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Ptolemy V Epiphanes
Ptolemy V Epiphanes: king of the Ptolemaic Empire, ruled from 205 to 180.

- Father: Ptolemy IV Philopator
- Mother: Arsinoe III
- Wife: Cleopatra Syra (daughter of Antiochus III the Great and Laodice III)
- Children: Cleopatra II, Ptolemy VI Philometor, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes
Main deeds
- 9 October 210: Birth
- 29 November 205: Co-ruler
- Agreement between Antiochus III the Great and Philip V that they will divide the Ptolemaic Empire; at the same time, revolt of Horwennefer
- July or August 204: Death of Ptolemy IV Philopator; the queen-mother Arsinoe III is assassinated
- 202: The royal advisers Agathocles and Sosibius are replaced by Telepolemus, and - later - Aristomenes
- May 202: Outbreak of the Fifth Syrian War
- Philip expels the Ptolemaic garrisons from the Aegaen Sea, which results in a conflict with Pergamon and Rhodes
- 201: Rome is alarmed, and demands that Philip halts his aggression.
- 200: Antiochus occupies Coele Syria (battle of Panias); Rome declares war against Macedonia
- 199: Antiochus' attempt to attack Egypt fails; the rebel Horwennefer changes his name into Ankhwennefer
- 197: Antiochus expands his power in Asia Minor; in the battle of Cynoscephalae the Roman general Titus Quinctius Flamininus overcomes the Macedonians and neutralizes the Macedonian danger.
- 197/196: Ptolemy V represses the insurrection in the Delta.
- 26 March 196: Traditional, native coronation of Ptolemy in Memphis; he accepts the surname Epiphanes, "the god manifests himself"; Egyptian priests decree a divine cult for the young king (the text is known from the Rosetta Stone)
- 195: Peace with Antiochus III; Ptolemy announces to marry Antiochus' daughter Cleopatra Syra and accepts the loss of all possessions outside Egypt, except for Cyprus and Cyrenaica
- 194: Royal wedding of Ptolemy and Cleopatra in Raphia
- 192: Fall of Aristomenes; he is replaced by Polycrates
- c.189: Birth of Cleopatra II
- 186: Birth of Ptolemy VI; end of the revolt of Ankhwennefer, who is executed
- 182: Ptolemy V plans to attack the Seleucid Empire
- 182/181: Birth of Ptolemy VIII
- 180: To prevent this war, Ptolemy V is assassinated
Egyptian title: Iwaennetjerwymerwyitu Setepptah Userkara Sekhemankhamun; andkhdjet meryptah ("Son of the father-loving gods, Chosen by Ptah, Mighty Ka of Ra, Living power of Amun; may he live forever, beloved of Ptah"; the father-loving gods are Ptolemy IV Philopator and Arsinoe III)
Succeeded by: Ptolemy VI Philometor
Information on the web:
- E.R. Bevan, The House of Ptolemy (1927), chapter 8.