One of the murderers, Bessus, was recognized as king of Persia, and ruled under the name of Artaxerxes V; he retreated to Bactria (the Upper Oxus valley, i.e., southern Uzbekistan and northern Afghanistan) and Sogdia (the area of Samarkand)
Making a detour through Arachosia, Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush mountains, invaded Bactria and Sogdia, saw to the punishment of Artaxerxes V, and proceeded to the river Jaxartes
Then, an insurection started, which was to last for several years
Because the Sogdian rebels were supported by the native population, Alexander decided to resettle all farmers and nomads in newly founded cities
Two of these have been identified: Ai Khanum in northeastern Afghanistan and Kampyr Tepe in southern Uzkenistan
The latter controled an accessible crossing of the river Oxus and the way up to Samarkand
Situated on a ridge above the river plain, where an unfortified lower city must have been, which was destroyed by the meandering river
Probably named "Alexandria on the Oxus"
Houses made of mudbrick, a powerful wall; probably the Macedonian garrison
Macedonian, Graeco-Bactrian, and Kushan finds (a/o a Buddhist sanctuary outside the walls)
"Golden Age" in the first and second centuries CE
Further history
The inhabitants must have taken part in several insurrections against Alexander the Great