apollonia,Central basilica
 Apamea, Helios
 Ghirza, Southern Mausoleums
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Mill Game
 Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene, Hunter and dog
 Beirut, Tombstone of Q. Aemilius Secundus, who conducted Quirinius' census in Apamea in Syria
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, The legionary base seen from the north
 Xanten-Birten, Statue of Magusanus
 Coin of Pupienus
 Family tree of the Marchii of Ghirza
 Nysa, Portait of a woman
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Northern column
 Qsarnaba, Platform wall
 Heracles and the Nemean Lion
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, detail
 Ankara, temple of Augustus, model
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Court
 Tlos, Agora
 Xanten, Cathedral, Tombstone of Batimodus
 Pergamon, Portrait of Augustus
 Ptolemais, Tomb of the gladiator Hermes
 Piazza Armerina, Vestibule, Odysseus and Polyphemus
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inside, Twelve Olympian gods, lower register
 Bosra, Theater, Inscription "Vict Augg" (EDCS-11301143)
 Chersonessos, Portrait of a young man
 Niha, Large Temple, Relief of Narkisos
 Aalen, Model of the limes fort
 Athens, Temple of Zeus
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius
 Coin of the Third Legion, later called Augusta
 Pella, Tombstone
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A
 Nijmegen, Valkhof seen across the Waal
 Phoenice, Cistern
 Nemausus, Coin with crocodile
 Bürgel, Cemetery, jar
 Hegra, Oil lamp with an erotic scene
 Ostia, Forum
 Lutetia, Pillier des nautes, Cernunnos
 The centenaria (pink) along the Limes Tripolitanus
 Novae, Latrine
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, Victoria (right)
 Piazza Armerina, Peristyle, North, Bear
 Valentinian I
 Köln-Alteburg, Drawing
 Villa Selene, Baths, Room 43, mosaic
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, northwest part of the pedestal, inscription
 Augusta Emerita, Casa Mitreo, Mithras
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, POWs
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Sudatorium
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, first mosaic: the port of Lepcis Magna
 Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Cistern
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Harpocrates
 Carnuntum, Hathor
 Halicarnassus, Mosaic of a hunt
 Cherchell, Mosaic of the Three Graces
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius, Inscription above the door
 Dura Europos, Synagogue, Wall painting
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Philosopher (very damaged)
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Rim of an amphora, mentioning its Macedonian owner
 Smyrna, Honorific decree for an officer of VI Ferrata
 Bu Njem, Southeastern wall
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Ceiling
 Palmyra, Temple of Allat, cult statue
 Ancyra, Temple of Augustus, coin
 Aphrodisias, Sebasteion, Polyphemus and Galatea
 Baalbek, Temple of Venus
 Carnuntum, the Roman she-wolf
 Side, Great Baths, seats
 Ostia, Relief with the port of Rome
 Durostorum, Roman sarcophagus
 Mainz, Tombstone of Antiochus, the Parthian Archer
 Carthage, A Roman sacrificer preparing to kill an animal
 Ancyra, Balgat Tomb, wreath
 Apamea, Tombstone of an unknown soldier
 Nijmegen, Oil lamp, Mercury
 Rome, Pyramid of Cestius from the east
 Emona, Tombstone of Varius of XV Apollinaris
 Xanthus, Roman theater
 Bürgel, Cemetery, lamp
 Niha, Large temple, Cella from above
 Dura Europos, Palmyra Gate
 Eleusis, Statue of Athena
 Narona, Fibulae
 Roman, second quarter of the second century
 Tongeren, Roman wall, Cottaweg
 Burnum, Amphitheater, Inscription (copy)
 Palmyra, Church
 Ravenna, Relief of a shipbuilder (cast)
 Strasbourg, Part of a Four Gods Pillar
 Taucheira, Gymnasium, from north
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic, detail: aquatic creatures
 Lincoln, Tombstone of Valerius of II Adiutrix
 Tongeren, Roman wall, Sabinuslaan, Tower
 Bulla Regia, Lucilla
 Roman statuette of a dromedary
 Wiesbaden, Tombstone of C. Valerius Crispus
 Colchester, Tombstone of centurion Marcus Favonius Facilis
 Ostia, Statue of Cybele
 Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius
 Piazza Armerina, Baths, Frigidarium
 Italica, A labyrinth mosaic
 Stanwix, Glass medal of Agrippina Maior
 Colijnsplaat, Statue of Nehalennia
 Hippo Regius, Seaward Villas, Mosaic of the Northern Harbor of Hippo
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Northern slope
 Troy IX, Hadrian
 Ostia, Epitaph of Monnica
 Trier, Imperial baths, from the north
 Augusta Emerita, Bridge
 Rome, Pantheon, Entrance, Pavement
 Eenum, Pyxis
 Madauros, Inscription referring to a Christian soldier of III Augusta
 Dura Europos, Temple of Mithras, Wall painting
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Helmet
 Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius, Small Arch, Galerius
 Nemausus, Amphitheater
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Portico surrounding the court
 Jerusalem, Rooftile of X Fretensis
 Trier, Amphitheater, Western entrance
 Family tree of the Severi
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign X Gemina
 Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius, Mosaic
 New Paphos, Head of Artemis
 The Lippe, Confluence with the Rhine
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic, detail: fish
 Aspendus, Theater, Scene, Outside
 Amphipolis, Relief of Actaeon and Artemis
 Augusta Merita, Lamp with Odysseus tied to the mast
 Dura Europos, Sasanian Siege Ramp
 Augusta Emerita, Mosaic with fish
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, Entrance
 Salona, Slingstones
 Ancyra, Balgat Tomb, box
 Volubilis, Temple
 Coin of Florian, "fides militium"
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Mask
 Gheriat el-Garbia, North tower
 Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Ceiling without columns
 Side, Roman theater
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, NW, Chariot drawn by sphinxes
 Glanum, Mausoleum, west reliëf
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Stolen columns
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Timgad, Shops (Opus Africanum)
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, General view, north
 Anemurium, Baths
 Sabratha, Theater
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Greek inscription
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Surrounding portico on the southeastern side, Egyptian-style decoration: uraei
 Lepcis, Theater, Tribunal with inscription
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Church, stairs
 Capernaum, "House of Peter"
 Greco Scritto Marble from Africa (Isthmia)
 Antioch, Judgment of Paris
 Arcobadara, Dedication to Caracalla by soldiers of Ala I Tungrorum Frontoniana
 Chaeronea, Sistrum with handle in the form of the Egyptian god Bes
 Bavay, Roman figurines
 Maastricht, St.Servaas, Millefiori cup, said to have been used by Servatius
 Lepcis, Theater, Statue of Venus
 Aardenburg, Terracotta head of a woman
 Tarraco, Theater
 Nijmegen, Animal-shaped oil bottle
 Faustina II
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, North portico
 Cherchell, Peacock mosaic
 Thysdrus, Maison d'Afrique, Mosaic of Africa
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, skeletons
 Nicosia, Roman Oil Lamp with Gladiator
 Faustina I (Naples)
 Petra, Siq, Treasury
 Villa Selene, Bedroom, wall painting
 Double portrait of Ptolemy in a medieval manuscript from Bruges
 Narbo, House of the Genius
 Rome, Pantheon, Dome
 Caesarea, Praetorium
 Niha, Small temple, Façade
 Anemurium, Baths
 Narbo, Relief of erotes harvesting grapes
 Tyre, Al-Bass, hippodrome, West clubhouse (Greens)
 Augsburg, Tomb of Saecundanus Florentinus, painter of III Italica
 Stara Zagora, Mosaic of a hare
 Tongeren, Forum, Decoration
 Cavalry mask, found in the river Waal
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Propylaea
 Palmyra, Purple silk
 Ostia, Barracks of the Vigiles
 Jerusalem, Temple Complex, Model
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Damaged relief east left: Fight for Nisibis
 Gerasa, Northern Tetrapylon
 Syracuse, Street pavement
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Vaults
 Vienna, Roman excavations at the Hohe Markt
 Gheriat al-Garbia, Signal tower in the distance
 Rome, Honorific Arch of Titus, Triumphal Arch of Titus in the Circus Maximus
 Oenoanda, Theater
 Ostia, Theater, Orchestra
 Miletus, Orpheus Mosaic
 Myra, Theater, Diazoma, decoration
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, killing of a POW
 Naix-aux-Forges, Triple-faced Celtic deity
 The world op Apollonius of Tyana
 Rome, Outfall of the Cloaca Maxima
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, the Belvedere Torso (Heracles)
 Rhana Saher, Relief of Allat
 Lepcis, Theater, stage inscription
 New Paphos, House of Theseus, Venus Victrix
 Wadi Marcit, Tomb
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, northwestern "basilica thermarum"
 Apamea, Tombstone of Felsonius Verus, aquilifer of II Parthica
 Seleucia in Pieria, Roman bridge
 Mithras Relief
 Theodosius II
 Gilău, Relief of Apollo as a horseman
 Sagalassus, Lower Agora, Nymphaeum, 2nd niche, goddess
 Apamea, Byzantine Palace, Hunters Mosaic
 Orange, Arch from the north
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, seats
 Masada, Graffito by a soldier of X Fretensis
 Nijmegen, Rooftile "sub Didio"
 Seleucia in Pieria, Rock tombs
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, first mosaic
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Façade
 Reconstruction of the Maastricht Jupiter column
 Trier, Circus, Model
 Nijmegen, Voorstadslaan: site of the cemetery
 Side, Great Baths
 Panias, Palace of Agrippa II
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Early Helmet
 Carnuntum, Military Amphitheater
 Hadrumetum, Great Dionysiac Mosaic, A Siren
 Cordoba, Remains of a temple, probably dedicated to the emperor.
