Assos, Temple of Athena, Relief of two bulls
 Chaeronea, Battlefield with Parnassus in the distance
 Miletus, Oenochoe
 Map of the Battle of Chaeronea
 Thermopylae, Black Buttocks Rock
 Corinth, Monument for Octavian's victory at Actium
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Southern wall and barracks
 Thermopylae, Phoenix River
 Boeotia, Tombstone of Polyxena
 Priene, Athena Road
 Portait of an unknown Athenian general
 Map of the Aegean World, c.480 BCE
 Heracles and the Hydra
 Oenochoe with two metal workers and a furnace
 Rome, Herm with portraits of Seneca and Socrates
 Athens, Agora, Inscription with the Archon List (fragment)
 Corinth, Protocorinthian vase with a rooster
 Diomedes. Copy of a statue by Cresilas
 Buthrotum, Theater, Seats
 Olynthus, Head of Apollo
 The theorem of Thales
 The coast at Antandrus
 Thessaloniki, Incense Burner
 Tarentum, Seated Persephone
 Olympia, Gorgon
 Athena and an owl
 Acragas, Temple of Heracles
 Priene, Prytaneum
 Modern model of a triere
 Amphipolis, Sanctuary of Clio, Inscription
 Running hoplite without greaves
 Delphi, Treasury of the Corinthians, Model
 Acragas, So-called Temple of Hera
 Abydus, Statue of Perseus
 Amphipolis, Relief of the Dioscuri and the river god Strymon (to the right; only his legs are visible)
 Eleusis, Lesser Propylaea
 Alexander the Great, coin by Lysimachus
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Metope of the Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides
 Buthrotum, Theater, Orchestra
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids
 Himera, Victory temple
 Marathon, Plain
 London Painter: Theseus and the Minotaur
 Samos, Seen from Mycale
 Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Model
 Actium, seen from the air
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Door with view
 Artemisium, Statue of Zeus
 Olympia, Leonidaion
 Greek plate with a picture of the Chimaera. Louvre, Paris (France)
 Halicarnassus, Myndus Gate
 Sphacteria from the east
 Seleucia in Pieria, Port, Mole
 Xanthus, Agora, Harpy tomb, Relief of the harpies and a warrior
 Taucheira, Gymnasium
 Buthrotum, Theater, Façade
 Corinth, Orientalizing jar with a lion, a sphinx, and a goose
 Cynoscephalae, Between the small villages Zoodochos and Chalciades
 Ephesus, Terrace Houses, Menander
 Miniature hoplite
 Athens, Agora, Heliaia
 Buthrotum, Acropolis, site of the original Greek settlement
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Frieze, Reclining Gods
 Athens, Acropolis, Erechtheion, the Caryatids
 Hippodrome, Serpent Column
 Corinth, Hoplite battle (Tydeus painter)
 Smyrna, Relief with a tribute to Euripides
 Athens, Heliaia, Juror's ballot
 Eleusis, Relief of Demeter, Triptolemus, and Kore
 Cyrene, Downtown, Theater, restored in the Roman age
 Clarus, Aristotle
 Portasanta Marble from Chios
 Piraeus, Funerary stela of Damasistrate
 Odysseus and Helios. Oil lamp.
 Athens, Agora, Spear butt from Lesbos, dedicated in Athens to the Dioscuri
 Athens, Agora, Perfume bottle in the form of a kneeling athlete
 Xanthus, Part of a monumental relief
 Thasos, Coin showing a satyr raping a girl
 Priene, Prytaneum, Inscription
 Acragas, Temple of Zeus
 Athens, Acropolis from the east (with gate of Hadrian)
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, East façade
 Xerxes' canal, Funeral mound
 Athens, Agora, Stoa Poikile
 Piraeus, Corinthian helmet
 Corinthian alabastron with a picture of Typhon
 Piraeus, Statue of Apollo
 Thebes, Head of Artemis
 Amphipolis, Panorama
 Olympia, Stadion, Special seats
 Athens, Pnyx, Bema
 Zancle, Lion-shaped antefix
 Apulian panoply
 Alexandria, Serapeum, Sphinx of Horemheb
 Olympia, Assyrian metalwork, reused in a Greek statue
 Knossos, Palace, Columns
 Persepolis, Apadana, North Stairs, Tribute Bearers, Greeks
 Cynoscephalae, Possible location of the battle
 Hephaestus, Thetis, and the arms of Achilles.
