45/46 CE: Death of Rhoemetalces III of the Odryassae (tomb at Karanovo); the Roman emperor Claudius adds the Odryssan kingdom to the Roman Empire; Thracian soldiers in the Roman auxiliaries
Roman Empire
The Adamclisi monument
After the annexation, Thrace and Moesia Inferior were a normal Roman province. Capital Perinthus.
Main cities in Thrace: Serdica (modern Sofia), Pautalia, Philippopolis, Hadrianopolis, Bizye, Byzantium, Mesembria,
Main cities in Moesia Inferior: Odessos, Tomis, Histria, Troesmis, Durostorum, Novae, Oescus
105-106: Trajan's Second Dacian War; commemorated with the victory monument at Adamclisi, the founding of Nicopolis, and (in Rome) the Column of Trajan