Seventeenth Dynasty: one of the dynasties of Egypt's Second Intermediary Period, in control of Upper Egypt, and gradually reuniting Egypt.
Statuette of a hippopotamus, Seventeenth Dynasty
During the Thirteenth Dynasty, Egypt loses control of Nubia, and the residence moves from Itj-tawy (unknown) to Thebes
In the Second Intermediary Period, Lower Egypt is ruled by the Fourteenth Dynasty (which breaks away first)
The rise of the Fifteenth Dynasty (the "Hyksos") in Avaris changes the political geography. The Fourteenth Dynasty is replaced by the Sixteenth, which is subject to the Hyksos kings, while the Late Thirteenth Dynasty in Thebes is replaced by the Early Seventeenth Dynasty.
The kings of the Seventeenth Dynasty first put an end to the Sixteenth Dynasty and continue to expel the Hyksos; after they have reunited Egypt, they are known as the Eighteenth Dynasty, the first dynasty of Egypt's New Kingdom