Kerma, Statue of Thuthmose III
 Statue of Dersenedj
 Dancing Bes and Beset
 Taharqo venerating the falcon-god Hemen
 Bawit, Coptic church, Model
 Amunemhet III
 Statue of Sekhmet
 Chalouf Inscription (drawing)
 Athribis, Alexander on horseback with an elephant's skin
 Luxor, Temple of Montu, Coptic relief with ankh
 Karnak, Sphinx of Shepenupet II (god's wife of Amun)
 Thoth, represented as an ibis
 Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Box with the name of pharaoh Amunemhet I
 Italica, Anubis and a phoenix
 Relief of Seth and Apophis
 Siwa, Oracle, Entrance
 Artaxerxes III Ochus
 Hermopolis, Obelisk of Nectanebo II
 Relief of a bird chase
 Stele of Amun
 Medinet Habu, Temple of Ramesses III, Ramesses fighting against the Sea People
 The Nile
 Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser with dromedary
 Siwa, Oracle, East wall
 Qasr Libya, East Church, mosaic 1.10.c (the Pharos of Alexandria)
 Hierakonpolis, Tomb 100, Painting, king-executioner
 Karatepe, North Gate relief, Bes
 Athribis, Ptolemaic relief of Hapy
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Statuette of a hippopotamus
 Saqqara, Pyramid of Userkaf
 Memphis, Figurine of Beset
 Saqqara, Jewelry from the age of Thutmose III
 Head of an Apis bull
 Mummy mask
 Deir el-Medina
 Achmim, Stele of Meryanchef, with cartouches of Merenre and Pepi II
 Stele of Sety I
 Amenhotep III
 Stele of Saisis
 Relief with a hunt
 Bawit, Portrait of a lady
 Saqqara, Scarab of Djehuty
 Thebes, Wooden tomb stele of Pamaaf
 Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Pectoral
 Rome, Via Flaminia, Aufidius Altar, Jupiter Ammon
 Phoenix on a Coptic tombstone
 Amenhotep III
 Coin of Nectanebo II, showing hieroglyfs signifying “nefr nub”, good gold
 Siwa, a "shali" fort, made of dried mud
 Karnak, Obelisk
 Relief of the Pharaoh killing an enemy
 Granito del foro or (Grey Granite) from the Mons Claudianus in Egypt (Rome, Palatine)
 Coptic Relief of St.George
 Coptic Embroidery
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject Hgr (Hegra, i.e., Arabia)
 Inscription of Ramesses I and Ramesses III
 Amenhotep III
 Byblos, Statuette of Bes
 hndw3y (OP. Hinduš = India)
 Memphis, statuette of an Apis bull
 Siwa, Oracle, Northern wall
 Coptic Pilgrim's Bottle of St.Menas with two dromedaries
 Luxor, Temple, Capitals of columns
 Byzantine, Dromedary-shaped lamp
 Nefertiti and Akhenaten
 Coptic Pilgrim's Bottle of St.Menas with a text
 Statuette of Amun
 Thebes (?), Block statue of Prince Horwedja, governor and high priest in Heliopolis
 The Nile
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject gdpdk3y (OP. Katpatuka = Cappadocia)
 Coffin lid of Taparet
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject sk3tl3 (OP. Skudra = Thrace)
 Fragment of a cartouche of Teos
 An Egyptian poem about the battle of Kadesh
 Ramesses IV
 Constantinople, Obelisk of Thutmose III, from the northeast
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject b3b3l (Babylonia)
 Phoenix on a Coptic relief
 Fragment of the coffin lid of a priest
 Zincirli, Egyptian ivory
 Giza, False door
 Nothing has really changed
 The pyramids (model)
 Siwa, East Lake
 Byblos, Statue of pharaoh Osorkon II
 Luxor, Temple
 Sais, Statuette of Isis Lactans
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject spltj3 (OP. Sparda = Lydia)
 Sidon, Bustan esh-Sheikh, Egyptianizing head
 Map of the ancient Near East
 Abydos, Sety I, wearing the double pschent crown
 Psammetichus I
 Ramesses II
 Persian nobleman; statue from Egypt
 Dancing Bes
 Giza, Replacement head
 Elephantine, Aramaic text of the Behistun Inscription
 Keki, the courtier
 Thebes, Statuette of a hippopotamus
 Senusret III
 Nectanebo I, wearing the crown of Upper Egypt
 Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Pectoral (1)
 Signature of Peucestas
 Nectanebo I wearing the war crown
 Naqada II, Pottery with cranes
 Figurine of Hapy
 Stele of Iahmy
 Amulet of Bes from Iran
 Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 2, Mixed Egyptian-Greek-style sarcophagus
 Alexandria, Alexander the Great
 Thutmose III
 Deir el-Bahari, Relief of Mentuhotep II
 Coptic-Gnostic Texts: Wisdom of Christ, Acts of Peter, Apocryphon of John, Apocryhon of Mary
 Susa, Statue of Darius, once erected in Egypt, but later brought to Susa.