 Magnesia on the Meander, Stadium, curve
 Strasbourg-Hautepierre, Milestone of Constantine I the Great
 Carmona, Tomb of the Elephant, banks and statue
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Marcus Aurelius
 Coin of Aurelian
 Satala, East gate
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Augusta Emerita, House of the Amphitheater, Wall painting
 Rome, Tombstone of Tacitus
 Seleucia in Pieria, Statue of a seated orator
 Petra, Siq, Treasury
 Berg en Dal, Pottery factory, Dedication to Vesta
 Kaunos, Theater
 Sidon, Funerary stele of Asclepas and Margalis
 Lepcis, Theater, Statue of Marsyas
 The Ludovisi Pluto
 Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: lions
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, Façade
 Megara, Statue of a Roman emperor (Trajan or Hadrian)
 Chester, Antefix with the badge of XX Valeria Victrix, a boar
 Pompeii, Brothel scene
 Constantinople, The sea walls in the northeast
 Apis, Coin of Julian the Apostate
 Glanum, Thermal baths
 Lepcis Magna, Port, semaphor
 Syracuse, Portrait of a Flavian lady
 Madauros, Odeon, Gate
 Coin commemorating Rome's 1000th birthday, showing the Temple of Venus and Roma
 Faqra, Small altar
 Thysdrus, Sollertian House, Mosaic with the execution of criminals
 Aardenburg, Model of the Roman fort
 Gerasa, Cardo (Colonnaded road)
 Portrait of a Roman man, early fourth century
 Nesactium, Forum, Porticus
 Timgad, Arch of Trajan (model)
 Bavay, shops along the forum
 Rome, Basilica of Neptune
 Volubilis, Mosaic of Aeolus
 Bu Njem, Baths
 Carthage, Byrsa, Statue of Roman man
 Heracles and the Belt of Hippolyte
 Kaunos, Terrace sanctuary
 Trier, Porta Nigra, inside
 Ephesus, Agora Gate, inscription mentioning Augustus, Livia, and a local leader named Mazaeus
 Gordium, Roman figurine of a hippopotamus
 Map of the Rhine
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign EXGERINF
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Outside, Arches
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, East facade
 Lambaesis, City, Gate B
 Sabratha, Seaward Baths
 Sétif, Eastern Cemetery, Roman pyxis
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Hero
 Zenobia, praetorium, interior
 Augusta Merita, Tombstone of Tavonius of VI Victrix
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Temple on the hill (with moon)
 Neuss, Amphora handle
 Sardes, Gymnasium
 Zenobia, Southern Wall, from the outside
 Ephesus, Temple of Domitian, Terrace
 Wadi el-Amud, Tower tomb
 Varus' suicide, shown in the Walhalla (Regensburg)
 Timgad, Forum, General view
 Rainau-Buch, South gate
 Velitrae, Tomb of Varius Marcellus, Latin inscription
 Xanthus, Roman citadel
 Andesina, Hairpin
 Buthrotum, Basilica
 Rome, Temple of Apollo Sosianus, Dying Niobid
 Nijmegen, Amber portait of a girl
 Pergamon, Portrait of Agrippina Maior
 Berg en Dal, Pottery factory, Tile
 Andesina, Goddesses of the sea
 Aspendus, Theater, Upper corridor
 Gerasa, Southern Decumanus
 Alcántara bridge, pavement
 Miletus, Baths of Faustina, pool
 Köln-Alteburg, Tombstone of Verecundus
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, bird and palm
 Vinkovci, Tombstone of Herennius
 Leiden-Matilo, Sherd of terra sigilata with Greek inscription
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, barbarian (left)
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Laconica with hypocaust
 Abukir, Medaillon of Alexander, with the abduction Europa on his helmet
 Carmona, Puerta de Córdoba
 Sidon, Funerary statue of a Roman lady
 Niha, Altar with lions, dedicated to a female deity (Atargatis)
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Mosaic
 Niha, Large temple on a steep slope
 Neuss, Tile from a hypocaust with paws of a badger
 Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius Mucapor, soldier of II Parthica
 Julius Nepos
 Argentomagus, Roman theater
 Thysdrus, Gordian I
 Belgrade, Statue of a woman
 Bürgel, Baths, treasure
 Velsen, Slingstones
 Map of Bithynia-Pontus
 Taucheira, Gymnasium, names of victors
 Lucius Verus
 Glanum, Roman mausoleum
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Satyr
 Niha, Small temple, Lion-shaped gargoyle
 Rome, Arch of Gallienus, western inscription
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (copy)
 Coin of Philip the Arab
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Pronaos, Fries
 Waldgirmes, Oil lamp with Victoria
 Xanten-Birten, Dedication to Silvanus by a soldier of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, entrance
 Dormagen, Face mask of a cavalry helmet
 Apollonia, Bathhouse and port
 Forma Urbis, Ludus Maximus
 Andesina, Puits, Astrological tablet
 Xanten-Birten, Dedication to the Capitoline Triad by a standard bearer of XXX Ulpia Traiana
 Sardes, Synagogue
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Inner tomb
 Arch of Hadrian, from the south
 Ephesus, Agora Gate, inscription mentioning Agrippa, Julia, and a local leader named Mithridates
 Sirmium, Relief showing Apollo
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Faustina II
 Byzantine, Peacock-shaped lamp
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Satyr approaching a lady
 Hadrumetum, House of Virgil, Mosaic of Virgil
 Villa Selene, Mosaic of Amphitrite (2)
 The Basilicas, seen from the citadel
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, tunnel from entrance to adyton
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Mosaic of the Good Shepherd
 Edessa, Citadel, Two Roman columns
 Fourth mosaic, ladies
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Epitaph
 Belgrade, Venus
 Constantinople, Column of the Goths, inscription
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, View from the east
 Map of Apollonia
 Narbo, Roman bridge with segmented arch across the Aude
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, Greek inscription
 Reconstruction of the Mainz 1 galley
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Outer court
 Tongeren, Late Roman wall, Tower
 Reconstruction of the Zwammerdam 6
 Villa Selene, Terrace with baths in the background
 The Chaussée Brunehaut between Saulzoir and Bavay
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, seen from the Great Court
 Mactaris, Tombstone with erote
 Byllis, Basilica A, Parapet
 Thugga, Theater, Stage
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Laconica, tubuli
 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Trajan
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Griffin
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Outside wall
 Elephantine, Ostracon recording a census
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inside, pier decoration
 Kalkriese, Skull and bones
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Staircase to first floor
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Episteme
 Andesina, Terra sigillata
 Beirut, Tell, Roman columns
 Coin of Victorinus
 Seleucia in Pieria, Rock tombs
 Rome, Via Appia, Villa of the Quintilii, Statue of a lady
 Jerusalem in c. 70 CE (Model)
 Magnesia on the Meander, Gymnasium
 Leersum, The Tabula Leersumiana
 Cendere Bridge, seen from the south
 Sardes, Synagogue
 Stara Zagora, Portrait of a Roman man
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Façade
 Beirut, Figurine of the Dioscuri
 Augusta Emerita, House of the Amphitheater
 Trier, Capitoline Triad
 Ostia, Theater, Outside
 Volubilis, Sculpture of a dog
 Patara, bottle
 Velitrae, Tomb of Varius Marcellus, inscriptions
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Starting boxes
 Miletus, Theater
 Constantinople, Sea Wall, Ahırkapısı Gate
 Uthina, Baths of the Fishing Erotes
 Qasr Banat, Centenarium
 Vaison, Theater
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, barbarian (right)
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief west right, model: Capture of Ctesiphon
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inside, relief of war
 Tilurium, Tombstone of Longinus of VII Claudia
 Andesina, Portrait of a young man
 Cyrrhus, Theater
 Palmyra, Temple of Nabu, Relief: three generations of priests
 Rome, Porta Maggiore, seen from the west
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inner decoration NW, lower register
 Corinth, Lower Peirene
 Sardes, Synagogue, Inscription
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Lady with a mirror
 Aquincum, Military amphitheater
 Koptos, Dedication to Domitian, mentioning III Cyrenaica
 Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa, Peacock
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, miniature arch, relief of a freighter
 Glanum, Curia
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Inscription
 Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting left
 Myra, Theater, Entrance
 Narbo, Tombstone of a baker's family (poem)
 Roman man c.170-190 CE
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Freimühle, Roman fort, Rooftile
 Lepcis Magna, Decumanus and Arch of Antoninus Pius
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Cella, Left parapet
 Reconstruction of the last phase of the farm at Rijswijk - De Bult
 Bridge at Palzem, reconstruction
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, false door
 Ephesus, Theater, General view
 Sétif, Statue of the Capitoline Jupiter
 Rome, Pantheon, Ceiling
 Crispus on the the Great Leiden Constantine Cameo
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Frigidarium, Statue of Asclepius
 Palmyra, Tombstone of Zabd'atch
 Bulla Regia, Theater
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Decoration
 The Asclepium of Balagrae, silphium-shaped capital
 Utica, Small head of Janus
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Panorama of the Hexagonal Court
 Ailana, Roman city wall
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Acroterion
 Pompeii, Relief of two gladiators
 New Paphos, House of Theseus, celestial and earthly Aphrodite
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Heracles and the Augean Stables
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Surrounding portico, seen from the south
 Sardes, synagogue, Inscription
 Dura Europos, Temple of Atargatis, Heracles
 Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Exterior
 Jerusalem, Citadel, Model
 Constantinople, Golden Gate from the inside
 Laurentinum, Map of Pliny's estate
 The Tigris at Hasankeyf
 Aquincum, Cameo of a prostitute
 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Trajan, model
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, capital
 Emporiae, Roman town, mosaic
 Reims, Urn in a lead case
 Augusta Emerita, San Lázaro Aqueduct
 Salamis, Gymnasium, Palaestra, Statues
 Hippo Regius, Opus Africanum
 Jülich, Jupiter
 Nijmegen, Objects from the tomb of a fourth-century lady
 Ancyra, Roman housetomb
 Corinth, Tombstone of Gaius Valerius Valens of VIII Augusta
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief, Castor or Pollux
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief west left, drawing: Surrender of Seleucia
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus: Lion hunt, detail
 Philip the Arab
 Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa, Portrait of a woman
 Cavalry mask, found in the river Waal
 Narbo, Portrait of a Roman lady
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Dedication for the health of the emperors
 Caesarea, Figurine of two Roman lovers
 Troy IX, Odeon
 Map of Pliny's Canal
 El-Eulma, Inscription of Maximinus Thrax
 Rome, Via Appia, Relief of P. Aiedius Amphio and Aiedia
 Kneblinghausen, Northwestern wall
 Vagharshapat, Inscription mentioning XV Apollinaris
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, entrance
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Augustus
 Narbonne, Ancient course of the Aude
 Magnesia on the Meander, Statue of an emperor
 Madauros, Relief of Mercury
 Map of the Second battle of Cremona
 Nesactium, Jarhead
 Faustina II
 Cologne, Figurine of a woman on a dromedary
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, game cut in the floor
 Bonn, Dedication to Mercury Gebrinus
 Lepcis, Amphitheater, inscription of Septimius Severus, Caracalla and (erased) Geta
 Constantinople, Column of Arcadius, wall
 Norroy-les-Pont-a-Mousson, Dedication to Hercules Saxanus
 Italica, House of the Birds, General view
 The Asclepium of Balagrae, cistern
 Eleusis, Sarcophagus with the Calydonian Hunt
 Reims, Mercury
 Eleusis, Statue of Tiberius
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, North portico
 Msletten, general view
 Burnum, Tile of VIII Augusta
 Villa Selene from the sea
 Annius Verus
 Model of Roman Reims
 Sufetula, Capitol
 Amida, Northern walls
 Alcántara bridge, shrine, inscription
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Toilet seat
 Pliny's letters to Trajan
 Eleusis, Statue of Nero
 Myra, Theater, Seats
 Tiddis, Sherd with the execution of a Christian
 Carmona, Mars
 Tiddis, Temple of the Cereres
 Timgad, Market of Sergius, Decoration
 Lepcis Magna, Byzantine Gate, Inscription
 Nysa, Roman bridge
 Vechten, Samian ware with erotic scene
 Trier, Wall painting of Jason, Medea, and the Golden Fleece
 Valkenburg, Dish with a repair made of lead
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée at night
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Vechten, Combs
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius
 Sirmium, Dedication to Jupiter by Bassius of II Adiutrix
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Laconica, mosaic
 Kyrenia, Aqueduct inscription
 Rome, Via Appia, Third milestone
 Bonn, Tile of VI Victrix
 Tongeren, Lead bar with the name of the emperor Tiberius
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Damaged relief west left: Surrender of Seleucia
 Thysdrus, Maison d'Afrique, Interior
 Vechten, Figurine of two lovers
 Narona, Temple of Augustus, Vespasian
 Limyra, Cenotaph of Gaius Caesar
 Bu Njem, Praetorium and South Gate
 Miletus, Harbor district, seen from Theater Hill
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, adyton, very fine lines
 Krefeld, Late Roman spangen helmet
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Battle scene
 Aspendus, Bouleuterion
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Victoria and Winter
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, East facade
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis, Columns
 Lutetia, Relief of a sacrificial bull
 Brittenburg, Little jar
 Döttenbichl, Catapult bolt of Legio XIX
 Nijmegen, Oil lamp, erotic scene
 Trier, Bridge from the northeast
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Decoration
 Lepcis Magna, Port, eastern pier, store houses
 Figurine of Artemis of Ephesus
 Augusta Emerita, Circus, track
 Sagalassus, Lower Agora, General view
 Niha, Small temple, Capital and votive stela
 Pompeii, House of the Faun, Alexander Mosaic, detail: Oxyathres
 Strasbourg, Mausoleum of the Valerii (model)
 Rosso Antico Marble from the Mani Peninsula (Rome, Palatine)
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Inscription IRT 393
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, apotheosis
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: the empress Fausta
 Valkenburg, Profile with the destruction layer of the Batavian Revolt between Period 3 and Period 4
 Xanten-Birten, Dedication to Jupiter by a soldier of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Ephesus, Model
 Troy IX, Figurine of Cybele
 Zeugma, Oceanus Mosaic
 Thessaloniki, Dedication to Fulvus Antoninus
 A young Faustina II
 Taucheira, Gymnasium, Inscription for three victorious athletes
 Cyrrhus, North gate
 Nijmegen, Terra sigillata
 Andesina, Hygeia
 Utica, House of the Hunt
 Brescia, Sarcophagus with the Battle of Marathon, based on the painting in the Athenian Stoa Poikile.
