62 Death of Burrus, the praetorian prefect; he is succeeded by Faenius Rufus and Tigellinus; fall of Seneca; Nero divorces Octavia and marries Poppaea (who divorces Marcus Salvius Otho); Roman defeat at Rhandeia; exploratory mission to Nubia
65 The Neroniana celebrated again; conspiracy of Piso; suicides of Lucan and Seneca; Faenius Rufus replaced by Nymphidius as praetorian prefect; death of Poppaea
66 Marriage to Statilia Messalina; Tiridates in Rome; Gate of Janus closed; Jewish revolt; Nero crosses to Greece; conspiracy of Vinicius; suicide of Petronius Arbiter
67 Nero in Greece; starts the work on a canal at Corinth; suicide of Corbulo; Vespasian sent to Judaea
68 Consul V (without colleague); return to Rome; revolt of Julius Vindex suppressed by Verginius Rufus; recolt of Lucius Clodius Macer; revolt of Galba; suicide