 Athens, Coin with portrait of Athena
 Miletus, Harbor district, seen from Theater Hill
 Argos, Coin with Hera
 Heracles and the Augean Stables
 Cyrene, Temple of Zeus, Doric capital
 Boeotia, Figurine of Aphrodite
 Hecataeus' world map
 Chaeronea, Sistrum with handle in the form of the Egyptian god Bes
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Frieze, Peplos
 Emporiae, Neapolis
 Amphipolis, Tomb 41, Protocorinthian phial
 Boeotia, Vase with the judgment of Paris
 Motya, House of the Mosaics
 Map of Buthrotum and Lake Palodes
 Cyrene, Downtown, Lower Agora, Temple of Hecate
 Delphi, Theater, General view
 Himera, Victory temple, Lion-shaped sima's
 Olympia, Temple of Hera, Praxiteles' statue of Hermes and the Infant Dionysus
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Northern wall with postern gate (background)
 Buthrotum, Stairs
 Temple of Athena Polias, Terrace Wall
 Statue of a Greek general
 Cyzicus-Panderma, Tomb of Demetrius
 Olympia, Head of the boxer Satyros
 Coin from Cyrene, sylphium
 Map of the siege of Syracuse, stage 3
 Syracuse, Temple of Athena, Model
 Olympia, Figurine of Zeus and Ganymede
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment, Trojan War: Paris
 Priene, Bouleuterion
 Samos, Head of a kouros
 Heracles killing Nisos
 Emporiae, Commercial letter, written in Greek on plated lead, in which a merchant from Ionia sends off several orders to his representative in Emporion.
 Gerasa, Thucydides
 Zone, Amphoras
 Heracles and the Nemean Lion
 Orestes kills Aegisthus; Clytaemnestra to the left.
 Boeotia, Figurine of a carpenter
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias
 Dion, Temple of Zeus Hypsistos, Copy of the Zeus of Phidias
 Hvar, Graeco-Illyrian helmet
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Isthmia, Temple of Poseidon
 Miletus, Theater
 Herodotus' world map
 Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 7, Greek-style sarcophagus
 Seal with the god Bes
 Corinth, Stone lion, Colored reconstruction
 Map of NW Asia Minor
 Pharsalus, Funerary stela with a relief of a flower offering
 Zancle, Coin with dolphin
 Olympia, Stadion, Entrance
 Piraeus, Statue of a woman or Demeter
 Thermopylae, Attempt to reconstruct the ancient landscape
 Abydus, Statue of a woman
 Magnesia on the Meander, Theater
 Tarentum, Figurine of Bendis
 Smyrna, Rhyton
 Sparta, Metope with Amazons
 Delphi, Treasury of the Athenians
 Duris, Heracles and Athena
 Syracuse, Temple of Apollo
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment, Laomedon's expedition to Troy
 Athens, Agora, the Demos crowned by Democracy
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, General view
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias, Inscription
 Athens, Heliaia, Voting register
 Megara, Funerary relief of an athlete
 Acrocorinth, Walls
 Artemis and Apollo killing the Niobids
 Delphi, Temple of Athena Pronaia, with rock
 Heraclea Minoa, Black-figured lekythos with warriors
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Moat
 Eleusis, Telesterion
 The acropolis of Byzantium
 Eretria, Temple of Apollo, Statue of an Amazon
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, general view
 Athens, Kerameikos, Dipylon krater
 Taucheira, Figurine of Demeter and Kore
 Susa, Weight from Didyma
 Lysippus' Heracles
 Tenedos, Corinthian pot.
 Didyma, Sacred road
 Olympia, Model
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Hvar, Stari Grad, Boundary inscription
 Syracuse, Two temples, Model
 Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 1, Sarcophagus of the mourning women
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Athens, Tetradrachm with owl and the statue of the Tyrannicides
 Athens, Kerameikos, Base of the statue of a wrestler
 Megiste, Bellerophon sarcophagus.
