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Q618495Aphrodisias (Greek: Ἀφροδισιάς): ancient city in Caria. The town is quite well-preserved.
Early Aphrodisias
Originally a village named Ninoe (cult of Zeus Nineudius)Alexander the Great - Part of Hellenistic world
- Became a real city in the third century BCE
- sII BCE: Odeon
- Received the sculptors' school from Pergamon
Roman Aphrodisias
Cult of Aphrodite promoted by Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and AugustusSculpture from the Sebasteion: Nero subdues Armenia - Golden age: first and second centuries CE
- Agora age of Tiberius
- Sebasteion age of Nero
- Baths age of Hadrian
- Gordian III promotes the cult of Aphrodite again
- sIII Basilica
Byzantine Aphrodisias
- Fourth century: Christian church
- Temple Aphrodite rededicated to the archangels; Odeon becomes episcopal palace
- Acropolis a fort, theater destroyed
- sVII Earthquake
- sVII: Renamed Stauropolis, "city of the cross"
- sIX: Renamed Caria
- Decline