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Q25670Sippar: one of the most important cities in northern Babylonia.

- Situated in the northwest of Babylonia
- Founded in the fourth millennium BCE; twin settlement Sippar-Jahrurum and Sippar-Amnanum)
- According to the Sumerian King List one of the cities that were already in existence prior to the Great Flood; king Enmen-dur-ana ruled in Sippar for 21,000 years
- Ebabbar: main cult center of the sun god (Šamaš); there is a ziggurat
- Many texts from the Old Babylonian period (i.e., the Middle Bronze Age) and from the New Babylonian Period
- c.860: Nabu-apla-iddina orders restaurations to the Ebabbar
- c.625: Nabopolassar orders repairs to the Ebabbar
- c.599: Nebuchadnezzar orders repairs to the Ebabbarnote
- 542: Nabonidus orders repairs to the temple of Šamaš
- 331 BCE: During his visit to Sippar, Alexander the Great announced he would not allow the sack of Babylon
- Probably renamed Seleucia on the Euphrates