Eighteenth Dynasty: first dynasty of Egypt's "New Kingdom".
Early History
King Ahmose expels the Hyksos, invades Nubia (reaching the Second Cataract of the river Nile), and even invades southern Kanaan, conquering Sharuhen
King Ahmose builds the last pyramid (at Abydos); most kings will be buried in the Valley of Kings near Thebes
King Amenhotep I campaigns in Nubia and reaches the Third Cataract
King Thutmose I invades Nubia (Kush), reaches the land between the Nile's Fourth and Fifth Cataracts, and destroys the Kushite capital Kerma
Queen Hatshepsut, first acting as regent for Thutmose III and later as ruler in her own right, sends a famous expedition to the land of Punt and builds a mortuary temple in Deir el-Bahri
Stele of Iahmy
Statuette of Amenhotep I
Drawing of Amenhotep I
Stele of Memy
Deir el-Bahari, Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut
King Thutmose III invades Kanaan, captures Megiddo, and even reaches the Euphrates
Large-scale building projects
While presenting himself as a strong archer and warrior, king Amenhotep II opens diplomatic relations to Egypt's enemies (e.g., Mitanni)
Thutmose III
Thutmose III
Deir el-Bahari, Thutmose III
Thutmose III
Amenhotep II
Amenhotep II
Amenhotep II
Thutmose IV
The Amarna Age
Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Merit-Aton
King Amenhotep III initiates reforms, which culminate under his son Amenhotep IV = Akhenaten in the official cult of the sun disk Aten; the court resides in the new city Akhetaten (Amarna)
King Tutankhamun leaves Akhetaten and moves the court to Memphis; he also abandons the official cult of Aten and returns to the traditional forms of worship
After the death of Tutankhamun, there is much confusion
General Horemheb seizes power; he is in 1295 BCE succeeded by Ramesses I, the first king of the Nineteenth Dynasty
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III
Queen Tije
Amenhotep III
Scarab of Amenhotep III
Queen Tije
Kom Medinet el-Gurob, Queen Tije
Thebes, Colossi of Memnon
Amarna, Temple of Aton
Nefertiti and Akhenaten
Amarna, Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Bowl with the names of Aton, Akhenaten, and Nefertiti
Amarna, Head of a princess
Amarna, Letter from King Abdi-Hepa of Jerusalem
Alexandria, Serapeum, Sphinx of Horemheb
Eighteenth dynasty (1540-1295)
Nebpehtyra Ahmose
Djeserkara Amenhotep I
Aakheperkara Thutmose I
Aakheperenra Thutmose II
Maatkara Hatshepsut
Menkheperra Thutmose III
Aakheperura Amenhotep II
Menkheperura Thutmose IV
Nebmaatra Amenhotep III
Neferkheperura Waenre Akhenaten
Ankhkhepura Smenkhkara
Nebkheperura Tutankhamun
Kheperkheperura Irmaat Ay
Dsjeserkheperura Setepenra Horemheb
Saqqara, Relief of Merymery
Elephantine, Temple of Chnum, Stele of Amenhotep II
Stele of Hentnefert, with Thutmose III and Amenhotep II
Saqqara, Tomb of Horemheb, POWs
Saqqara, Jewelry from the age of Thutmose III
Mummy mask
Vase with a painted horse
Saqqara, Scarab of Djehuty
Statues of Sekhmet
Dish with the symbol of Nun, the primordial waters
Egyptian measure of liquid capacity, with the cartouche of Thutmose III
Statuette of a dog
Asian POW
Saqqara, Statue of Maya and Merit
Canopes of Nefer
Spoon to make balm
Thebes, El-Asasif, Battle relief of Amenhotep II
Karnak, Obelisk
Constantinople, Obelisk of Thutmose III, from the northeast