 Tongeren, Jupiter Column, Relief of Sol
 Coin of Julia Domna
 Nijmegen, Stamp seal of the oculist Marcus Ulpius Heracles
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Model (below) and the Field of Mars
 Sardes, Sarcophagus
 Valkenburg, Buckle with Romulus and Remus
 Leiden-Matilo, Inscription by a unit of scouts, with a damnatio memoriae
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Tato, soldier of II Parthica
 Constantinople, Column of Arcadius, pedestal (almost invisible)
 Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al Šamem Relief of the eagle-god
 Hygeia on a bronze plaque
 Coin of Lucius Vitellius as censor
 Dura Europos, Temple of Zeus Theos
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Byblos, mosaic with the abduction of Europa
 Sopianae, Relief of Minerva, Perseus, and Medusa
 Rome, Septizodium (model)
 Myra, Theater, Seat, Dolphin
 Oil lamp. Minerva casts a vote for the release of Orestes
 Madauros, Street
 Nijmegen, British mirror
 Old Paphos, House of Leda, Mosaic of Leda and the Swan
 Ostia, Casa di Diana
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Decoration
 Ephesus, Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates, Hecate
 Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession, Mosaic of lions
 Valkenburg, Letter to a physician
 Tarraco, Mosaic with fish
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, facade with Arete
 Lutetia, Relief with a hunting scene
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Foundation
 Arch ofLepcis Magna, Arch of Tiberius
 Qasr el-Azraq, Inner court from south tower
 Andesina, Jardin Huguet, Amor
 Wadi Galboon, Tomb
 Lepcis Magna, Monument for Gaius Macer
 Palmyra, Tombstone of a priest
 Trebonianus Gallus
 Villa Selene, Baths, Room 43
 Augusta Emerita, Circus, seats
 Tongeren, Granary, Model
 Rindern, Tile with inscription of I Minervia
 Rome, Tombstone of Alagria Ingenua
 Damascus, Temple of Jupiter, west wall
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, table for amphoras
 Köln-Alteburg, Naval monument (back)
 Xanten-Birten, Dedication by three discharged soldiers of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Aardenburg, Figurine of Minerva
 Miletus, North Agora, seen from the north
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Eastern frigidarium
 Trier, Circus, Statue of a bear and a boar
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic
 Italica, House of the Birds, Mosaic
 Niha, Large temple, northern part of the U-shaped crypt
 Augusta Emerita, Forum colonnade, decoration
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Western toilets
 Novae, dedication to Apollo by a soldier of I Italica
 Zenobia, southern wall
 Palmyra, Tombstone of a mother and daughter
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, tombstone of Agrippina I
 Xanten, Dedication to Hludana
 Lutetia, Statue of a priest of Serapis
 Rome, Tre Fontane, Epitaph of Quintus Sulpicius Celsus
 Valkenburg, Scabbard with soldier
 Site of Mannaricum
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Front
 Tatarevo, A secutor defeats a retiarius
 Relief of the battle of Marathon (Pula)
 Viminacium, Military gate
 Vechten, Bodkin
 Trier, Baths of Barbara, model
 Sohag, White Monastery
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, Greek inscription containing a damnatio memoriae
 Janzur, Tomb painting: a man carrying someone's body
 Sétif, Model of the circus
 Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor
 Aardenburg, Figurine of Bacchus
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Hercules and a centaur
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, column bases
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Map
 Elst, Temple, Model
 Strasbourg, Unfinished relief of Mercury
 Nesactium, South Basilica
 Ancyra, Roman tomb
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Hadrian
 Nicomedia, Hellenistic Funerary relief
 Burnum, Tile of VIII Augusta
 Mainz, Tombstone of Titus Pompeius of XVI Gallica
 Niobe, mourning
 Voorburg, Dedication by Ulpius December and Verecundus Cornutus
 Nesactium, Baths
 Tyre, City, Hexagonal inscription of Antoninus
 Augusta Emerita, Outside the theater
 Lepcis, Theater, Stage inscription
 Glanum, Shrine of Hercules, Altars
 Umm Qays, East Tombs, Tomb of the Germani
 Rome, Temple of Elagabal, Model
 Woerden, Excavation of the Woerden 7
 Uvecik Tepe
 Palmyra, Tombstone of Aqma
 Beirut, Milestone from the age of Nero
 Niha, Large, Cella
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, An organ player and trumpetters
 Ephesus, Bouleuterion, Letter from Hadrian
 Machnaqa, Tomb and reliefs
 Diocaesarea, Nymphaeum
 Apollonia,Central basilica, baptistery
 Sardes, Gymnasium, Inscription
 Ephesus, Arcadian Road, Columns of the Evangelists
 Lepcis, Theater, Dedication to Caracalla
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration
 Rome, Piazza del Popolo, Obelisk, Cartouche of Sety I
 Sunset in Apollonia
 Tyre, City, Mosaic Road, general view
 Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al, model
 Emporiae, Roman town, forum, temple
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, Door
 Coin of Clodius Albinus
 Apollonia, Palace
 Pomepii, Forum, Temple of Jupiter
 Apamea, Tombstone of Vibius Januarius, soldier of II Parthica
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Rome, Column of Trajan, Bridge across the Danube
 Cibyra, Relief of a retiarius and a secutor
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Lintel
 Lepcis Magna, Palaestra
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Lucius Verus
 Taucheira, Port facilities
 Nedinum, Milestone of Carus and sons
 Tifernum, Excavations of Pliny's country estate
 Ancyra, Column of Julian
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, detail: child and panther
 Lutetia, Pillier des nautes, Two Roman soldiers
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, North portico
 Constantius captures Londinium
 Seleucia in Pieria, Statue of Lucius Verus
 Euromos, Temple of Zeus, Interior
 Oostvoorne, The "Brielse Meer", the lake where this coastal fort must have been
 Bagacum, Bronze statuette of female deity
 Mascula, Tombstone of a baby
 Sulpicius Celsus' standards
 Lyon, Sherd with a charioteer
 Perge, Severan nymphaeum, Septimius Severus
 Ephesus, Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates, inscription
 Augusta Emerita, House of the Amphitheater, Fish mosaic
 Miletus, Theater stage, Inscription
 Kékkút, Tombstone of a soldier of II Adiutrix
 Trier, Imperial baths, south side
 Furnos Minus, Christian funerary mosaic
 Mainz, Tombstone of L. Marius of XXI Rapax
 Rome, Pantheon (13), Pavement, covered by white and Numidian yellow marble, purple porphyry and grey granite from Egypt
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Entrance
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, POWs
 Orange, Cadastre
 Map of the settlements at Xanten
 Gerasa, Northern Theater
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C
 Carthage, Nilotic Mosaic
 Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al
 Bürgel, Wall fragment
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Damaged relief
 Janzur, Tomb painting
 Lepcis, Theater, statue of Livia
 Inscription at the Arch of Bera
 Ostia, Baths of Neptune, Mosaic with Neptune
 Lepcis Magna, Port, temple
 Novae, Capitoline Triad
 Strasbourg, Relief of a student
 Italica, Galba
 Via Egnatia, milestone of M. Aurelius
 Carnuntum, River god Danubius
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, family tombs
 Lambaesis, Mosaic of Bacchus and the Four Seasons
 Otriculum, Honorific inscription for a former officer of XX Valeria Victrix
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic
 Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of Psyche
 Pergamon, Model of the citadel (Roman age)
 Rindern, Millstone with inscription FINES VICI ("town limits")
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, cemetery road
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus, detail
 Ghirza, Mausoleums North F, E, and D
 Trier, Large Mosaic of the Nine Muses, Melpomene
 Tillibari, Inscription
 Satala, East wall
 De Bruijn, Alexandria
 Aalen, Praetorium
 Rome, Via Appia
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Madauros, Inscription referring to Apuleius
 Salona, Sarcophagus of Julia Aurelia Hilaria
 Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Interior
 Myra, Theater, General view
 Mainz, Inscription of XIIII Gemina
 Caesarea-Mazaca, Roman milestone
 Valkenburg, Shield cover
 Arelate, Theater, Stage
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Coin of Constantine the Great
 Map of Neuss
 Sagalassus, Bouleuterion
 Pont du Gard from the southeast
 Sufetula, Church of Bellator
 Tyre, City, Square structure, Audience
 Rome, Bridge of Nero
 Settlements of Nijmegen
 Rome, Door to the Cloaca Maxima (Basilica Julia)
 Augusta Emerita, Statue of Tiberius
 Andújar bridge
 Novae, Dedication to Liber Pater by a soldier of I Italica
 Xanten, Rhine, Site of Vetera II
 Tarsus, "Gate of Cleopatra"
 Amphipolis, Basilica A, Apse
 Bosra, Dedication by III Cyrenaica
 Isthmia, Victory Inscription
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, cemetery road
 The natural color of glass is blue-green
 Ancyra, Tombstone of a sailor named Cornutus
 Roman oil lamp with an Amazonomachy
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Vaults and staircase
 Athens, Agora, Post-Herulian wall
 Narbo, Dedication to Lucius Verus
 Bürgel, Sieve
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Site of the cemetery