 Giza, Statue of Ba-Baef
 Dishasha, Tomb of Nenkhefetka, Statuette of a couple
 Siwa, General view of the oasis, with a shali
 Thutmose III
 The "Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis"
 Cartouches of Ramesses III
 Statuette of a cloaked man
 Queen Tije
 Thebes, Temple of Amun, Hypostyle Hall
 Naqada II, Vase with giraffes
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Luxor, Alexander the Great
 Khufu (Cheops)
 Giza, Diner of Nefer
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject '3ylm "Chiefs of Irem" (Elam)
 Papyrus with an account of the Siege of Rhodes
 Naqada II, Pottery with "boats"
 Tyre, Stele of Ramesses II and Ra-Horakhty
 Funerary rites of an Apis
 Siwa, Oracle, Relief of Tefnut
 Naucratis, Figurine of Bes as Roman officer
 Byblos, Statuettes of baboons
 Coptic tunic
 Vase, decorated with birds, Dynasty 0
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject m'dy (OP. Mâda = Media)
 Statue of Sabu and Meretites
 Thutmose IV
 Coptic Pilgrim's Bottle of St.Menas with two dromedaries
 Abusir, Pyramid of Sahura, Relief of the god Bes
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject 3Sw3l (Assyria)
 Stele of Memy
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject skdy (OP. Sugda = Sogdia)
 Medinet Habu, Ramesseum
 Coffin lid of Queen Chedeb-Neith-Iret-Bin, wife of Necho II
 Amenhotep III
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Achaemenid vase with an inscription of king Xerxes
 Thebes, Relief with a cartouches of Ramesses III
 Antinoopolis, Coptic textile, Praying man with candelaber and ankh
 Siwa, Oracle, West wall
 Naqada II, Fish-shaped palet
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject s3htjl (OP. Bâkhtriš = Bactria)
 Osorkon I
 Egyptian Relief of Heracles and the Nemean Lion
 Sphinx of Taharqo
 Amarna, Temple of Aton
 Coptic Textile with the Story of Joseph
 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Achaemenid vase, Egyptian inscription
 Statuette of Amenhotep I
 Sohag, White Monastery
 Qurna, Stele of Pakheri-Pedjet and Osiris
 Naqada II, Statuette of a woman brewing beer
 A Hellenistic or Roman disk with the face of Bes
 The "Great Gallery" of the Great Pyramid of Giza
 Amunemhet V
 Egyptian incense burner (New Kingdom)
 Sety I
 Sphinx of king Siamun
 Drawing of Amenhotep I
 Siwa, the Spring of the Sun
 Queen Tije
 Karnak, Temple of Amun, First Pylon
 Behbeit el-Hagar, Nectanebo II sacrificing to Osiris
 Bawit, Icon of Christ and St.Menas
 Double statue of King Neuserre
 Lisht, Amunemhet IV
 Stele of Hentnefert, with Thutmose III and Amenhotep II
 Soknopaiou Nesos, Stele of Isis, Horus, and Cleopatra VII Philopator
 Naqada II, Pottery with "boats"
 Portrait of an old king Amunemhet III
 The desert, north of Siwa
 Egypt, Byzantine textile, Erotes picking grapes
 Psammetichus II sacrificing to Thoth, represented as baboon
 Portrait of an official
 Siwa, Oracle, East wall
 Elephantine, Temple of Chnum, Stele of Amenhotep II
