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Pupienus: emperor of the Roman world (r.238), co-emperor of Balbinus.

- ±164: Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus
- February 238: Imperator Caesar Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus Augustus
- May 238: lynched by soldiers
Successor of: Maximinus Thrax
- father: Clodius Maximus
- mother: Prima (?)
- married to: Pulchra (?)
- children: Titus Clodius Pupienus Pulcher Maximus; Marcus Pupienus Africanus; Pupiena Sextia Paulina Cethegilla
Early career
164 BornPupienus - Military tribune
- Praetor
- Proconsul in Bithynia
- Propraetor of Greece
- Propraetor of Narbonensis
- Commander of a legion along the Danube
- 205 or 217 Consul
- Propraetor in Germania Inferior or Superior
- Proconsul in Asia
- 234 Consul II
- Praefectus urbi
Main deeds
- January 238: Insurrection of Gordian I and Gordian II; they are defeated by Capellianus;
- February 238: the Senate elects Pupienus and Balbinus; they adopt Gordianus III; Pupienus marches to the north
- Maximinus is killed by his own soldiers near Aquileia
- On Pupienus' return, he and Balbinus start to quarrel; both are killed by soldiers
- Damnatio memoriae
Succeeded by: Gordianus III
- biography included in the Historia Augusta,
- Herodian's History of the Roman Empire (Book 7 and 8)