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian, capital
 Bu Njem, North Gate
 Unfinished portrait of Vitellius
 Tyre, City, Palaestra
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian, inscription
 Karaköprü, Relief of two decuriones
 Andesina, Capital
 Ankara, Citadel
 Caesarea, Bathhouse
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Relief west left, model: Surrender of Seleucia
 Porta Nigra, façade
 Bürgel, Comb
 Pompeii, Villa of the Mysteries, Wall painting
 Buthrotum, Roman baths
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, southeast part of the pedestal, the kathisma
 Arelate, Clipeus Virtutis of Augustus
 North view of the temple of Majdel Anjar
 Kneblinghausen, Northwestern wall
 Woerden, Cameo with Minerva
 Mactaris, Forum, General view
 Lepcis Magna, Cardo, Inscription of Scipio
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of a servant
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Circus of Maxentius, general view
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, southeastern "basilica thermarum"
 Lepcis Magna, part of the Circus that was swallowed by the sea
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Cavalry mask from the Beekmansdal
 Xanten-Birten, Dedication to Apollo Dysprus, Luna, and Sol
 Bosra, Tombstone of optio Q. Calpurnius of III Cyrenaica
 Carthage, Villa of the Birds, Atrium
 Rome, Tiber, Relief of Claudia Quinta
 Alinda, Market building
 Tarsus, Mosaic of Ganymede
 Thysdrus, Floral mosaic
 Interior of the temple of Majdel Anjar
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 "Deserted and inhabitable fields because of water shortage"
 Bu Njem, Unidentified building
 Woerden, Metal frog
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, First-century Mithraic relief
 Rooftile of VIII Augusta from Strasbourg
 Aardenburg, head of Bacchus
 Palmyra, Diocletianic Camp, Relief of a dromedary, a merchant, and a soldier
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South F, arch
 Carthage, Mosaic of a dancer
 Augusta Emerita, Forum colonnade
 Tiddis, Temple of Vesta
 Topusco, Dedication to Silvanus
 Aspendus, Nymphaeum
 Tarraco, Forum
 Siscia, Silver bottle
 Bearded head, made of iron
 Sardes, Synagogue, Mosaic
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Mosaic
 Arykanda, Necropolis, Tomb
 Carnuntum, "Heidentor"
 Lepcis, Theater, Dedication to Geta
 Tipasa, Forum, Curia, Mosaic of Captives
 Lepcis, Theater, stage inscription
 Augusta Emerita, Bridge
 Gerasa, Nymphaeum
 Alexandria, Odeon
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Curia Julia, Seen from the Palatine
 Trier, Imperial baths, apse
 Susa, Soldiers' Relief
 Cordoba, Roman bridge across the Guadalquivir
 Strasbourg-Koeningshoffen, Tombstone of Largennius of II Augusta
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, Severan entrance
 Cyrrhus, Roman fortress
 Piazza Armerina, Guest Room, Fishing erotes
 Cinerary urn of Saturninus, centurio of II Parthica
 Pont du Gard from the west
 Thugga, Funerary mosaic of Papirius Fortunatius
 Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus
 Cirta, Statuette of Victoria
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Exit
 Feldberg, Southwest gate
 Glanum, Roman mausoleum
 Mactaris, Forum, Arch of Trajan
 Voorburg, Model of a street
 Seleucia in Pieria, Roman bridge
 Myra, Theater, Staircase
 Heracles and the Hydra
 Lutetia, Pillier des nautes, Smertrius
 Glanum, Forum
 Regensburg-Harting, Skull
 Map of Nijmegen in the first century
 Livia (Munich)
 Andesina, Jardin Huguet, Relief of a panther
 Lepcis Magna, Marcus Aurelius as a young emperor
 Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor, Reconstruction
 Plovdiv, East Gate
 Caesarea-Mazaca, Ivory Penbox
 Constantinople, Column of Constantine
 Petra, Inner City, Colonnaded Street
 Beirut, Envy Mosaic
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Columns
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tunnel
 Niš, Silver dish of Licinius, commemorating his decenalia
 Carthage, Villa of the Hunters, Mosaic of a hunter
 Palmyra, Tombstone of a lady
 Petra, Siq, Tomb of the Obelisks
 Faustina I
 Cherchell, Portrait of king Juba II
 Miletus, Theater, Decoration: erotes fighting animals (3)
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Philosopher (Apuleius?)
 Sirmium, Relief of a lion
 Anreppen, Map
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Decoration
 Laurentinum, Model of Pliny's estate
 Lambaesis, City, Gate A
 Schwabsberg, Tower (old model)
 Rome, Clivus Scauri
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis, Altar
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, South portico
 Bziza, Roman temple, Lintel
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Baths, Statue of a nymph (copy)
 Madauros, Forum with goats
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, map
 Bavay, Wall remains from Late Antiquity
 Euromos, Temple of Zeus
 Lepcis Magna, Palaestra (Hadrianic Baths to the left)
 Machnaqa, Relief 3: Worshipper and Adonis?
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, circular structure
 Sarrancolin Marble from the Pyrenees (Grand)
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Inside
 Bonn, Tomb of Publius Clodius of the First Legion
 Emporiae, Neapolis, Roman cistern
 Byblos, Inscription of Aufidius
 Petra, Siq, Sanctuary
 Sétif, Head of a man
 Aspendus, Theater, Model
 Apollonia's unexcavated acropolis
 Minerva going to war
 Suweydie, Mosaic of the Seven Sages, Summer and Mother Earth
 Palmyra, Šadrafa
 The Via Egnatia in Philippi
 Zenobia, river gate
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Seius of XV Apollinaris
 Nettersheim, Dedication to the Aufanian Mothers
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Ttile of V Alaudae
 Oil lamp with a gladiator
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, inscription
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, track
 Piraeus, Hadrian
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration
 Porta Maggiore, pavement
 Reconstruction of the Mainz 3 warship: afterdeck
 Isthmia, Victory Inscription of Cornelius
 Sufetula, Church of Vitalis
 Corinth, Dionysiac Mosaic
 Stamp of XXII Primigenia
 Myra, Theater, Decoration, Theater masks
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, animals
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza and Nymphaeum
 Trier, Amphitheater, Dedication by a Mint Master
 Lepcis, Theater, Stage inscription
 Dura Europos, Synagogue, Wall painting
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Ennoia
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, miniature arch, relief of a freighter
 Theater decoration: erotes fighting animals
 Reims, Gladiator Mosaic
 Cumae, A victorious gladiator and a gladiator asking for release
 Damascus, Temple of Jupiter, Outer court with Propylees
 Split, Diocletian's palace, model
 Gallic "black" glass
 Burnum, Wall surrounding the training ground
 Taucheira, Main road, to the southwest
 Apamea, Tombstone of Titus Flavius Seutes, soldier of II Parthica
 Maastricht, Model of the late Roman fort
 Smyrna, Roman relief of Cybele
 Rome, Arch of Gallienus, capital
 Antioch, Mosaic of Heracles strangling two snakes
 Lepcis, Theater, Dedication to Severus
 Apamea, Ionic capital
 Trier, Basilica, Ceiling
 Tiddis, Square Baptistery
 Remagen, Young man with eagle, perhaps Ganymede
 Orchomenos, Tombstone of a Roman girl
 Carnuntum, Remains of a cremation
 Ostia, Relief of the unloading of a boat
 Thessaloniki, Hippodrome
 Arykanda, Odeon
 Gheriat el-Garbia, General view
 Bürgel, Cemetery, urn
 Thysdrus, Amphitheater, Underground corridor
 Waldgirmes, Excvation of palisade and double ditch
 Coin of Balbinus
 Map of the excavated part of Arnhem-Meinerswijk
 Waldgirmes, Forum, excavation
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, arches with fish
 Belgian Black Marble (Grand)
 Patara, Arch of Mettius Modestus
 Alexandria near Issus, Portrait of a man
 Hadrumetum, Catacomb of the Good Shepherd, Good Shepherd
 Valkenburg, Ostracon, "P VIII * TRES" ("eight pounds, three denarii")
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inner decoration NW
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, gorgon's head
 Emporiae, Roman town, wall
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 2, c
 Ephesus, Terrace Houses, Livia
 Xanten-Fürstenberg, Slingstones
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, builders' marks near the stairs leading to the sanctuary
 Bavay, Roman inscription
 Burnum, Oil lamp with an erotic scene
 Didius Julianus
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of a deer hunter
 Didyma, Sacred road
 The baetyl of Elagabal on a coin from Emesa
 Gerasa, Southern Theater
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Lacus Curtius, Three levels of pavement
 Carnuntum, Medicinal Baths, Head of Minerva
 Portus, Port of Trajan
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Arch of Severus, Damaged relief east right: Surrender of Edessa
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, minor entrance
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, southern tholos
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Outer altar
 Trier, Bridge, pier with ledge
 Cameo of Julia Domna as Luna
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, seats
 Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor, Reconstruction
 Pompeii, House of the Cithara Player, Marcellus
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court
 Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene, Christogram.