 Saqqara, Serapeum, Relief of Isis and Nectanebo II
 Byblos, Royal Tombs, Pectoral
 Tivoli, Canopus, Crocodile
 Beth Shean, Dedication to Mekal
 Domitian on an Egyptian relief
 Nile, as shown on the World Map of Ptolemy of Alexandria (manuscript from 1467)
 Amenhotep II
 Coptic Pilgrim's Bottle of St.Menas with two dromedaries
 Statue of a scribe
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 The naophorus of Wedjahor-Resne
 Siwa, Oracle and medieval minaret
 Aegina, Ptolemy VI Philometor
 Amarna, Akhenaten and Nefertiti
 False door of Init
 Sphinx of Amunemhet III
 Saqqara, Statue of Maya and Merit
 Informal portrait of Sobekhotep IV
 Relief of a scribe
 Medinet Habu, Temple of Ramesses III, Ramesses executing Peleset
 Sphinx of Osorkon I
 Coptic Amulet, written on parchment
 Campana plate with a Nilotic scene
 Byblos, Royal Tomb II (Ip-Chemou-Abi), Pectoral
 Naqada Period, Small pot
 Cup with the serekh of king Djer
 Head of a Nubian with a donkey
 Cartouche of Cambyses ("Mesuti-Ra Cambyses")
 Deir el-Bahari, Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut
 Valkenburg, Figurine of Isis
 Map of Lower Egypt (fifth-fourth centuries BCE)
 Setutra Darius: his royal name in Egypt
 Coptic jar with decoration of a woman with wild animals
 Siwa, Oracle, East wall: Nut and Amun, Amasis
 Cartouche of Osorkon I
 Statue of Neje and Mut-Nofret
 Memphis, Statue of Ramesses II
 Plaque with a representation of the Apis
 Thebes-West, Statuette of a woman
 Oxyrhynchus, Relief of four men and a crocodile
 Giza, Cult Room of Ka-Ni-Nisut, Scribes
 Ceremonial knife with protective deities
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject sg?shkš (OP Sâka = Scythians)
 Karnak, Palm trees and the river Nile
 Figurine of a Nubian captive
 Chaeronea, Sistrum with handle in the form of the Egyptian god Bes
 Sepphoris, House of the Nile Mosaic, Nilometer
 Amulet of Bes from Erebuni
 Siwa, Temple of Nectanebo, Platform
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject hlw3 (OP. Haraiva = Aria)
 Sacrificing king
 Chalouf, Darius' DZb inscription
 Nahr al-Kalb, Relief of Ramesses II
 Giza, Pyramid of Khufu, Basalt from the Western Desert
 Egyptian measure of liquid capacity, with the cartouche of Thutmose III
 Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 2, Sarcophagus of Tabnit
 Siwa, Temple of Nectanebo, Relief
 Hazor, Head of a pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, obelisk of Theodosius
 Aegis of Osorkon IV
 Kom Medinet el-Gurob, Queen Tije
 Senusret III
 Karnak, Senusret I
 Byblos, Relief with a hieroglyphic text
 Siwa, Oracle, West wall: the vanished figure of Sutkh-Irdes
 Saqqara, Ramesses II
 Memphis, Bottle in the shape of Bes
 Salamis, Royal Tombs, Ivory
 Amarna, Letter from King Abdi-Hepa of Jerusalem
 Alexander as Kosmokrator
 Egypt, Byzantine decorated tile, St. Lawrence
 Giza, Pyramid of Khufu (the "great pyramid")
 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Southern part, a hippopotamus
 Sacrificing king.