 Smintheum, Acroterion
 Modern model of a triere, Rudder
 Caere, Vase with Medea
 Assos, Temple of Athena, Façade
 Smintheum, Sanctuary, Nave
 Acragas, Sarcophagus with Achilles and Memnon
 Epidauros, Statue of Athena (based on the East Pediment of the Parthenon in Athens)
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, West Pediment, Illisos
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Athens, Kerameikos, Skull of Myrthis
 The area of Ras Lanuf
 Piraeus, Statue of Athena
 Fragment of the Iliad.
 Argos, Heraion, Amazonomachy
 Heracles and the Ceryneian Hind
 Delphi, House of the Pythia
 Mantineia, Battlefield
 The Parnassus Mountain range
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Hermes as messenger, pouring a libation (Sabouroff Painter)
 Heracles and the Stymphalian Birds
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Cimon son of Miltiades
 Delphi, Treasury of the Siphnians, Gigantomachy, Cybele
 Olympia, Helmet of Miltiades, dedicated to Zeus after a battle. His name can be read on the cheek.
 Syracuse, Olpe with sphinxes and a bird (Leontini Painter)
 Isthmia, Theater
 Tenedos, Head of Hermes (archaizing)
 Tarentum, A man and his lover
 Olynthus, Street with shops
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Model
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Columns
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias, "King Alexander dedicated this temple to Athena Polias"
 Ephesus, Terrace Houses, Cipollino Marble
 Syracuse, Ionic temple, Sphinx
 Thermopylae, Hill ("last stand of Leonidas")
 Buthrotum, Nymphaeum
 Thermopylae, Asopos River
 Lekythos with an Amazon
 Tektaş Burnu shipwreck, Alabastron
 Epidaurus, Corinthian capital
 Assos, Temple of Athena
 Limyra, Sherd from Attica
 Argos, Heraion, Sima
 Temple of Apollo
 Sparta, Temple of Athena Chalkioikos, Inscription of someone killed in action
 The Via Egnatia in Philippi
 Bias of Priene
 Tarentum, Relief of a Maenad
 Zagvozd, Graeco-Illyrian Helmet
 Map of the settlements of Emporion
 Sparta, Temple of Athena Chalkioikos, Statue of a Spartan hoplite ("Leonidas")
 Olympia, Relief with a man fighting two centaurs
 Two lovers
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Themistocles, son of Neocles
 Map of the siege of Syracuse, stage 1
 Map of the Aegean campaign of Pharnabazus III
 Roman copy of Lysippus' Apoxyomenos
 Tenedos (right) beyond Cape Sigeion.
 Olynthus, Arrowhead with inscription "from Philip"
 Cyrene, Downtown, Lower Agora
 Spacteria from Pylos
 Megara, Figurine of two hoplites
 Larisa, Tombstone of Polyxena
 Syracuse, Temple of Athena, Exterior
 Map of Amphipolis and Eïon
 Athens, Agora, Temple of Hephaestus
 Ephesus, Figurine of Artemis
 An Achaemenid king killing a Greek hoplite
 Cynoscephalae, Probable site of a Roman camp, north of Zoodochos
 Map of the battle of Plataea
 Taucheira, Harbor
 Samos, Heracles as archer
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Northern postern gate
 Delphi, Castalian Spring
 Tarentum, Statue of Zeus
 Xerxes' canal
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Symposium scene
 Euboea's northern shore, the "Hollows"
 Assos, Temple of Athena, Façade
 Temple of Athena Polias
 Cyzicus, Column drum
 Delphi, Portrait of a Roman, probably Titus Flamininus
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Rhodes, Dish with a sphinx
 Olympia, Palaestra
 Priene, Agora road
 Athens, Theater of Dionysus, seen from the Acropolis
 Acragas, Temple of Zeus, atlant
 Motya, Greek terracotta mask
 Athens, Agora, Portrait of Herodotus of Halicarnassus
 Syracuse, Temple of Athena, Outside wall
 Piraeus, Chalcidian helmet
 Priene, Theater Road
 Rhodes, Head-shaped aryballos
 Syracuse, Temple of Athena, Nave