 Isthmia, Theater
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South A, decoration
 Xanthus, Arch of Vespasian
 Petra, Colonnaded Street, Hermes
 Side, Inner wall
 Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: Washing the Body of Patroclus
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Seleucia in Pieria, Mosaic of the athlete Nikostratos
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus and the church of Saint Peter
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, fish
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief, Pollux or Castor
 Cirta, Statuette of an Actor
 Sétif, Dedication to Saturn (detail)
 Hadrian's Wall, Relief with the emblems of II Augusta (Capricorn and Pegasus)
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Faustina II
 Kourion, Public baths
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief: Lelex, the spring Hypelaios, Androclus, Androclus pursuing the boar
 Baalbek, Bustan al-Khan
 Tongeren, Cross section of the Chaussée Brunehaut
 Rome, Arch of Drusus from the south
 Strata of Roman Law
 Zenobia, northern wall
 Lepcis, Theater, entrance, statues
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Inscription
 Myra, Theater, Seats
 Cendere Bridge, Northeastern inscription
 Thugga, House of Dionysus and Odysseus, Fishermen
 Soli, Milestone of Constantine the Great and sons
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Cages
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Sophia
 Rome, Pantheon, Narthex, Capitals
 Italica, House of the Planetarium Mosaic
 Corinth, Lechaeum Road
 Beirut, Christian phylacterium, invoking the protection of several celestial beings to protect one Alexandra
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Nilotic scene
 Sagalassus, Antonine Nymphaeum, statue of Asclepius
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Scene from the northern war
 Cologne, Dedication to Dolichenus by an officer of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Rome, Arch of Dolabella
 Thelsae, Sanctuary, East facade
 Liberchies, Statuette of Fortuna
 Alexandria in Troas, Baths of Herodes Atticus
 Dura Europos, Collapsed tower 14
 Byblos, Statue of Poseidon
 Beirut, Inscription mentioning Queen Berenice and King Agrippa II
 Glanum, General view
 Limyra, Cenotaph of Gaius Caesar, Relief
 Colijnsplaat, reconstructed temple of Nehalennia
 Niha, Large Temple, Lintel with relief of an eagle
 Beth Shean, Roman baths with hypocaust
 Qasr, west of Msletten
 Bosra, Birket el-Haj
 Marcus Aurelius as a young man
 Cologne, Cybele on an oil lamp
 Palmyra, Colonnaded street, capital
 Nijmegen, terra sigillata with an inscription "Carnuntum"
 Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, Artemis of Ephesus
 Coin of XIIII Gemina
 Wadi el-Amud, Ruin next to the tomb
 Alabastro a pecorella from Africa (Rome, Palatine)
 Domburg, Votive stela to Nehalennia
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, River god
 Sardes, Gymnasium, Inscription
 Rome, Via Appia, Relief of four men
 Msletten, Northern tomb, Dromedaries blocking our approach
 Volubilis, Basilica
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Autumn
 Tyre, City, Baths, Substructure
 Verde Antico Marble from Thessaly (Rome, Palatine)
 Ruins near Castelfusano, believed to be Pliny's country estate Laurentinum
 Plovdiv, Theater
 Map of Gholaia (Bu Njem)
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Dionysus (?) with cornucopia
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Decoration
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Cassius Marinus of XV Apollinaris
 Nisibis, Church, Apse and altar
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus
 Diploma from Malpas (obverse)
 Vechten, Dagger
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, column base with griffin
 Burnum, Tombstone of a signifer
 Baalbek, Temple of Venus, Colonnade
 Andesina, Inscription with possibly the word Granno ("to Grannus")
 Msletten, Northwest needle, decoration
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Tyana, City center (nymphaeum?)
 Andesina, so-called Basilica, Mosaic of a scene from a comedy
 Chalcis-Vromousa, Head of a woman (Roman copy of a Greek original)
 Niha, Large temple, sewer
 Salona, Tombstone of Pontianus of I Italica
 Clay sarcophagus
 Tongeren, Model of an urban villa
 Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Wounded Parthian commander
 Fectio, General view
 Xanten, Tile of XXII Primigenia Pia Fidelis
 Roman mosaic of a goat
 Tlos, Theater
 Arch of Bera
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Inscription
 Nijmegen, Inscription of an aquilifer of X Gemina
 Trier, Necropolis of S. Matthias, Hariulf inscription
 Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Colonnaded Street
 Apamea, Tombstone of Claudius Urbicus, soldier of II Parthica
 A barbarian on a collapsing horse
 Timeline of legions
 Tyre, Portrait of Septimius Severus
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, east side
 Nemausus, Tombstone of a priestess and an officer of VI Victrix
 Madauros, Byzantine fort, Recycled inscription
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Crispina
 Anemurium, General view
 Rome, Colosseum at night
 Antonia Minor
 Thugga, House of Dionysus and Odysseus, Odysseus tied to the mast
 Marcus Aurelius as a young man
 Bu Njem, Sherds
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building, small inner structure
 Strasbourg, Model of the legionary base
 Nijmegen, The upper course of the aqueduct
 Petra, Inner City, Colonnaded Street with gate
 Lambaesis, City, Capitol
 Hexagonal Court, seen from the Great Court
 Septimius Severus
 Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting of birds and cages
 Italica, Fortuna, or the City's Luck
 Chios, Roman relief of a donkey pulling a car
 Andesina, Composite capital found near the amphitheater
 Valkenburg, Statue of Hercules
 Palmyra, Colonnaded street
 Rome, Horologium Augusti, modern pavement
 Cuijk, Reconstruction of the temple
 East Gate, northern tower
 Zeugma, Mosaic of Eros and Psyche
 Gerasa, Hippodrome
 Cendere Bridge, Southeastern column, dedication to Septimius Severus
 Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater, Artemis of Ephesus
 Strasbourg, Treasure
 Lambaesis, Groma
 Church from the west
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Mythological scene
 Kalkriese, Gold coin of Augustus
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Retiarius
 Viminacium, Disk with erotic scene
 Rome, Villa Farnesina, Wall paintings
 Lepcis Magna, Beach Temple
 Bu Njem, Barracks
 The Laocoon groupv
 Italica, Amphitheater, Entrance
 Wijnaldum, Statuette of Minerva
 Tiddis, Cave of Mithras, Inscription
 Heerlen Treasure: 869 coins from the Gallic Empire
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, frieze: soldiers
 Elst, Temple, Fragment of a wall painting
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Mucianus, primus pilus of II Parthica
 Tolsum, writing tablet (back)
 Gadara nymphaeum: statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Pont du Gard from the northwest
 Saguntum, Citadel
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SE, frieze: Julia Domna and Mars
 Alt-Kalkar, Site of Burginatium
 Ain Akrine, Temple 2, Relief of a deity
 Neuwied-Niederbieber, Tiberius conquering Raetia
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, northern tholos
 Arch of Septimius Severus, seen from the southwest
 Alexandria, Tombstone of Longinus of II Traiana
 Rooftile of VIII Augusta from Strasbourg
 Andesina, Apollo Grannus
 Lepcis, Theater, Relief of Diana
 Burnum, Keystone of an arch (Hercules)
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Exit
 Miletus, Baths of Faustina, general view
 Augusta Emerita, Mosaic of the races: Paulus
 Sardes, Gymnasium
 Church from the south
 Miletus, Baths of Faustina, statue of river god Meander
 Amida, Harput Gate
 Zadar, Church of St Peter and Andrew, Milestone of the emperor Tacitus
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic baths, Western frigidarium
 Emporiae, Roman town, forum, northern portico
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, stage
 Beirut, Tell, Roman tombs
 Grand, Dedication to Silvanus
 Rome, Sanctuary of Venus Cloacina
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, General view
 Thessaloniki, Heracles as table support
 Toulouse-Ancely, Roman natatio
 Piazza Armerina, Guest Room, Mosaic of a hunt
 Haltern, Tomb 27, model
 Constantine the Great
 Alt-Kalkar, Dedication to Vagdavercustis
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, General view
 Larnaca, Roman plate
 Rainau-Buch, Coins
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, miniature arch
 The kingdom of Herod the Great
 Italica, House of the Neptune Mosaic, Aquatic animals
 Velsen, Medal of Romulus and Remus
 Tongeren, Figurine of Amor and Psyche
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, Victoria (left)
 Cherchell, Portrait of a Roman lady
 Plovdiv, Stadium
 Tipasa, New Temple
 Roman man (c.30-50 CE)
 Emona, Inscription of Iovinus of XIII Gemina
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Tombstone of two very old people
 Egyptian Relief of Heracles and the Nemean Lion
 Rome, Pantheon, Interior, Main apse
 Baalbek, Statue of a horseman
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Episteme (copy)
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza, Nymphaeum, parapet
 The kingdom of Herod Agrippa I
 Cirta, Domitian
 Rome, Temple of Elagabal, Northern terrace wall
 Map of Varus' Germany
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza, inscription of Septimia Polla
 Udruh, Barracks
 Trier, Bridge from the southwest
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius
 Šempeter, Tombstone of Secundianus
 Amida, Latin inscription at the Harput Gate mentioning Valentinian I, Valens, and Gratian
 Aquincum, Tombstone of T. Flavius Magnus
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, Victoria
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, canal
 Palmyra, Funerary temple
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing satyr
 Tongeren, Northern temple, Model
 Amida, Southeastern walls