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject hlhdy (OP. Gandâra = Gandara)
 Naqada Period, Mace
 Senusret III
 Amarna, Head of a princess
 Giza, Pyramid of Khufu, Queens' Pyramids
 Vase with a painted horse
 Statuette of Raherka, inspector of the scribes, and his wife Merseanch
 Votive stele
 The fertile Nile
 Thebes, El-Asasif, Battle relief of Amenhotep II
 Memphis, Statue of Ramesses II and Ptah
 Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 1, Egyptian-style sarcophagus
 Hellenistic figurine of Bes
 Scarab of Amenhotep III
 Alexandria, Catacombs, Tomb relief
 Medinet Habu, Temple of Ramesses III, First Pylon
 Ugarit, Bronze falcon in Egyptianizing style
 Statuette of a dog
 King Djedefra
 Head of a foreigner
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject m'g (Maka)
 Abydos, Temple of Ramesses II, Kadesh Relief, Hittite Chariot
 Ostracon with a Coptic Writing Exercise (Thebaid)
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject kmt (OE. Kemet = Egypt)
 Abusir, Relief of a sacrifice
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject ch3rs3m' (OP. Uvârazmîy = Chorasmia)
 Vulci, Egyptian pyxis
 Abu Simbel, Temple of Ramesses II, Sema Tawy
 Rome, Piazza del Popolo, Obelisk, Cartouche of Sety I
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, Obelisk of Thutmose III, from the southwest
 Abu Simbel, Temple of Ramesses II, facade
 The island Philae
 Sobekhotep V
 Beth Shean, House of the Egyptian governor, Doorpost tablet with the cartouches of Sety I
 Magic stela of Bes-Horus
 Egyptian dagger
 Amulet of Darius
 Decree of Tefnakht
 Giza, Pyramid of Khufu, Boat of the Sun
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, Base with sema-tawy (front)
 Saqqara, Serapeum, Stela of Cambyses venerating the Apis
 Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser, Model
 Giza, Pyramid of Menkaura
 Naqada III, Vase
 King Ninetjer, dressed for the Sed festival
 Thutmose III
 Karnak, Inscription with the names of Psammuthis
 Ostracon with graffito of Bes
 Giza's famous sphinx and the pyramid of Khafra
 Amunemhet III
 Nahr al-Kalb, Reliefs of Ramesses II (left) and Esarhaddon
 Asian POW
 Axe blade with the serekh of king Aha
 Deir el-Bahari, Thutmose III
 Drawing of Ramesses VII
 Bubastis, Relief of Chnum
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject pls (OP. Parsa = Persis)
 Amenhotep II
 Luxor, Temple
 Relief of cats chasing birds
 Hierakonpolis, Narmer Palette, obverse
 Fragment of the sarcophagus of Sety II
 Naqada I, Vase
 Antinoopolis, Coptic textile, Nilotic scene (including nilometer)
 Byzantine, Peacock-shaped lamp
 Saqqara, Relief of Merymery
 Abydos, Statuette of a lady (Dynasty 0)
 Herculaneum, Villa of the Papyri, Ptolemy II Philadelphus
 Statuette of an Apis bull
 Saqqara, Court of the Philosophers
 Kom Abu Billu, Coptic funerary stela
 Giza, False door of Nefer-En-Chufu
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, left-hand side of the base
 Alexandria, Alexander the Great as City Founder
 Fayyum, Coptic chalice
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject t3 tjmhw (OE. Tjemehu = Cyrenaica)
 Siwa, Oracle, Access
 Stela with the serekh of king Den
 Abydos, Stele of Sehetepibreanch: cartouche and serekh of king Amunemhet III
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject pltiiw3 (OP. Parthava = Parthia)
 Obelisk of Thutmose III, tip
 Statues of Sekhmet
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Darius' name as cartouche: drjwS