 Marathon, Arrowheads
 Buthrotum, Agora
 Argos, Heraion, West pediment, Palladion
 Apollonia, Relief of Cybele
 Zone, Workshops along the western wall
 Rome, Circus of Maximus, Copy of the portrait of Demosthenes from the Athenian Agora
 Piraeus, Relief of Cybele (small figures of Hermes and Hecate)
 Samos, Temple of Hera, Statue of three goddesses and a lion
 Syracuse, Mask of Silenus
 Erotic scene with a rooster
 House of the Mosaics, mosaic of a bull and other animals
 Delphi, Temple of Apollo
 Athens, Inscription with a fragment of the Athenian tribute list (425/424 BCE)
 Syracuse, Theater, Nymphaeum
 Acragas, So-called Temple of the Dioscuri
 Sikia channel
 Mount Olympus, seen from the northwest
 Sparta-Magoula, Relief of Menelaos and Helen
 Modern model of a triere, Oars
 Piraeus, Head of a bearded god
 Sounion, Temple
 Theseus kills Skiron
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias
 Tempe, Canyon
 Snake head from the Greek victory monument in Delphi, later brought to Constantinople
 Constantinople, Tombstone of Menios
 Ostia, Piazzale delle corporazioni, Arion
 Sparta, Acropolis
 Coin with Phidias' statue of Jupiter in Olympia
 Priene, Agora, Stoa
 Amphipolis, Red-figured kylix with a Thracian archer
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, East Pediment, Oenomaus, Zeus, and Pelops
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Hippocrates the Alcmeonid
 Olynthus, Sewer
 Chaeronea, Lion monument
 Zone, Melting oven
 Athens, Black-figured dish with a Scythian archer
 Tarentum, Plate with a picture of an Ethiopian
 Boeotia, Figurine of a dog
 Heracles and Cerberus
 Thessaloniki, Sherd with a Carian inscription
 Pharsalus, Battlefield
 Athens, Agora and Acropolis
 Olynthus, Mosaic of Bellerophon
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing satyr
 Delphi, Statues of Cleobis and Biton
 Coin from Cyrene, showing Zeus-Ammon
 Athens, Varvakeion Athena
 Olympia, Philippeion
 Olympia, Griffin
 Boeotia, Head of Dionysus
 Cyrene, Downtown, Greek Propylaea
 Bactrian imitation of an Athenian drachm
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Pericles, son of Xanthippus
 Tenedos, Figurine of Cybele
 Corinth, Archaic figurine of Zeus
 Epidauros, Stadion
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment, Laomedon's expedition to Troy
 Corinth, Stone lion
 Buthrotum, Temple of Asclepius
 The fight for the body of Patroclus.
 Cyzicus, Charioteer
 Seleucia in Pieria, Coin with Zeus' thunderbolt
 Amphipolis, Statue of Orestes and Electra
 Athens, Kerameikos, Siren
 Piraeus, Votive stela of a reclining Dionysus
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Relief of hoplites doing battle
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias and Acropolis
 Thessaloniki, Geometric cup
 Syracuse, Street pavement
 Pharsalus, Krater with a four-horse chariot
 Syracuse, Theater, Nymphaeum
 Map of Miletus and its neighbors
 Corinth, Small painting of Poseidon
 Delphi, Charioteer, Diadem
 Piraeus, Ram of a warship
 Piraeus, Grant of privileges to metics
 The Farnese Hercules
 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Yaunâ (Greek)
 Athens, Agora, Head of Nike
 Epidauros, Statue of Athena (based on the West Pediment of the Parthenon in Athens)
 Olympia, Workshop of Phidias
 Olynthus, Bathtub
 Carystus, Funerary relief of a man
 Syracusan coin, showing a chariot with maritime symbols, commemorating the naval victory
 Isthmia, Archaic Stadium, Starting Blocks
 Gortyn, Inscription with laws
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, general view
 Vase painting of an archaic Greek galley
 Map of Heracles' first labors
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Odysseus, Athena, and Nausicaa.
