Nabonidus (Babylonian: Nabû-na'id): last king of Babylonia, ruled 556-539.
Main deeds
- 556: Becomes king after a coup d'état by his son Belshazzar, who dethrones Nerigilissar and/or his son Labaši-Marduk
- 555: Campaign to Cilicia
- Religious reforms: the Mesopotamian triad Sin, Šamaš, and Ištar (Moon, Sun, and Venus), as venerated in Harran, is propagated; conflict with the Babylonian religious establishment
- 553: Another campaign to Cilicia and Edom
- 549: Nabonidus is in Tayma
- 547: Nabonidus is in Tayma; death of his mother; Cyrus near Arbela
- 546: Nabonidus is in Tayma
- 545: Nabonidus is in Tayma
- 542: Repairs to the temple of Šamaš in Sippar
- c.540: Repairs to the ziggurat of Ur
- 539:
- In 522, the Babylonian usurpers Nindintu-Bêl and Arakha claimed to be a son of Nabonidus.
Nabonidus Cylinder (from Sippar)The Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar - Nabonidus Cylinder (from Ur)
- Chronicle of Nabonidus (ABC 7)
- Verse account of Nabonidus
- Cyrus Cylinder
- Chronographic document concerning Nabonidus (CM 53)