146: Cleopatra leaves her husband and remarries with Demetrius II Nicator; her father Ptolemy supports Demetrius' claim to the throne; civil war
145/144: End of Alexander Balas; his supporter Diodotus saves the two year old son of Alexander and Cleopatra
Cleopatra continues to support Demetrius; they have at least three children (Seleucus, a daughter, Antiochus VIII); meanwhile Diodotus and Cleopatra's son Antiochus VI are building an independent kingdom
141 or 140: Diodotus kills the boy and proclaims himself king, calling himself Tryphon
130: Antiochus successfully fights a war against the Parthians, and demands full restoration of all Seleucid territories in Iran
129: the Parthians defeat Antiochus VII (who commits suicide) and allow Demetrius II, who is still their captive, to return to his old kingdom, which has by now been reduced to Syria and Cilicia
Demetrius concludes a marriage alliance with Parthia: his daughter marries to Phraates, he himself marries Phraates' sister Rhodogyne
128?: Demetrius tries to intervene in the Egyptian civil war, supporting Cleopatra II, the mother of Cleopatra Thea