 Syracuse, Latomia dei Cappuccini, where the Athenian POWs were forced to work
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Lion
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias, Lead
 Head of Croesus on a Greek vase
 Syracuse, Temple of Apollo, Model
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, archaic column base
 Coin from Acragas: eagle with hare
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment, Laomedon's expedition to Troy
 Eleusis, Tombstone of a warrior
 Piraeus, Theater
 Syracuse, Temple of Athena, Interior
 Troy VIII, Metope of Helius
 Delphi, Omphalos
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Battery
 The strait of Salamis
 A copy of the statue of Artemis in Ephesus, upper part
 Aegina, Temple of Apollo, Statue of a wounded warrior
 Priene, Western Wall
 Lemnos, Tombstone of an Etruscan (?) warrior
 Motya, House of the Mosaics, mosaic
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Model
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon, mentioning Cleophon, son of Cleipiddes
 Map of Sphacteria
 Olynthus, General view
 Ephesus, Archaic temple of Artemis, Ivory figurine of the goddess
 Syracuse, Theater, Stage and orchestra
 Athens, Acropolis, Samian decrees
 Syracuse, Vase with cavalry
 Athens, Kerameikos, Bull from the grave enclosure of Dionysius, son of Kollytos
 Eleusis, Statue of Poseidon
 Didyma, Temple of Apollo, naiskos
 Piraeus-Kaminia, Funerary stela of Panchares
 Samos, Temple of Hera, Statue of a warrior
 Phalanx supported by light-armed troops
 Acragas, Temple of Zeus, model
 Limyra, Mausoleum of Pericles, Perseus
 Herculaneum, Villa of the Papyri, Ptolemy II Philadelphus
 Athens, Heliaia, Allotment plates
 Marathon Beach
 Thera, Head of an archaic statue
 Corinth, Composite capital
 Coin with the statue of Artemis of Ephesus; legend in Latin
 Isthmia, Archaic Temple of Poseidon, Decoration
 Corinth, Temple of Apollo with Acrocorinth
 Miletus, North Agora, seen from the north
 Helicon, Valley of the Muses
 Temple of Athena Polias
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, East Pediment, Horse of Selene
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment, Trojan War
 Apollonia, Relief of two hoplites
 Lebadeia, Relief of Trophonius
 Attica, Red-figured vase with a hoplite
 Phocaea, Wreath
 Herculaneum, Villa of the Papyri, Heraclitus
 Taucheira, Port facilities
 Aegina, Tombstone of a young man, holding a bird
 Rhodes, Egyptian-style statuette
 Brauron, Stoa
 Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Tribune, Relief with Muses
 A copy of the statue of Artemis in Ephesus
 Modern model of a triere
 Map of the naval battle of Salamis (480 BCE)
 Sparta, Laconian bowl decorated with fish
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment, Laomedon's expedition to Troy, Heracles
 Buthrotum, Gymnasium with nymphaeum
 Tarentum, Head of goddess
 Geometric pyxis
 Oedipus and the Sphinx.
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Athens, Agora, Tholos
 Zone, Temple of Apollo
 Zone, Second western tower
 Vulci, Achilles and Patroclus (Sosias Painter)
 The small statue of Artemis from the Prytanaeum of Ephesus
 Eleusis, The blinding of the Cyclops
 Chaeronea, Tomb of the Thebans, Strygils
 Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Decoration
 Emporiae, Neapolis
 Buthrotum, Lion Gate
 Boeotia, Figurine of a lady
 Issus, Hellenistic figurine of a lady
 Boy with hoop and rooster
 Greek rhyton
 Arae Philaenorum on the Peutinger Map
 Homer. Glyptothek, München (Germany)
 Abydus, Anastasius' passage law
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Rosso Antico Marble from the Mani Peninsula (Rome, Palatine)
 Olympia, Temple of Hera
 Thebes, Figurine of Europa
 Samos, Head of a kouros
 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Southern part, Greeks
 Sparta-Magoula, Relief of a young hero
 The Smintheum seen from the north
 Map of the battle of Marathon
 Tarentum, Gorgo-shaped antefix
 Chalcis-Vromousa, Head of a woman (Roman copy of a Greek original)
 Map of the battle of the Granicus (334 BCE)
 Smyrna, Portrait of a sophist
