Stay in Babylon (on several occasions?), where he showed an interest in the cults of Sin and Marduk, and in the rebuilding of the Esagila and Etemenanki
September 281: death of Seleucus (more...); accession of Antiochus; Philetaerus of Pergamon buys back Seleucus' corpse
279: Intervention in Greece: soldiers sent to Thermopylae to fight against the Galatians; they are defeated
Antiochus after the "Elephant battle"
275 Successful "Elephant Battle" against the Galatians; they enter his army as mercenaries; Antiochus is called Soter, "victor"
274-271: Unsuccessful war against Ptolemy (First Syrian War, second part)
268: Stay in Babylonia; rebuilding of the Ezida in Borsippa
266: Execution of his son Seleucus
263: Eumenes I of Pergamon, successor of Philetaerus, declares himself independent
O.L. Gabelko & Yu.N. Kuzmin, "Matrimonial Policy of Demetrius II of Macedonia. New Solutions of Old Problems", in: Vestnik drevnej istorii 264 (2008) 141-164