132-127: During the civil war between Ptolemy VIII and his mother Cleopatra II, Ptolemy's wife Cleopatra III and Ptolemy IX live on Cyprus.
Marriage to his sister Cleopatra IV
Later, Ptolemy IX is made governor of Cyprus.
28 June 116: Death of Ptolemy VIII, who is succeeded by Cleopatra III. She wants to rule with Ptolemy X Alexander, but the Alexandrines force her to accept Ptolemy IX Soter, who is fourteen years old, as co-ruler.
March 115: he divorces Cleopatra IV and marries Cleopatra V Selene
October 110-February 109: Ptolemy X replaces Ptolemy IX as co-ruler
March 108: Ptolemy X briefly replaces Ptolemy IX (who flees to Cyrene), but this second attempt is a failure too, and Ptolemy IX returns
October 107: Ptolemy IX flees to Cyprus, leaving Cleopatra V Selene and his children behind; Ptolemy X Alexander becomes co-ruler of Cleopatra III.
A naval expedition from Alexandria forces Ptolemy to flee to Seleucia, but he soon returns.
103: Antiochus IX Cyzicenus supports the Samarians against the Hasmonaean king John Hyrcanus of Judaea; Ptolemy IX supports Antiochus, hoping that Judaea will be a first step to a return to Egypt.
Ptolemy X Alexander invades Judaea, reaches Damascus, and returns
20 February 102: Cleopatra III defeats Ptolemy IX Soter near Pelusium
26 October 101: Ptolemy X Alexander orders the killing of Cleopatra and continues as sole ruler
The Seleucid civil war has by now become intertwined with the conflict in the Ptolemaic Empire:
Antiochus VIII Grypus, son of Demetrius II Nicator and Cleopatra Thea, and married to Cleopatra V Selene, is in control of the northern part of the Seleucid Empire and is supported by Ptolemy X Alexander
Antiochus IX Cyzicenus, son of Antiochus VII Sidetes and Cleopatra Thea, is supported by Ptolemy IX Soter Lathyros; they control the southern part of the empire
96: Death of Antiochus VIII; Cleopatra V Selene marries to Antiochus IX Cyzicenus
88: Ptolemy X Alexander expelled from Alexandria; Ptolemy IX returns (May), defeats Ptolemy X (October), and visits Memphis (November); restores order in the Thebaid, sacking Thebes. He marries his daughter Cleopatra Berenice III