593: One of the generals of the army of Psammetichus II that invaded Kush (modern Sudan)
570: After an ill-fated campaign against Cyrene, Apries is disgraced. Amasis is proclaimed king by his men; he is accepted as co-ruler. During his reign, Amasis has to support the native soldiersnote[Herodotus, Histories2.161, 172-174.]
568/567: Unsuccessful Babylonian invasion, led by Nebuchadnezzar II
567: Civil war against Apries, who is killed at Momemphis
More Greeks settled in the western Delta in Naucratis; the city, the first polis in Egypte, receives trade prerogatives
After 548: Amasis supports the rebuilding of the Greek temple in Delphi and sends precious gifts to Cyrene, Sparta, Lindos and Polycrates, the tyrant of Samos