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Fifth Syrian War (202-195)
Syrian Wars: series of conflicts between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires in the third and second centuries BCE; at stake was an area called Coele Syria, which is more or less identical to modern Israel, the Palestine territories, Lebanon, and southern Syria.
Course of events
Antiochus III the Great
205/204: The Seleucid king Antiochus III the Great and the Macedonian king Philip V, knowing that a dynastic crisis is approaching in the Ptolemaic empire, agree to divide its possessions outside Africa; revolt of Horwennefer in Egypt
202: The royal advisers Agathocles and Sosibius are replaced by Telepolemus, and - later - Aristomenes
May 202: Outbreak of the Fifth Syrian War
Philip expels the Ptolemaic garrisons from the Aegaen Sea, which results in a conflict with Pergamon and Rhodes
201: Rome is alarmed, and demands that Philip halts his aggression.
200: Antiochus occupies Coele Syria (battle of Panias); Rome declares war against Macedonia (which leaves the war against the Ptolemies) and orders both to keep their hands off Egypt, which is vital for Rome's food supply; the rebel Horwennefer changes his name into Ankhwennefer
199-197: Antiochus cancels his invasion of Egypt, and instead attacks Ptolemaic possessions in Cilicia
197: In the battle of Cynoscephalae the Roman general Titus Quinctius Flamininus overcomes the Macedonians
197/196: Ptolemy V represses the insurrection in the Delta.
26 March 196: Traditional, native coronation of Ptolemy in Memphis; he accepts the surname Epiphanes, 'the god manifests himself'; Egyptian priests decree a divine cult for the young king (the text is known from the Rosetta Stone)
195: Peace with Antiochus III; Ptolemy announces to marry Antiochus' daughter Cleopatra Syra and accepts the loss of all possessions outside Egypt, except for Cyprus and Cyrenaica