Adiutor, a Cananefatic horseman
Also spelled Cannenefates; prounounced with /H/
Lived on the fertile sandy soils between the dunes and the peat bogs of the modern Dutch province Zuid Holland; between the estuaries of the Rhine and the Meuse (Helinium)
Etymologies based on /konijn/, "dune rabbit", are incorrect because this animal was not living in Holland until the Middle Ages. One plausible etymology is *Kananēfaþīz, "lords of the boats".
According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the Cananefates were closely related to the Batavians, spoke a similar language, and were equally courageous;note[Tacitus, Histories4.15.1.] this implies a shared descent from the Chatti
Corbulo defeats Gannascus, commander a band of Chauci, who lived on the shores of the Wadden Sea in what is now the Dutch province of Groningen and the German Ostfriesland.