 Heraclea Minoa, Theater
 A copy of the statue of Artemis in Ephesus, bee
 Athens, Inscription describing repairs of the Long Walls
 Olynthus, Geometrical mosaic
 Pella, Statuette of a horseman
 Megara, Statue of Dionysus
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias
 Ostia, Portrait of Themistocles
 Rhodes, Coin with Helios
 Tenedos, Attic phial
 A copy of the statue of Artemis in Ephesus
 A copy of the statue of Artemis in Ephesus, chest
 Corfu, Palaiopolis, Pyxis
 Zone, City wall
 Apollo on a coin of Philip II
 Olympia, Statuette of a horse
 Acragas, So-called Temple of Concord
 Didyma, temple of Apollo, circular structure
 Cyrene, Downtown, General view
 Map of the siege of Syracuse, stage 2
 Sparta, Mosaic of Alcibiades
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy
 Delphi, Treasury of the Sicyonians
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Northern wall
 Plataea, seen from the south
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad (3)
 Syracuse, Torso of a kouros
 Priene, Agora, Temple of Zeus
 Emporiae, Neapolis, Temple of Asclepius, cult statue
 Cumae, Relief of a hero, riding a horse
 Map of the Delian League
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Eleusis, Decree on the Eleusinian First Fruits for Demeter and Kore
 Boeotia, Statue of a sphinx
 Thebes, Tombstone
 Olympia, Helmets
 Cyrene, Temple of Aphrodite, Relief of the nymph killing a lion
 Syracuse, Quarries, Drill holes
 Lysippus, Apoxyomenos
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Olympia, Head of Athena
 Jandial, cult room
 Ephesus, Oinochoe
 Copy of the Zeus of Phidias
 Terrace Wall
 Zeus and Ganymedes
 Map of Syracuse
 Eleusis, Cave of Hades
 Ephesus, Remains of the Artemision
 Syracuse, Euryalus, Southern wall with view on the great harbor
 Taucheira, Attic pottery, dancer
 Syracuse, Temple of Apollo
 Kalabak Tepe (Old Miletus)
 Delphi, Apollo
 Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Phidias' statue of Athena Parthenos (reconstruction)
 Persepolis, Treasury, Statue of Penelope
 Troezen, "Decree of Themistocles"
 Macedonian cavalry attacking an Indian elephant
 Olympia, Stadion, Track
 Hippocrates of Cos
 Verde Antico Marble from Thessaly (Rome, Palatine)
 Syracuse, Etruscan helmet, dedicated by Hiero to the gods after the battle of Cumae
 Birth of Athena
 Syracuse, Archaic head of a goddess
 Ephesus, Archaic temple of Artemis, Ivory lion
 Jandial, entrance
 Salamis, Personification of the city
 Olympia, Figurine of a dolphin
 Priene, Prytaneum
 Athens, Monument of Lysicrates
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Alcibiades son of Klinias
 Athens, Acropolis, Temple of Nike
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Relief of soldiers
 Map of the Battle of Mycale
 Taucheira, Main road, to the southwest
 Dodona, Figurine of Zeus Keraunos
 Marathon, Tomb of the Plataeans
 Himera, View of the battlefield
 Emporiae, Neapolis, Temple of Asclepius
 Thebes, Box
 Buthrotum, Well and temple of Athena
 Eretria, Two-headed phial
 Athens, Statue of a Minotaur
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Taucheira, Gymnasium, names of victors
 Cyrene, Uptown, Agora, Head of Athena
 Piraeus, Lekythos with a mourning woman
 Olympia, Inscription of Philostratus
 Piraeus, Funerary stela with ball players
 Map of the battles of Lade and Mycale
 Syracuse, Silenus, dancing with a cup
 Athens, Agora, Spartan shield, captured at Sphacteria
 Olympia, Palaestra
 Coin of the tyrant Polyzalos of Gela
 Syracuse, Vase with amazonomachy
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, West Pediment, Apollo
 Delphi, Treasury of the Siphnians, Caryatide
 Corinthian helmet
 Argos, Relief of the Doryphorus of Polykleitos
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment, Trojan War
 Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Altar, an Amazon
 Olympia, Bouleuterion
 Meeting of Odysseus and Penelope.
 Attica, Geometric pyxis
 Zone, Figurine of a satyr on a panther
 Brescia, Sarcophagus with the Battle of Marathon, based on the painting in the Athenian Stoa Poikile.
