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Valentinian III
Valentinian III: emperor of the West-Roman empire (r.425-455).

- 2 July 419: Flavius Placidius Valentinianus
- 424: Valentinianus Caesar
- 23 October 425: Valentinianus Augustus
- 16 March 455: murdered by Petronius Maximus
Successor of: Honorius and Johannes
- father: Constantius III
- mother: Galla Placidia (daughter of Theodosius I)
- wife: Eudoxia III (daughter of Theodosius II)
- children: Placidia (married to Olybrius), Eudocia
Main deeds:
- 423 Galla Placidia and her young son Valentinian III arrive in Constantinople; Eudoxia and Valentinian engaged; death of Honorius, usurpation of Johannes; Theodosius II immediately recognizes Valentinian as emperor in the west
- 425 Consul (with Theodosius II consul XI); Johannes killed by East-Roman troops; he is succeeded by Valentinian; the real ruler is Galla Placidia; laws to reorganize education; Jews expelled from the army in Gaul
- 426 Consul II (with Theodosius II consul XII)
- 428 The Vandals, led by Gaiseric, leave Andalusia
- 429 Vandal invasion of Africa
- 430 Consul III (with Theodosius II consul XIII)
- 432 The East-Roman general Aspar unsuccessfully tries to push back the Vandals
- 435 Consul IV (with Theodosius II consul XV)
- 437 Valentinian marries Eudoxia; retirement of Galla Placidia
- 439 Codex Theodosianus in force in the west; Vandals take Carthage; Jews expelled from the army
- 440 Consul V (with Anatolius); Vandals occupy Sicily; the Huns start to raid the Balkans
- 445 Consul VI (with Flavius Nomus); Edict against the Manichaeans
- 446 Theodosius II pays Attila, who turns to the west
- 450 Consul VII (with Gennadius Avienus); In the east, Marcianus succeeds Theodosius II; death of Galla Placidia
- 451 The Huns cross the Rhine, invade Gaul, sack Metz; Atilla is defeated by Aetius near Troyes
- 452 The Huns invade Italy; siege and sack of Aquileia; pope Leo persuades Atilla to return
- 453 Death of Attila
- 454 Aetius assassinated; Ostrogoths settled in Pannonia
- 455 Consul VIII (with Flavius Procopius Anthemius); Valentinian III killed in Rome
Buildings: Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna
Contemporary events:
- 426 Augustine, City of God
- 430 Death of Augustine
- 431 Third Ecumenical Council, at Ephesus; Nestorianism condemned
- 434 Attila and Bleda gain control of the tribes of the Hun
- 445 Attila kills Bleda
- 449 Death of Hilary of Arles
Succeeded by: Petronius Maximus