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Second-century Mithraic relief, Dedication of a repainting
 Side,Temple of Apollo
 Cyrene, Eastern basilica, Mosaic of a hunter on horseback
 Pont du Gard from the east
 Madauros, Forum with Byzantine fort
 Miletus, Baths of Faustina, caldarium
 Beirut, Relief of an eagle and a wreath
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Baths, Hypocaust
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Sacrifice of a bull
 Mosaic of the Alpheius river god
 Jerusalem, Temple Complex, Temple, model
 Tiddis, Houses
 Salona, Tombstone of Dolens of X Gemina
 Augusta Emerita, Portrait of Augustus as pontifex maximus
 Cologne, Dedication to Nero by the commander of XV Primigenia, Publius Sulpicius Scribonius Rufus
 Nijmegen, Tombstone of the augustalis Sex. Secundius Felix (cast)
 Ephesus, Terrace Houses, Pavonazzetto Marble
 Baalbek, Bustan al-Khan
 Viminacium, Statue of Jupiter
 Villa Selene, Mosaic of Amphitrite (2)
 Bonn, Tombstone of Ursicinus
 Portrait of a Roman man (CE 070-100)
 Capernaum, Corinthian capital with Menorah
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Anubis
 Heerlen, baths (outside)
 Thysdrus, Sollertian House, Mosaic with the execution of criminals
 Rome, Palatine, Temple of Cybele, Statue
 Milan, St Ambrogio, Pliny's inscription (reconstruction)
 Villa Selene, Mosaic of the Four Seasons
 Rindern, Jar
 Carlisle, The boar of XX Valeria Victrix
 Lepcis, Severan Forum, Dedication to Arcadius
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Cipollino columns
 Colored glass: light green
 Cherchell, Tombstone of a freedwoman of king Juba II
 Capernaum, Houses
 Alinda, Market building
 Glanum, Roman arch
 Tyre, City, Hexagonal inscription of Artorius
 Nijmegen, Dedication by Candidinius, signifer of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus, Portaits
 Neuss, Tombstone of Tib. Julius Pancuius
 Villa of the Nile Mosaic, third mosaic, fishermen
 Trier, Bridge, Ledge on a pier
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad (3)
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, inscription near the stairs leading to the sanctuary
 Oberaden, Arrowheads
 Apamea, Tombstone of Ulpius Vitalis, soldier of II Parthica
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Small altar
 Vechten, Samian ware
 Thuburbo Maius, A house
 Aardenburg, Remains of the temple
 Sardes, Statue of a Roman lady
 Hippo Regius, Inscription of Suetonius (whose name is now missing)
 Sétif, Model of the bathhouse
 Faqra, Tower of Claudius, Staircase
 Nijmegen, Disk fibula
 Sardes, Gymnasium
 Andesina, Mercury
 Waldgirmes, Pottery
 Orange, Temple near the theater
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Lion
 Rome, Pantheon, Narthex, Apse
 Nesactium, Capitol
 Damascus, Temple of Jupiter, Theodosian capital
 Anreppen, Excavation of the east gate
 Msletten, Northern tomb, upper section
 Mainz, Reconstruction of a pier of the bridge
 Gheriat esh-Shergia, Roman wall
 Nesactium, Capitol
 Hadrumetum, House of the Masks, Mosaic of a Tragic Playwright and a Comic Actor
 Vechten, Head of Serapis
 Isis (Faustina II)
 Lutetia, Statue of Bacchus
 Bavay, Basilica
 Sardes, Gymnasium
 Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor, Reconstruction, Zodiac ()
 Palmyra, Capital: the god Abgal and a dedicator
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Rooftile of VIII Augusta
 Faqra, Small altar
 Glanum, Mausoleum, east reliëf
 Sardes, Temple of Artemis, Lead
 Philadelphia, Citadel, Cardo
 Petra, Royal Tombs, Palace Tomb
 Rome, Pantheon, Narthex
 Madauros, Great Baths
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, Corniche
 Rome, Domitian
 Tiddis, Forum, General view
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, trophee
 Bavay, Forum
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, from the north
 Narbo, Portrait of a Roman man
 Andesina, Puits, Shoe
 Nijmegen, Monument to Tiberius: sacrifice
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration on the south side
 Kneblinghausen, Map
 Olympia, Inscription of Philostratus
 Nickenich, Relief of a slave-driver
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SW, frieze
 Zeugma, Portrait of a man
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Latin inscription
 Machnaqa, Altar
 Tile stamp of XXII Primigenia (lion)
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Proculus of XV Apollinaris
 Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Relief of a horseman
 Feldberg, Baths
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Captives
 Velsen, Roman lamp
 Julia Domna
 Achmim, Funerary stela of Pamim
 Aspendus, Agora with shops
 Cyrrhus, Theater
 Tongeren, wall, Sint-Truidense Steenweg
 Apulum, Tile with gladiator
 Coin of Nero
 Tongeren, Northern temple (reconstruction)
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Spina
 Reconstruction of the statue of Augustus from Primaporta
 Disk with the beginning of a fight between two gladiators
 Woerden, Model of the Woerden 1
 Vechten, Inscription of I Minervia and XXX Ulpia
 Sardes, synagogue, Torah ark
 Neuss, Samian ware from Arezzo
 Map of Mogontiacum
 Heerlen, An Ubian couple on a tombstone
 Lepcis Magna, Decumanus, Cloaca
 Mainz, Theater, Eastern part
 Roman copy of Lysippus' Apoxyomenos
 Woerden, Mask of Jupiter-Ammon
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of Alcestis and Hercules
 Xanten, Victory Monument
 Volubilis, Juba II
 Nijmegen, Crystal ring
 Lepcis Magna, Cardo, elephant
 Patara, Colonnaded Street
 Satala, Reused stones
 Nijmegen, Aqueduct, Canal in the Marienbosch Park
 Bosra, Theater, Stage, Decoration
 Xanthus, Roman theater with late-antique fortification
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Murmillo
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Southern terrace wall
 The main centers of the Jewish Diaspora
 Domitian, Young
 Julia Soeamias
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1
 Hippo Regius, Baptistery
 Dura Europos, Old Citadel
 Seleucia in Pieria, Canal with rock tombs
 Corinth, Basilica Julia
 Voerendaal, Map of the Roman villa
 Arelate, Theater, Decoration
 Xanten CUT, Harbor Temple, Composite capital (reconstruction)
 Map of Myra
 Suq al-Awty, Farm Bz 904
 Trier, Bridge from the southeast
 Amphipolis, Basilica A, Mosaic, Detail, Bird
 Reims, Relief of Rosmerta and Teutatis
 Pompeii, House of the Faun, Alexander Mosaic
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Auxiliary soldier
 Sirmium, Sarcophagus of a couple; the woman is depicted with a dove, which may signify that she was a Christian
 Villa Selene, Baths, Room 43, mosaic
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Propylaea, Apse
 Aalen, Praetorium, Shrine with a modern statue of Marcus Aurelius
 Masada, Payslip of soldiers of X Fretensis
 Theodosius II
 Lambaesis, Fortress, Barracks
 Sardes, Christian sarcophagus
 Uthina, Inscription by soldiers of XIII Gemina
 Andesina, Jardin Huguet, Hand
 Miletus, Theater
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus
 Xanten, Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius (Reconstruction)
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, View from cella
 Philip the Arab
 Giallo Antico Marble from Numidia (Rome, Palatine)
 Capernaum, Milestone
 Haltern, Gold coin of Augustus
 Hadrumetum, Mosaic of a Fish
 Nijmegen, Remains of the fourth-century wall
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Entrance from the Via Appia
 Heracles and the Stymphalian Birds
 Madauros, Great Baths, Vault
 Tarentum, Theater, Portrait of Drusus the Younger
 Milan, Forum, Mosaic of a feline
 Ephesus, Relief celebrating the friendship with Alexandria (Artemis and Sarapis)
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Vaults
 Piazza Armerina, Great Hall, Man with an ostrich
 Apamea, Tombstone of Gaius Aelius Julius, soldier of II Parthica and X Gemina
 Coin of Severus Alexander
 Rhodes, Portrait of Posidonius of Apamea
 Apollonia, Palace, Arches
 Clupea, General view
 Sabratha, Basilica
 Ancyra, Temple of Augustus, coin
 Cendere Bridge, Northwestern inscription, detail mentioning XVI Flavia Firma
 Gerasa, Mosaic of Alexandria
 Cherchell, Tombstone of a Dalmatian horseman
 Aquincum, Dedication to Sol Invictus by soldiers of II Adiutrix
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus
 Ephesus, Theater, General view
 Lepcis Magna, Macellum, inscription of Constantine the Great
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, gorgon's head
 Qsarnaba, Platform wall
 Sardes, Gymnasium
 Theater and Porticus
 Side, Great Baths
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Southern basin
 Damascus, Temple of Jupiter, Outer court
 Trier, Bridge, pier, pointed side
 Palmyra, Theater
 Mushabbak, church façade
 Nijmegen, Aqueduct, Kerstendal
 Voorburg, Hand of a bronze statue
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Playing erotes
 Livia with bust of Augustus
 Trier, Mosaic of a duck
 Constantinople, Golden Gate, statue of a tetrarch
 Byblos, Roman odeon
 Rome, Bridge of Aelius from the south
 Rainau-Buch, Roman helmet
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, seen from the southeast
 Tiddis, North gate
 Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa, Man
 Hippo Regius, Basilica, General view
 Battlefield of Adrianople
 Vechten, Helmet decorated with a bird of prey
 Halicarnassus, Mosaic of the city goddess
 Lambaesis, Arch of Commodus
 Italica, Amphitheater, Arena
 Tyre, City, Baths from the southeast
 Side, Relief of an eagle
 Thessaloniki, Portrait of a Lady
 Tiddis, Round Baptistery
 Rome, Arch of Janus Quadrifrons
 Eleusis, Statue of Poseidon
 Coin from Velserbroek
 Niha, Large temple, Relief of a lion
 Trier, Bridge, pier, round side
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, relief
 Coin of Agrippa
 Velsen, Man in the well, Sandal
 Palmyra, Jupiter Heliopolitanus
 Philippi, tombstone, recycled as pavement of the Via Egnatia (EDCS-43000131)
 Lepcis, Theater, Entrance
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Treasure: coins from the reigns of Valentinian I, Valens, and Gratian
 Tongeren, Jupiter Column, Jupiter killing a giant
 Niha, Large temple, Decoration: bust and wreath