 Boeotia, Pyxis
 Skopas' Pothos
 Delphi, Inscription mentioning Plutarch
 Euphronius, Cup with an Amazon
 Assos, Road to the acropolis
 The Motya Kouros
 Cres, Graeco-Illyrian helmet
 Rhion and Antirhion
 Periander of Corinth
 Athens, Kerameikos, View of the Acropolis
 Eleusis, Stele for Smikythion, with a suppliant, Demeter, and Kore
 Delphi, Alcmeonid temple of Apollo, Western acroterion
 Syracuse, Gorgo with Pegasus
 Emporiae, Neapolis
 Priene, House of Alexander
 Piraeus, Tragic mask
 Priene, Temple of Athena Polias
 Cyzicus, Kouros
 Lycian portrait of Omphale
 Gomphoi, Relief of Odysseus and Amphicleia
 Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar
 Death of Priam. Koninklijke musea voor kunst en geschiedenis, Brussel (Belgium)
 Buthrotum, Scaean Gate. It is not certain whether this gate, which received its name from the excavators, is identical to the Scaean Gate mentioned in our sources
 Delphi, Stoa of the Athenians, Model
 Cyrene, Downtown, Fountain of Apollo
 Rhodes, Relief with the rape of Brygindis
 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Southern part, Greeks
 Acrocorinth, View on the Corinthian Isthmus
 Samos, Temple of Hera, Column
 Delphi, Portrait, believed to represent Plutarch
 Skiron's Road
 Olympia, Temple of Hera
 Smintheum, Stairs
 Argos, Heraion, West pediment, Head of Hera
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Aristides son of Lysimachus
 Kesik tepe: perhaps the tomb of Achilles
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Chaeronea, Macedonian Tumulus
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Statue of Nike (by Paionius)
 Thermopylae, View from electricity mast
 Assos, City wall
 Xanthus, Payava's tomb, Relief
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad
 Smintheum, Stairs
 Cyrene, Temple of Zeus, Interior
 Rhodes, Amphora in Phikelloura style
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, East Pediment, Seer
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, West Pediment, Centaurs and Lapiths
 Thermopylae, Anopaea Mountain Path
 Thessaloniki, Chian Pottery
 Philip V of Macedon
 Herculaneum, Villa of the Papyri, Archidamus III
 Halicarnassus, Myndus Gate
 Statue of Artemis of Ephesus
 Tempe, Cliffs north of the canyon
 Rhion and Antirhion, Modern bridge
 The Zeus of Phidias
 Tarentum, Relief of Scylla
 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Harmodius and Aristogeiton
 Olympia, Stadion, Track
 Tenedos, Corinthian phial
 Athens, Heliaia, Allotment plate
 Epidauros, Lion
 Abydus, Roman tombstone
 Philippi, Acropolis
 Miletus, North Agora, seen from Theater Hill
 Aphrodisias, Xenophon
 The mouth of the Strymon near Eïon
 Delphi, Remains of the Monument of Lysander
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Hyperbolus, son of Antiphanes
 Assos, Temple of Athena, relief, Triton
 Family tree of the later Pharnacids (Barsine and her husbands)
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Metope of the Bull of Marathon
 Assos and Lesbos (background)
 Cyrene, Uptown, Agora, Demosthenes
 Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment, Trojan War
 Map of the Long Walls of Athens
 Delphi, Incense burner from a Parian workshop
 Lid of the sarcophagus of Wahibra-Emakhet
 Amphipolis, Herm
 Amphipolis, Sanctuary of Clio, Inscription
 Olynthus, Mosaic of Bellerophon, Griffins
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Platform
 Buthrotum, Stoa and temple of Athena
 Coin of Taras on a dolphin
 Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides
 Athens, Acropolis from the north
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, general view
 Cape Artemisium with Magnesia in the distance
 Thermopylae, Arrowheads
 Sphingion Hill, where the mythological Sphinx lived
 Map of the Campaigns of Alexander of Molossis
 The large statue of Artemis from the Prytanaeum of Ephesus
 Kouklia, Kato Alonia sarcophagus, Polyphemus
 Acragas, Council Hall
 Jandial, Ionic capital
 Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad
 Piraeus, Statue of Artemis
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Lion
 Limyra, Mausoleum of Pericles, fleeing Gorgo
 Map of the rise of Macedonia
 Olympia, Temple of Zeus, West Pediment, Centaurs and Lapiths
 Syracuse, Theater, Inscription of Philistis
 Athens, Temple of Zeus
 Taucheira, Fruit dish from Rhodes
 Buthrotum, Atrium House
 Athens, Agora, Late Geometric pyxis
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy: Achilles kills Penthesileia
 Oropos, Aeolian-Ionic capital
 Rhodes, Amphora (orientalizing style)
 Olympia, Leonidaion with Hill of Kronos
 Jandial, wall
 Syracuse, Theater, Seats
 Diogenes of Sinope
 Phocaea, Rock tomb
 Corinth, Stone lion
 Priene, Theater
 Fifth-century hoplite.
