Eleventh Dynasty: name of the first kings of Egypt's "Middle Kingdom".
General situation
Egypt was, after the demise of the Old Kingdom, divided until it was reunited by the Eleventh Dynasty, which had started as the local dynasty in Thebes.
Eleventh Dynasty
Ninth and Tenth Dynasties
Seventh and Eighth Dynasties
Sixth dynasty
Mentuhotep II
Originally the dynasty ruling in southern Egypt
After king Intef II, gradual reunification of Egypt; king Mentuhotep II puts an end to the Tenth Dynasty in Heracleopolis
Mentuhotep II builds a mortuary temple in Deir el-Bahri (Thebes)
The reign of king Mentuhotep IV ends in confusion
King Amunemhet restores order and is the founder of the Twelfth Dynasty
Eleventh dynasty (c.2140-2000)
Tepia Mentuhotep I
Sehertowy Intef I
Wahankh Intef II
Nakhtnebtepnefer Intef III
Nebhepetra Mentuhotep II (Smatowy)
Sankhkara Mentuhotep III
Nebtowyre Mentuhotep IV
Deir el-Bahari, Relief of Mentuhotep II
Thebes, Mentuhotep II wearing the white hedjet crown