 Viminacium, Inscription of the alphabet
 Map of the settlements of Emporion
 Valerian Jr
 Sagalassus, Lower Agora, Nymphaeum
 Haltern, Ingot of Legio XIX
 Tipasa, Amphitheater
 Masada, Siege ramp
 Piraeus, Theater, Head of Dionysus (classicizing)
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, northeast part of the pedestal
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Outside, Wall
 Reconstruction of the Mainz 1 galley
 Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Sphinx
 The Asclepium of Balagrae, Odeon
 Alcántara bridge, view from the east
 Legionary (Age of Augustus)
 Apamea, Tombstone of Vitalis, soldier of IIII Flavia Felix
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Spring
 Coin with the altar of Lyon
 Rome, Ludus Maximus, Cells
 Satala, Northeast tower (aqueduct in the distance)
 Hegra, Figurine of an eagle
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Fight against ostriches
 Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting right
 Trier, Porta Nigra
 Narbo, Horrea, Amphitheater scene
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inner decoration NW
 Rome, Santa Costanza, Interior (the "Temple of Bacchus")
 Rome, Bridge of Aelius from the southeast
 Lepcis Magna, Portrait of a lady, perhaps Isis
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Small altar
 Ephesus, Hellenistic Fountain
 Dormagen, Face mask of a cavalry helmet, Reconstruction
 Housesteads, Model
 Pydna, List of worshippers of Zeus Hypsistos
 Villa Selene, Winter Triclinium, mosaic of Lycurgus and Ambrosia
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Mainz, Römersteine (remains of the aqueduct)
 Nisibis, Church, left nave, interior
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 3, a
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, SE, frieze: soldiers dressed as civilians
 Suq al-Awty, church graffiti
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, seen from the northwest
 Worms, Oil lamp with camel
 Sirmium, Inscription of IIII Flavia Felix
 Sirmium, Dedication to Jupiter by soldiers of II Adiutrix
 Heilbronn-Boeckingen, Roof tile of VIII Augusta
 Bulla Regia, Memmian Baths
 Thessaloniki, Portrait of Livia as Demeter
 Taucheira, Dolia
 Apamea, Tombstone of Verinus Marinus, librarian of II Parthica
 Eenum, Knife-grip in the shape of a charioteer
 Cherchell, Roman poem
 Epidauros, Statue of Asclepius
 Cibyra, Relief with fighting gladiators
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South G
 Viminacium, Glass jar
 Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Hypocaust tile decorated with a horse
 Villa Selene, Mosaic of the hippodrome
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Cyrrhus, Remains of the southern wall
 Amphipolis, Basilica C
 Burnum, Amphitheater
 Piazza Armerina, Slaves' Room, Bikini girl
 Aspendus, Theater, Stage
 Emporiae, Inscription commemorating repair works
 Emporiae, Roman town, wall, detail
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, façade
 Sagalassus, Antonine Nymphaeum, Western tabernacle, statue of Dionysus
 Tivoli, Canopus, Crocodile
 Tyre, Lead sarcophagus
 Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession
 Baalbek, Temple of Venus, Capitals
 Olympia, Statue of Faustina I
 Marcus Aurelius
 Rome, Statues from the Via Appia and Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella
 Lepcis, Theater, Dedication to Severus
 Plovdiv, Dedication to Basiliscus (EDCS-15000148)
 Strasbourg, Dedication to Father Rhine
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North D?, hyenas and ram's head
 Tarrago, Theater
 Ghirza Gh82
 Caesarea, Aqueduct
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, frieze, The triumphal chariot
 Sint-Huibrechts-Hern, Dedication to Vihansa by a centurio of III Cyrenaica
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, entrance, columns
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Tower 1 from the outside
 Clodius Albinus
 Timgad, Market of Sergius
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, Well
 Scalesceugh, Floortile of VIIII Hispana
 Orange, Cadastre
 Zwammerdam, Rooftile with the letters "XXX GEL" (Legio XXX) in the form of trident
 Trier, Large Mosaic of the Nine Muses
 Tyre, City, Octagonal building
 Rome, Bridge of Aelius from the southeast, arches
 Msletten, Northwest needle from the northwest
 Magnesia on the Meander, Stadium
 Augusta Merita, Mosaic of the seven sages
 Madauros, Tombstone of a couple
 Carmona, Amphitheater
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Musicians
 Plovdiv, Tombstone of Redemptus
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus
 Abukir, Medallion of Olympias
 Thysdrus, Amphitheater, Arena
 De Bijland, Scabbard
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Hunter with a hare
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Baths, Model
 Ledra, Roman head
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Walls with amphorae
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, starting boxes
 Semini: a rare Roman relief from Antwerp
 Msletten, Northern tomb, overview
 Cyrrhus, Theater, seats
 Byblos, Roman Nymphaeum, Statue of Hygeia
 Sagalassus, Boundary Inscription
 The Hague, Milestone of Decius
 Map of the Lippe area
 Feldberg, Dedication to Julia Mamaea
 Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor, Inscription
 Vechten, Amphora from Baetica
 Neuss, Terra nigra with a fir tree
 Lepcis, theater, inscription IRT 318
 Statuette of a lictor
 Pessinus, Sanctuary
 Andesina, Les Roises, Bottle
 Mainz, Stamp of I Adiutrix
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, General view
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Tyre, City, Square structure
 Rome, Via Appia (014), Street pavement (3)
 Trier, Forum, model
 Bosra, Episcopal Palace
 Bulla Regia, Slave collar
 Aquincum, Portrait of Constantius II
 Aricia, temple of Diana: the red line indicates the terrace
 Dura Europos, Temple of the Palmyrene Gods
 Tyre, City, Baths from the northwest
 Bu Njem, Baths
 Frigidus Battlefield
 Pergamon, Asclepium, Treatment hall
 Rome, Forum of Caesar, General view
 Rome, Circus Maximus, Arch of Titus
 Orange, Theater, stage
 Beirut, Tombstone of Valerius Rufus of VII Claudia
 Tongeren, Figurine of a Matrona, made in Cologne
 Fortified tower near Msletten
 Constantinople, Column of Marcian, pedestal, south
 Plovdiv, Stadium
 Valkenburg, Figurine of Isis
 Ancyra, Temple of Augustus, inscription
 Andesina, Inscription "somno iussus"
 Narbo, Le Clos de la Lombarde, Baptistery
 Perinthus, Portrait of Commodus
 Sagalassus, Antonine Nymphaeum, Facade
 Rome, Tre Fontane, Epitaph of Quintus Sulpicius Celsus, Decorations
 Miletus, Theater
 Palmyra, Colonnaded street; temple of Ba'al in the background
 Pescennius Niger
 Hippo Regius, Forum, General view
 Beirut, Remains of the ancient main street (cardo maximus)
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, inscription
 Ain Akrine, Temple 2, Propylaea
 Aalen, Tombstone with Minerva's owl ()
 Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Hercules
 City Wall with Polygonal Tower
 Marcus Aurelius and Faustina II (Mars and Venus)
 Baalbek, The two monoliths
 Lepcis Magna, Severan basilica, inscription
 Cologne, Tombstone of Celerinus of X Gemina
 The Asclepium of Balagrae
 Antandrus, seen from Assos
 Nisibis, Church, capital
 Ephesus, Arcadian Road
 Trier, Forum, model
 Msletten, Southwest needle from the northeast
 Bu Njem, Inscription from the Ammon temple
 Arch of Bera
 Kavala, Milestone of Septimius Severus
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, Hunters
 Valkenburg, Cup of millefiori glass
 De Bruijn, Palmyra
 Sirmium, Inscription of a legionary of XIII Gemina
 Lepcis, Theater, portrait of Lucius Verus
 Velsen, Roman pulley
 Salona, Episcopal Complex, Basilica, Narthex
 Aardenburg, Wall painting (fragment)
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine
 Bardiglio (Carrara) Marble from northwestern Italy (Rome, Palatine)
 Lepcis Magna, Palaestra
 Seebronn, Relief showing the two mayors of a Roman town
 Medal of Constantius I Chlorus with the bridge at Mainz (copy)
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South G: fish
 Lepcis Magna, Asclepius relief
 Uthina, Amphitheater
 Salamis, Gymnasium, Heracles
 Aquincum, Tombstone of M. Annius
 Mainz, Temple of Isis and Magna Mater, Figurine of two lovers
 Ryakia, Head of Severus Alexander
 Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 1
 Lepcis Magna, Plaza, pavement on a rainy day
 Drobeta, Cameo of Hercules
 Cyrene, Statue of Antinous
 Velsen, Man in the well, Scabbard
 Amantia, General view
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South A
 Augsburg, Victory Altar (detail)
 Principia, Sacellum
 Mainz, Dedication to the Eagle of XXII Primigenia
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius
 Ephesus, Commercial Agora, Decoration
 Diploma of an Isaurian soldier named Lualis
 Silver disk with Theodosius I and his sons Honorius and Arcadius
 Cologne, Bottle with the end of a gladiator fight
 London-Minories, Tombstone of Agricola, soldier of VI Victrix
 Seleucia in Pieria, Roman bridge
 Beth Shean, Roman baths
 Carthage, Villa of the Cryptoporticus, View
 Bu Njem, Western gate
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, inscription
 The coast at Antandrus
 Sirmium, Head of Venus
 Apamea, Wall
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Mythological scene
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of a satyr raping a woman
 The Lambaesis monument
 Caesarea, Temple of Augustus
 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Tiberius, inscription
 Rome, Ludus Maximus, Arena
 Stara Zagora, Inscription mentioning XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Aphrodisias, Valentinian II
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Manlia Scantilla
 Colonnaded Street and Byzantine Church
 Faqra, Temple of Adonis, Entrance
 Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, southwest, victory
 Oberaden, Medal (phalera) with a dog
 Thysdrus, Maison d'Afrique, Tombstone
 Sardes, Synagogue, Game
 Cyrrhus, Macedonian citadel
 Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles: the Corpse of Hector.
 Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, tombstone of Marcellus
 Gerasa, Dedication to Diana by a soldier of III Cyrenaica (EDCS-16100411)
 Villa Selene, mosaic of the hippodrome
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Right-hand side
 Carpacotna, seen from Megiddo
 Smyrna, Sappho (Roman copy of a Hellenistic portrait)
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South F, arch
 The Great Leiden Constantine Cameo
 Faustina I (Dresden)
 Statue of Apollo from Dacia
 The Hague, Milestone of Caracalla
 Constantinople, Church of Divine Peace
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, Hunter, dog, and palm
 Sirmium, Relief of a winged griffin
 Masada, Roman camps A,B, and C
 Rome, Via Appia, Villa of the Quintilii, Entrance
 Ephesus, Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates
 Carnuntum, Tombstone of Caecilius Celer of XV Apollinaris
 Strasbourg-Château, Relief of a goddess
 Apamea, North Gate
 Haltern, Model of the barracks, detail
 Dunaújváros, Relief of Gaius Mucius Scaevola
 Sirmium, Tile with a retiarius
 Augusta Emerita, San Lázaro Aqueduct
 Map of the Gallic Empire (69/70)
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Theater, Entrance
 Pula, Dedication to T. Settidius
 Qsarnaba, Platform
 Corinth, South Stoa, Statue of Pan
 Tyana, Aqueduct
 Remains of the Mainz-4
 Kalkriese, Roman slingstones
 Narbo, Le Clos de la Lombarde, Workshops and sewer
 Lambaesis, Byzantine fort, Arch
 Latin inscription, mentioning a honorary member of the decurional order
 Gerasa, Temple of Artemis
 Nesactium, Porta Polensis
 Schist of the Vosges (Grand)
 Rome, Piazza Navona, Obelisk
 Lepcis, Amphitheater, seats
 Aspendus, East gate
 Nisibis, Church, right nave, decoration
 Peronnes-Lez-Antoing, Milestone
 Alabanda, theater
 Valentinian I
 Timgad, Abstract mosaic
 Heerlen, baths, map
 Halicarnassus, Relief of a gladiator
 Portrait of a Roman man c.200-220 CE
 Taq-e Bostan, Investiture relief of Shapur II, Ahuramazda and Julian
 Waldgirmes, Statue of a horseman, horsehead
 Cyrene, Downtown, Lower Agora
 Buthrotum, Baptistery
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, frieze
 Cologne, Oil lamp with a Menorah
 Seleucia in Pieria, Tunnel, Exit
 Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief: Theseus sacrificing and Heracles following the Amazons
 Serdica, Poster invitation for a venatio: clowns imitating gladiators
 Posthumous coin of Augustus
 Sétif, Dedication to Saturn (detail)
 Mušov, Tile of X Gemina
 Icosium, Toilet seat
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi
 Hârșova, Roman face mask
 Nisibis, Church, right nave, windows
 Suq al-Awty, Farm Bz 902
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Natatio
 Beirut, Tell, Roman mills
 Neuss, Architectural fragments
 Sherd, signed "Ianuarius"
 Travertine (Ankara-Maliköy)
 Rome, Temple of Elagabal, Remains of the five-arched gate
 Ephesus, Library of Celsus, Façade with inscriptions
 New Paphos, House of Aion, Wall painting of Apollo
 Ailana, Building inscription mentioning Constantine the Great
 Trier, Relief with Epona on horseback
 Lepcis Magna, Port, ruins of the lighthouse in a storm
 Relief of Hadrian, perhaps killing a Jew
 Ephesus, Theater decoration, Hoplomachus
 Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Helmet
 Lincoln, Tombstone of Gaius Saufeius
 Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Florentinus, soldier of II Parthica
 Mainz, Relief of a Roman couple
 Mainz, Honorific column, Reconstruction
 Thuburbo Maius, Temple of Baalat
 Anreppen, Figurine of a legionary
 Diploma from Malpas (reverse)
 Augusta Merita, Mosaic with Dionysus and Ariadne
 Sidon, College excavations, Roman sarcophagi
 Constantius I Chlorus
 Sardes, Synagogue, Table, Eagle
 Larnaca, Corinthian capital
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, chresmographeion (store of oracles)
 Leidschendam, Rietvink, Bridge
 Valkenburg, Skeleton of a baby
 Vaison, Villa du paon, Mosaic
 Suq al-Awty, Cistern Bz 905
 Tilurium, Tombstone of Vibius of VII Claudia
 Qasr el-Azraq, Road building inscription from the age of Aurelian
 Aphrodisias, Sculptor's Shop, Heracles
 Ancyra, Temple of Augustus, entrance
 The First Council of Nicaea (325)
 Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, capital
 Nemausus, Maison Carrée, Corinthian capital
 Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Satyr approaching a lady
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (copy)
 Strasbourg, Battlefield
 Trier, Fausta's fresco: Dancing erotes
 Lepcis Magna, Tombstone of Geminius
 Ain Akrine, Temple 1, Interior
 Stratonicea, Bouleuterion
 Xanten-Birten, EXGERINF on a brick stamp
 Thubursicum Numidarum, Theater, General view
 Ostia, Horrea Epagathiana
 Haltern, Model of the barracks, detail
 Trier, Tombstone of a boy named Florus
 Rome, Temple of Venus and Roma, Substructure
 Statuette of an Apis bull
 Ephesus, Androclus with the features of Antinous
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief: hunters
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, General view, south
 Trier, Basilica, Interior
 Zeugma, Mosaic of the Birth of Aphrodite
 Aphrodisias, Shield portrait of Alexander the Great
 Limyra, Cenotaph of Gaius Caesar, Damaged relief
 Bosra, Theater, Stage
 Promanja, Bracelet
 Wadi Rum village, Oil lamp
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Tepidarium
 Syracuse, Amphitheater, Eastern part
 Byblos, Cardo
 Apamea, Tombstone of Valerius
 Smyrna, Portrait of Caligula, reworked to resemble Titus
 Ostia, Synagogue
 Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inside, eagle
 Villa Selene, Baths, Room 21 (entrance)
 Rainau-Buch, Model
 Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic Baths, Statue of Mars
 Rome, Arch of Gallienus, eastern inscription
 Thelsae, Nabataean altar
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Tombstone (copy)
 Mainz, Tombstone of L. Varius Sacco
 Arch of Bera
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, land animals and birds
 Reims, Figurine of a boy wearing a cucullus
 Jülich, Dedication to the Rumanehabian Mothers
 Portrait, believed to be Tiberius Gemellus
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Rostra, Columna rostrata, Inscription
 Tiddis, Cave of Mithras, Relief of a bull's head
 Italica, Amphitheater, Arena
 Hadrian's Wall near Housesteads
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, restored seats
 Ephesus, Coin with the Temple of Artemis
 Neuss-Grimlinghausen, Ring
 Faustina II (Berlin)
 Viminacium, Necklaces
 Rome, Horti Lamiani, Commodus as Hercules
 Elst, Temple, diploma
 Qsarnaba, Altar
 Sepphoris, House of the Nile Mosaic, Amazons with Phrygian caps
 Nijmegen, Monument to Tiberius: Apollo
 Thyatira, Relief of a gladiator (thraex)
 Qasr Bshir, Cistern
 Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius, soldier of II Parthica, detail
 Heracles and the Cattle of Geryon
 Voorburg, Tile with the sign of the Classis Germanica Pia Fidelis
 Lepcis, Amphitheater, model
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Dedication to Diana
 Rome, Forum Romanum, Temple of Janus, Coin
 Gadara, West Theater
 Vechten, Dedication to Minerva
 Trier, Imperial baths, model
 Baalbek, Temple of the Muses
 Thessaloniki, Portrait of a Girl
 Novae, tombstone of Severus of VIII Augusta
 Coin of Hadrian with the Zeus of Phidias, legend "Jupiter Victor"
 Anemurium, Necropolis
 Mainz, Tombstone of Flavoleius of XIIII Gemina
 The Chaussée Brunehaut between Cambray and Saulzoir
 Belgrade, Statue of Hercules and Telephus
 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Roman fort, Baths
 Arelate, Baths of Constantine
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: Marching soldiers
 Bavay, Lampstand
 Tiddis, Forum, Inscription of Gordian III
 The Chaussée Brunehaut between Tongeren and Maastricht
 Viminacium, Statue of a woman
 Marcus Aurelius
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, south wall
 Nijmegen, Inscription mentioning three relatives in X Gemina
 Pompeii, Model
 Xanthus, Roman theater
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo. fallen column
 Apamea, Tombstone of an unknown soldier of II Parthica
 Cendere Bridge, seen from the southeast
 Taucheira, Main road, to the northeast
 The tumulus of Herderen, east of Tongeren.
 Zwammerdam 5, model.
 Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Panorama of the Hexagonal Court
 Gerasa, Temple of Zeus, Cella
 Novae, Staircase
 Coin of Pontius Pilate
 Miletus, Theater
 Sétif, Tombstone of a soldier of III Italica
 Italica, Hadrian
 Tarraco, Tower of the Scipiones, detail
 Niha, Large temple, Stairs
 Ephesus, Theater and Arcadian Road
 Lepcis Magna, Circus, track
 Mainz, Honorific column
 Apamea, Colonnaded Street
 Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Northern basin, decoration
 Bu Njem, Dedication to Mars Canapphar (the name of Severus Alexander has been erased)
 Seleucia in Pieria, Statue of the Orontes
 Edessa?, Tombstone of a man
 Granito Rosso (or Pink Granite) from Aswan in Egypt
 Rome, Column of Marcus Aurelius, top (with moon)
 Ancyra, Baths of Caracalla, column base
 Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius
 Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome, Spina, turning point ("meta")
 Wadi el-Amud, Hill
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus
 Vindolanda, The boar of XX Valeria Victrix
 Ephesus, Marble Street, Tyche
 Gheriat el-Garbia, Tower 3
 Lutetia, Thermes de Cluny, Frigidarium
 Porta Maggiore / Via Praenestina, milestone
 Northwest view of the temple of Majdel Anjar
 Valkenburg, Catapult stones
 Pergamon, Asclepium, Theater
 Anreppen, Site of the southeast wall
 Philippi, Portrait of a Roman man
 Maastricht, St.Servaas, remains of a well
 Ephesus, Street of the Curetes, Inscription mentioning Trajan
 Oil amphora ("Tripolitanian II") from Casa Guetta (Oea)
 Tournai, Gallo-Roman gate
 Ghirza, Mausoleum South A, false door
 Augusta Emerita, Inscription mentioning X Gemina
 Feldberg, Bathhouse, map
 Heddernheim, Altar for Proserpina
 Andesina, so-called Basilica, Mosaic of a panther
 Faqra, Small altar, Apse
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, fish
 Pompeii, Inn
 Olympia, Baths
 Valkenburg, Samian ware
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, Wall
 Aspendus, Figurine
 Lutetia, Pillier des nautes, Vulcanus
 Valkenburg, Samian ware with inscription "iimili"
 Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief: hunters
 Rome, Pantheon, Sunlight on June 21
 Ostia, Inn
 Kaestrich, Pedestals: POWs
 Alabanda, theater
 Papyrus with an account of the Siege of Rhodes
 Rome, Pantheon, Interior
 Faqra, Temple of Atargatis, wall
 Cologne, Late Roman tower
 Madauros, Panorama
 Ephesus, Bouleuterion, Seats
 Alinda, Aqueduct
 Tiddis, Tomb of Lollius Urbicus
 Andesina, Puits, Astrological tablet
 Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Unexcavated part
 Arch of Septimius Severus, NW frieze, central scene
 Thugga, Theater, Inscription referring to an officer of XII Fulminata
 Thessaloniki, Mosaic with Fish
 Sidon, Statue of a man
 Remains of the Mainz 1 ship
 Priene, Episcopal Church
 Agrippa's world map
 Viminacium, Statue of a man
 Ephesus, Eastern Gymnasium
 Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Androclus
 Faustina II
 Satala, East wall
 Zenobia, View across the Euphrates from the summit
 Map of Praetorium Agrippinae
 Lederata, Dedication to Jupiter by a soldier of VII Claudia
 Rome, Circus of Maxentius, Imperial lodge
 Side, Small Baths
 Andesina, Amphitheater, Exit
 Thysdrus, Pertinax
 Augusta Emerita, Statue of Drusus
 Bürgel, Arrowhead
 Trapezus, Tombstone of a soldier of XV Apollinaris
 Zeugma, Wall painting of Penelope
 Palmyra, Temple of Nabu
 Myra, Harbor, Remains of the granaries
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Viminacium, Mausoleum of Herennius and Herennia Etruscilla
 Reims, Mosaic of a gladiator (thraex)
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, column base with aquatic creatures
 Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Pairs of gladiators
 Augusta Emerita, Theater, stage
 Athens, Temple of Zeus, Portrait of Polemo of Laodicea
 Noviodunum, Bowl with the fall of Phaeton
 Temple of Hadrian
 Lepcis Magna, Entrance of the port
 Xanten-Birten, Tile of XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Lepcis, Theater, entrance inscription
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, tunnel from entrance to adyton. None of the big stones was identical, so their place in the tunnel was carefully indicated.
 Lepcis, Theater, inscription IRT 318
 Rome, Pantheon, Oculus
 Feldberg, Map
 Zenobia, Riverfront
 Machnaqa, the altar's reorientation
 Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Dome
 Haltern, Map
 Aspendus, Bowl
 Petra, Siq, Station of Sabinos Alexandros
 Ephesus, Commercial Agora
 Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (birth of Dionysus)
 Vechten, Helmet decorated with a bird of prey (detail)
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, northeast part of the pedestal, lower relief
 Colored glass: blue
 Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Church, apse