 Corinth, Plate with Demeter
 War elephant
 Modern model of a triere, Prow
 Selinus, Temple C, Metope of the Kercopes
 Ajax and Cassandra.
 Sperlonga, Giant statue of Odysseus and his friends blinding the cyclops Polyphemus
 Besik Bay; Tenedos in the distance
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Hipparchus son of Charmus
 Athens, Pnyx, Lenormant Athena
 Welschbillig, Portrait of Thucydides
 Epidauros, Theater
 Piraeus, Statue of Artemis
 Thermopylae, Hot spring
 Volterra, Cinerary chest, Cadmus
 Thermopylae, Map
 Athens, Agora, Terracotta of a woman with snakes
 Antandrus, seen from Assos
 Mount Olympus, seen from Dion
 Olympia, Plate with Perseus
 Athens, Coin with portrait of Athena
 Warrior cutting his hair with his sword; Athenian lekythos
 Tarentum, Sherd with the Temple of Apollo
 Athens, Agora, Ostracon mentioning Xanthippus, son of Ariphron
 Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Relief of a satrap receiving visitors
 Delphi, Base of the Victory Monument after the Persian War
 Chios, Coin with a sphinx and an amphora
 Syracuse, Quarries, Orecchio di Dionysio
 Assos, Temple of Athena
 Delphi, Temple of Athena Pronaia, Old pediment, Head of Athena
 Piraeus, Relief of Cybele, Hecate, and Hermes
 Larisa, Tombstone of a man with a hat
 Boy with a hare
 Thessaloniki, Corinthian Pottery with a lion
 Pydna, Tombstone mother and child
 Olynthus, Coin with a cithara
 Ephesus, Archaic temple of Artemis, Gold falcon
 Syracuse, Vase with a chariot (Taleides Painter)
 Tarentum, Head of a man
 Eleusis, Telesterion, Seats
 Amphipolis, Metal ash box with golden wreath
 Heracles and the Cretan Bull
 Limyra, Mausoleum of Pericles, Phalanx
 Heracles and the Cattle of Geryon
 Eretria, Lekythos (Bosanquet Painter)
 Amphipolis, Figurine of Pan
 Trapezus, Egyptian-style scissors
 Map of the siege of Thebes
 Assos, Temple of Athena, Façade
 Oblique phalanx
 Tarentum, A boy and his horse (Sarpedon painter)
 Syracuse, Temple of Apollo
 Taucheira, Bottle in the shape of man with bull's horns
 Amphipolis, Black-glazed hydria, used as an urn
 Heracles and the Mares of Diomedes
 The Horses of San Marco, Venice
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, portrait of a man believed to be Maussolus.
 Tarentum, The Abduction of Persephone
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Horse of the quadriga (by Pythis)
 Heracles and the Belt of Hippolyte
 Corinth, Relief of a hoplite
 Assos, Temple of Athena, Relief of a symposium
 Delos, Relief of Athena
 The plalanx at Marathon
 Emporiae, Neapolis, Symposium hall
 Italica, Alexander the Great
 Emporiae, Neapolis
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Statues of a woman and believed to be Artemisia and Maussolus
 Athens, Acropolis, Erechtheion, the Caryatids
 Marathon, Tomb of the 192 Athenians ("Soros")
 Buthrotum, Theater, Stage
 Delphi, Treasury of the Corinthians, Remains
 Buthrotum, Lion Gate, Archaic relief of a lion devouring a cow's head
 Megara, Kouros
 Seleucia in Pieria, Canal with rock tombs
 Ensérune, Attic krater with amazonomachy
 Athens, Areopagus
 Map of Halicarnassus
 Motya, House of the Mosaics, mosaic of animals
 Chaeronea, Tomb of the Thebans, Spearheads
 Piraeus, Farewell stela
 Hoi pleistoi anthropoi kakoi
 Xanthus, Payava's tomb