 Cartouche of Neuserre
 Dish with the symbol of Nun, the primordial waters
 Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Merit-Aton venerating the Sun Disk
 Statue of Seshen-Sa-Hathor the Magician
 Nahr al-Kalb, Relief of Ramesses II
 Hierakonpolis, Narmer Palette, reverse
 Byblos, Statuette of Hathor
 Thebes, Mentuhotep II wearing the white hedjet crown
 Bowl with the names of Aton, Akhenaten, and Nefertiti
 Amenhotep III
 Giza, Statue of a miller
 Aegis of Hathor
 Horus, Osiris, Isis
 Map of the first circumnavigation of Africa
 Memphis, Portrait of Amunemhet III
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, Belt with akinakes
 Head of a foreigner
 Gortyn, Temple of the Egyptian deities, Isis-Persephone and Serapis-Hades
 Sobekhotep IV
 Cartouches of Nero
 Senusret I
 Head of a block statue
 Sais, Temple of Neith, Statuette
 Relief from the tomb of Chancellor Se-Khenti-Ka
 Edfu, Ptolemaic Horus, wearing the double pschent crown
 Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser, Court
 Constantinople, Hippodrome, First Obelisk, detail
 Ramesses II
 Coptic Bible Manuscript (Gospel of John and Psalms)
 Statuette of a Libyan
 Thebes, Colossi of Memnon
 Alexander, Statuette from Lower Egypt
 Archimedes' Screw (Boerhaave Museum, Leiden)
 Stele of Rahotep
 Nile, First Cataract
 Statuette of Bes, dedicated by Pakher, chancellor of king Psamtek I
 Susa, Statue of Darius the Great, Base with sema-tawy (rear)
 Portrait of a pharaoh of the Saite dynasty
 Giza, Pyramid of Khafra
 Memphis, Sphinx
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject sdgw3? (OP. Thataguš = Sattagydia)
 Byblos, Statuette of a hippopotamus
 Cairo, "Hanging Church"
 Canopes of Nefer
 Spoon to make balm
 Amenhotep II
 Giza, Sphinx
 Abusir, Head of Kahotep
 Semna, Border stele of Senusret III
 Naqada I-II, Aquatic animals
 Lid of the sarcophagus of Wahibra-Emakhet
 Saqqara, Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II
 Ram sphinx of Taharqo
 Rome, Horologium Augusti, Obelisk of Psammetichus II
 Siwa, A shali fort
 Siwa, East Lake and Oracle
 Purple porphyry from Hurghada in Egypt (Rome, Palatine)
 Beth Shean, House of the Egyptian governor
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject slng (OP. Zranka = Drangiana)
 The Nile in Cairo
 Karnak, Temple of Amun, Model
 Glass mosaic of a face of Bes
 Palermo, Statuette of Bes
 Nectanebo I wearing the war crown
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject 3lm'yn3 (OP. Armina = Armenia)
 Montuhotep II wearing the red deshret crown
 Siwa, General view of the palm trees in the oasis, seen from the oracle
 Siwa, Oracle, West wall: Thoth and Nehmataway
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Darius' name as cartouche: drjwS (drawing)
 Cartouche of Ramesses II
 Asyut, Cult chamber of Amenhotep and Renenutet, Relief
 Siwa, Oracle, East wall
 Naqada Period, Hippopotamus-shaped vase
 Abu Simbel, Temple of Ramesses II, Relief of POWs
 Saqqara, Tomb of Horemheb, POWs
 Alexander IV
 King of the Eleventh/Twelfth Dynasty
 Nectanebo II
 Naqada II, Pottery
 Alexandria, Serapeum, Sphinx of Horemheb
 Priestess of the 22nd Dynasty
 Carnuntum, Hathor
 Sobekhotep IV
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject t3 nhsy (Kush)
 Cartouches of Ptolemy I Soter
 Saqqara, Chapel of Hetepherachet, Cartouche of Neferikara
 Siwa, Oracle, West wall
 Sarcophagus of Nesshutefnut
 Siwa, Temple of Nectanebo, Paintings